git » chasquid » commit 407f7cf

test: Test monitoring HTTP fetching

author Alberto Bertogli
2018-03-02 15:19:54 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2018-03-02 19:37:37 UTC
parent 83e40da3f6436e7de370423c1a41033f8893ef9f

test: Test monitoring HTTP fetching

This patch adds HTTP fetching to the integration tests.

It checks that the URLs are properly exported and that the server
replies reasonably to them. The contents are saved as they might be
useful as a debugging aid.

They're added to t-09-loop as it already was doing other HTTP fetches,
but the changes are not particularly tied to it.

The content of the pages is not checked yet, that might come in
subsequent patches.

test/t-09-loop/ +11 -0

diff --git a/test/t-09-loop/ b/test/t-09-loop/
index e584549..7e70221 100755
--- a/test/t-09-loop/
+++ b/test/t-09-loop/
@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ wait_until_ready 2025
 run_msmtp aliasB@srv-B < content
+# Get some of the debugging pages, for troubleshooting, and to make sure they
+# work reasonably well.
+wget -q -o /dev/null -O .data-A/dbg-root http://localhost:1099/ \
+	|| fail "failed to fetch /"
+wget -q -o /dev/null -O .data-A/dbg-flags http://localhost:1099/debug/flags \
+	|| fail "failed to fetch /debug/flags"
+wget -q -o /dev/null -O .data-A/dbg-queue http://localhost:1099/debug/queue \
+	|| fail "failed to fetch /debug/queue"
+wget -q -o /dev/null -O .data-A/dbg-root http://localhost:1099/404 \
+	&& fail "fetch /404 worked, should have failed"
 # Wait until one of them has noticed and stopped the loop.
 while sleep 0.1; do
 	wget -q -o /dev/null -O .data-A/vars http://localhost:1099/debug/vars