git » chasquid » commit a0f0930

docker/ Don't crash on updating when there is a single user

author Ernesto Alfonso
2023-10-29 03:28:05 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2023-10-29 22:28:08 UTC
parent 0ce84a3b5d14da831011d0489b5a0f335c562cdc

docker/ Don't crash on updating when there is a single user

When a single dovecot user exists and their password is being updated via
docker/, the `grep -v` command intended to remove the user's
old password will not match any lines and exit with error code 1, causing
the entire script to fail.

This patch fixes it by replacing the if-grep logic with a simpler sed

Amended-by: Alberto Bertogli <>
  Minor edits to the commit message.

docker/ +1 -5

diff --git a/docker/ b/docker/
index b2aedf6..9974b1c 100755
--- a/docker/
+++ b/docker/
@@ -34,11 +34,7 @@ ENCPASS=$(doveadm pw -u "${EMAIL}" -p "${PASSWORD}")
 # Edit dovecot users: remove user if it exits.
 mkdir -p /data/dovecot
 touch /data/dovecot/users
-if grep -q "^${EMAIL}:" /data/dovecot/users; then
-	cp /data/dovecot/users /data/dovecot/users.old
-	grep -v "^${EMAIL}:" /data/dovecot/users.old \
-		> /data/dovecot/users
+sed --in-place=.old "/^${EMAIL}:/d" /data/dovecot/users
 # Edit dovecot users: add user.
 echo "${EMAIL}:${ENCPASS}::::" >> /data/dovecot/users