git » dnss » commit 1cf832b

tests: Create the directory for benchmark results

author Alberto Bertogli
2021-06-07 09:52:34 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2021-06-07 09:52:34 UTC
parent da7faffaa80b25162d131f30182c54e8d64d1c16

tests: Create the directory for benchmark results

If the directory we use to store benchmark results for later comparison
doesn't exist, we need to create it. Otherwise, the run will fail.

A specific behaviour in git status caused this not to be caught before
by the automated tests (where the directory doesn't exist), because the
tree was always accidentally detected as dirty.

tests/bench +1 -0

diff --git a/tests/bench b/tests/bench
index 0d02663..d33ac0b 100755
--- a/tests/bench
+++ b/tests/bench
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ set -e
 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+mkdir -p $BDIR
 # Get a filename based on the current commit.
 function commit_fname() {