git » git-arr » commit e930f9e

route: prepare to fix routing of hierarchical branch names

author Eric Sunshine
2014-12-31 09:50:09 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2015-01-11 21:18:22 UTC
parent 93b161c23ea90f2dd9f7329a1afac51e23ebe3aa

route: prepare to fix routing of hierarchical branch names

Branch names in Git may be hierarchical (for example, "wip/parser/fix"),
however, git-arr does not take this into account in its Bottle routing

Unfortunately, when updated to recognize hierarchical branch names, the
rules become ambiguous in their present order since Bottle matches them
in the order registered. The ambiguity results in incorrect matches. For
instance, branch pages (/r/<repo>/b/<bname>/) are matched before tree
pages (/r/<repo>/b/<bname>/t/), however, when branch names can be
hierarchical, a tree path such as "/r/proj/b/branch/t/" also looks like
a branch named "branch/t", and thus undesirably matches the branch rule
rather than the tree rule. This problem can be resolved by adjusting the
order of rules.

Therefore, re-order the rules from most to least specific as a
preparatory step prior to actually fixing them to accept hierarchical
branch names. This is a purely textual relocation.  No functional
changes intended.

Signed-off-by: Eric Sunshine <>
Signed-off-by: Alberto Bertogli <>

git-arr +20 -20

diff --git a/git-arr b/git-arr
index 95455ec..66b49ba 100755
--- a/git-arr
+++ b/git-arr
@@ -214,13 +214,6 @@ def index():
 def summary(repo):
     return dict(repo = repo)
-def branch(repo, bname, offset = 0):
-    return dict(repo = repo.new_in_branch(bname), offset = offset)
@@ -231,19 +224,6 @@ def commit(repo, cid):
     return dict(repo = repo, c=c)
-def tree(repo, bname, dirname = ''):
-    if dirname and not dirname.endswith('/'):
-        dirname = dirname + '/'
-    dirname = git.smstr.from_url(dirname)
-    r = repo.new_in_branch(bname)
-    return dict(repo = r, tree = r.tree(), dirname = dirname)
@@ -264,6 +244,26 @@ def blob(repo, bname, fname, dirname = ''):
     return dict(repo = r, dirname = dirname, fname = fname, blob = content)
+def tree(repo, bname, dirname = ''):
+    if dirname and not dirname.endswith('/'):
+        dirname = dirname + '/'
+    dirname = git.smstr.from_url(dirname)
+    r = repo.new_in_branch(bname)
+    return dict(repo = r, tree = r.tree(), dirname = dirname)
+def branch(repo, bname, offset = 0):
+    return dict(repo = repo.new_in_branch(bname), offset = offset)
 def static(path):
     return bottle.static_file(path, root = static_path)