git » listen-drop-and-exec » commit ae22025

Initial commit

author Alberto Bertogli
2016-11-30 23:38:37 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2016-11-30 23:38:37 UTC

Initial commit

.gitignore +3 -0
listen-drop-and-exec +129 -0

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5472f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Ignore hidden files, usually they're just temporary.
diff --git a/listen-drop-and-exec b/listen-drop-and-exec
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bfe06bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listen-drop-and-exec
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Helper that opens sockets, drops privileges and then executes a command
+This utility can open TCP or UDP sockets, then drop privileges to the given
+user and group, and finally executing the given command.
+It can be used to run programs that expect systemd (or equivalent) to open
+sockets and drop privileges for them. This can be useful when launching them
+manually, or from init shell scripts.
+The LISTEN_FDS, LISTEN_FDNAMES and LISTEN_PID environment variables will be
+set following systemd's conventions.
+  # listen-drop-and-exec \\
+      --user=nobody --group=nogroup \\
+      --listen_udp=53=dns_on_udp \\
+      --listen_tcp=53=dns_on_tcp --listen_tcp="[::1]:8080=monitoring" \\
+      dns-server --sockets_from_systemd
+# Copyright 2016
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import grp
+import ipaddress
+import os
+import pwd
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+		allow_abbrev=False, description=__doc__,
+		formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+parser.add_argument("--listen_tcp", help="TCP port to listen on",
+		default=[], action="append")
+parser.add_argument("--listen_udp", help="UDP port to listen on",
+		default=[], action="append")
+parser.add_argument("--user", help="user to run the command as")
+parser.add_argument("--group", help="group to run the command as")
+parser.add_argument("command", help="command to run", metavar="COMMAND")
+parser.add_argument("args", help="arguments for the command",
+		nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
+args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
+def is_ipv4(addr):
+	try:
+		return ipaddress.ip_address(addr).version == 4
+	except ValueError:
+		return False
+def is_ipv6(addr):
+	try:
+		return ipaddress.ip_address(addr).version == 6
+	except ValueError:
+		return False
+# Open sockets.
+addrs = ([(socket.SOCK_STREAM, a) for a in args.listen_tcp] +
+		 [(socket.SOCK_DGRAM, a) for a in args.listen_udp])
+socks = []
+for stype, addr in addrs:
+	name = ""
+	if '=' in addr:
+		addr, name = addr.split("=", 1)
+	# addr can be "", "[::1:2]:1111" or just "1111".
+	if ":" in addr:
+		addr = addr.rsplit(":", 1)
+		if '[' in addr[0]:
+			addr[0] = addr[0][1:-1]
+		addr = (addr[0], int(addr[1]))
+	else:
+		addr = ("", int(addr))
+	host = addr[0]
+	if host and is_ipv6(host):
+		s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, stype)
+	elif host and is_ipv4(host):
+		s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET4, stype)
+	else:
+		s = socket.socket(type=stype)
+	s.bind(addr)
+	if stype == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
+		s.listen()
+	socks.append((s, name))
+# Drop privileges.
+if args.user or
+	os.setgroups([])
+	if
+		gid = grp.getgrnam(
+		os.setgid(gid)
+	if args.user:
+		u = pwd.getpwnam(args.user)
+		os.setuid(u.pw_uid)
+		os.environ['USER'] = args.user
+		os.environ['HOME'] = u.pw_dir
+# Prepare environment.
+fds = [s.fileno() for s, _ in socks]
+os.environ['LISTEN_FDS'] = str(len(fds))
+os.environ['LISTEN_FDNAMES'] = ":".join(name for _, name in socks)
+os.environ['LISTEN_PID'] = str(os.getpid())
+for fd in [0, 1, 2] + fds:
+	os.set_inheritable(fd, True)
+# Execute.
+os.execvp(args.command, [args.command] + args.args)