git » msnlib » commit 1ea2ac5

Small updates to msnrc.sample.

author Alberto Bertogli
2005-05-14 03:33:24 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2005-05-14 03:33:24 UTC
parent ec6597b9cc25c6d791bd58b215cf9d3ef291bdf2

Small updates to msnrc.sample.

msnrc.sample +3 -2

diff --git a/msnrc.sample b/msnrc.sample
index f606fc8..e98521e 100644
--- a/msnrc.sample
+++ b/msnrc.sample
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@ log history = yes
 history directory = /home/myself/.msn/history
 # show changes in real nicks
-show nick changes = no
+# the default is no
+show realnick changes = no
 # number of seconds after, if no command was received, we set automatically
 # away. defaults to 0, which disables it.
 auto away = 0
 # initial status when we first connect
-# defaults to online and must be valid, that is, one of online, away, busy,
+# defaults to online and must be valid (that is, one of online, away, busy,
 # and so on)
 initial status = online