git » msnlib » commit 4d5e0cc

Remove trailing whitespaces.

author Alberto Bertogli
2005-04-09 18:50:42 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2005-04-09 18:50:42 UTC
parent 34e8994a7ed1a37e1edd3da8abc2ef8002ee5349

Remove trailing whitespaces.

msn +81 -81 +22 -22 +97 -97

diff --git a/msn b/msn
index 9e64de3..ecf8470 100644
--- a/msn
+++ b/msn
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ gren old new	Renames the group "old" with the name "new"
 color [theme]	Shows or set the color theme to "theme"
 close nick	Closes the switchboard connection with "nick"
 config		Shows the configuration
-info [nick]	Shows the user information and pending messages (if any), 
+info [nick]	Shows the user information and pending messages (if any),
 		or our personal info
 nick newnick	Changes your nick to "newnick"
 privacy p a	Sets whether accept messages from people not on your list (p)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def print_list(md, only_online = 0, userlist = None, include_emails = 0):
 	for email in ul:
 		u = userlist[email]
-		if u.status != 'FLN': 
+		if u.status != 'FLN':
 			hl = 1
 			if only_online:	continue
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def print_grouped_list(md, only_online = 0, include_emails = 0):
 			if 'B' in u.lists:
 def print_user_info(email):
 	"Prints the user information, and pending messages"
 	u = m.users[email]
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ def print_user_info(email):
 	if u.priv.has_key('typing') and u.priv['typing']:
 		out += c.bold + 'Last typing at:\t' + c.normal
 		out += time.asctime(time.localtime(u.priv['typing'])) + '\n'
-	if u.sbd: 
+	if u.sbd:
 		out += c.bold + 'Switchboard:\t' + c.normal + str(u.sbd) + '\n'
 		if u.sbd.msgqueue:
 			out += c.bold + 'Pending messages:' + '\n'
 			for msg in u.sbd.msgqueue:
 				out += c.bold + '\t>>> ' + c.normal + msg + '\n'
 def print_prompt():
 	"Prints the user prompt"
 	safe_write('\r' + + c.bold + '[msn] ' + c.normal)
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ def beep(q = 0):
 	"Beeps unless it's told to be quiet"
 	if not q:
 def safe_flush():
 	"""Safely flushes stdout. It fixes a strange issue with flush and
@@ -446,16 +446,16 @@ def get_config(file):
 def null(s):
 	"Null function, useful to void debug ones"
 def log_msg(email, type, msg, mtime = 0, users = []):
 	"""Logs the message or event of the 'type', related to 'email',
 	with the content 'msg', to a file in the specified directory.  See
 	documentation for more specific details, specially about
 	if not config['log history']:
 	if config['profile']:
 		prepend = config['profile'] + '::'
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ def log_msg(email, type, msg, mtime = 0, users = []):
 		out += '*** ' + msg + '\n'
 	elif type == 'multi':
 		out += '+++ ' + msg + '\n'
 	fd = open(file, 'a')
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ matchm_root = ''
 matchp_status = 0
 matchp_root = ''
-# input history buffer, to store previous commands. 
+# input history buffer, to store previous commands.
 # we use a list [buffer, pointer] to avoid namespace pollution
 inbuf_history = [[], -1]
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ def stdin_read():
 		printl(out + '\n',, 1)
 	in_esc = 0
 	input =
@@ -622,14 +622,14 @@ def stdin_read():
 			inbuf_history[1] = len(inbuf_history[0]) - 1 # moves the pointer
 			start_from = 0 		# reset tab completion
 			tmpbuf = inbuf
 			inbuf = ''
 			out = parse_cmd(tmpbuf)
 			printl(out + '\n',, 1)
 		elif char == '\b' or ord(char) == 127:		# ^H / DEL
 			inbuf = inbuf[:-2]
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ def stdin_read():
 		elif ord(char) == 21:				# ^U
 			inbuf = ''
 		elif char == '\t':				# tab
 			p = inbuf.split()
@@ -761,12 +761,12 @@ def stdin_read():
 						inbuf = inbuf + pi + ' '
 		elif ord(char) == 4:				# EOT
 			out = parse_cmd('')
 			printl(out + '\n',, 1)
 		elif ord(char) == 27:				# ESC
 			# we use in_esc for escape secuenses (composed of
 			# ESC + '[' + LETTER). 1 means got ESC, 2 means got
@@ -774,11 +774,11 @@ def stdin_read():
 			# generic handling
 			in_esc = 1
 			inbuf = inbuf[:-1]
 		elif ord(char) < 32:				# unhandled control
 			msnlib.debug('Got weird char: %d' % ord(char))
 		else:						# normal
 			if not in_esc:
@@ -859,14 +859,14 @@ def clear_line():
 def parse_cmd(cmd):
 	"""Parses the commands introduced by the user. It's pretty long and
 	boring, as expected."""
 	global c, last_sent, last_received	# ugly but necesary
 	if len(cmd) == 0:
 	elif len(cmd) == 1:
 		return ''
 	# cut trailing newline and clean up
 	if cmd[-1] == '\n':
 		cmd = cmd[:-1]
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 		if not cmd: return ''
 		cmd = s[0]
 		params = ''
 	# parse
 	if   cmd == 'status': 		# change status
@@ -893,32 +893,32 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			out += '\tonline, away, busy, brb, phone, lunch, invisible or idle'
 			return out
 		return 'Status changed to: %s' % params
 	elif cmd == 'q':		# quit
 	elif cmd == 'reload':		# reload callbacks
 		m.cb = msncb.cb()
 	elif cmd == 'w':		# list
 	elif cmd == 'ww':		# list, include emails
 		print_grouped_list(m, include_emails = 1)
 	elif cmd == 'wr':		# reverse list
 		print_list(m, userlist = m.reverse, include_emails = 1)
 	elif cmd == 'e':		# list (online only)
 		print_list(m, only_online = 1)
 	elif cmd == 'eg':
 		print_grouped_list(m, only_online = 1)
 	elif cmd == 'ee':
 		print_grouped_list(m, only_online = 1, include_emails = 1)
 	elif cmd == 'g':		# list groups
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			return 'Error parsing command'
 		m._send(cmd, pars)
 	elif cmd == 'debug':		# enable/disable debugging
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 1:
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			return 'Debugging enabled'
 			return 'Unknown parameter - must be "on" or "off"'
 	elif cmd == 'config':		# show config variables
 		keys = config.keys()
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			printl(c.bold + var + ' = ' + c.normal + value + '\n')
 		printl(c.bold + 'use_termios = ' + str(use_termios) + '\n')
 		printl(c.bold + 'screensize = ' + str(winsize) + '\n')
 	elif cmd == 'color':		# configure/show colors
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 1:
@@ -968,23 +968,23 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			c = color_classes[p[0]]()
 			return "Changed theme to " + p[0]
 	elif cmd == 'close':		# close a connection
 		p = params.split()
-		if len(p) != 1: 
+		if len(p) != 1:
 			return 'Error parsing command'
 		email = nick2email(p[0])
-		if not email: 
+		if not email:
 			return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0]
 		if not m.users[email].sbd:
 			return 'No socket opened for %s' % p[0]
 		desc = str(m.users[email].sbd)
 		return 'Closed socket %s' % desc
 	elif cmd == 'privacy':		# set privacy mode
 		p = params.split()
-		if len(p) != 2: 
+		if len(p) != 2:
 			return 'Error parsing command'
 			public = int(p[0])
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			return 'Error: both parameters must be 1 or 0'
 		m.privacy(public, auth)
 	elif cmd == 'lignore':		# ignore a user locally
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) == 0:
@@ -1005,21 +1005,21 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 		email = nick2email(p[0])
 		if not email:
 			return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0]
-		if email in ignored: 
+		if email in ignored:
 			return 'User is already being locally ignored'
 		return 'User is now being locally ignored'
 	elif cmd == 'lunignore':	# unignore a locally ignored user
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) == 0:
 			return 'Error parsing command'
 		email = nick2email(p[0])
 		if email not in ignored:
-			return 'User is not being locally ignored' 
+			return 'User is not being locally ignored'
 		return 'User is no longer locally ignored'
 	elif cmd == 'block':
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) == 0:
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0]
 		return 'User %s blocked' % email
 	elif cmd == 'unblock':
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) == 0:
@@ -1039,15 +1039,15 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0]
 		return 'User %s unblocked' % email
 	elif cmd == 'add':		# add a user
 		p = params.split()
-		if   len(p) == 0: 
+		if   len(p) == 0:
 			return 'Error parsing command'
-		elif len(p) == 1: 
+		elif len(p) == 1:
 			email = nick = p[0]
 			gid = '0'
-		elif len(p) == 2: 
+		elif len(p) == 2:
 			email = p[0]
 			nick = p[1]
 			gid = '0'
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			if gid not in m.groups.keys():
 				return 'Unknown group'
 		m.useradd(email, nick, gid)
 	elif cmd == 'del':		# delete a user
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command'
@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 		if not email:
 			return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0]
 	elif cmd == 'ren':		# rename a user
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 2: return 'Error parsing command'
@@ -1079,12 +1079,12 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 		u = m.users[email]
 		m.useradd(email, newnick, u.gid)
 	elif cmd == 'gadd':		# add a group
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command'
 	elif cmd == 'gdel':		# delete a group
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command'
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 				printl('User %s (%s) will be deleted\n' % \
 					(u.nick, e), bold = 1)
 	elif cmd == 'gren':		# rename a group
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 2: return 'Error parsing command'
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 		if gid not in m.groups.keys():
 			return 'Unknown group'
 		m.groupren(gid, newname)
 	elif cmd == 'invite':		# invite a user to an existing sbd
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 3: return 'Error parsing command'
@@ -1126,12 +1126,12 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 		if not dst_sbd:
 			return 'No current chat with user %s' % dst
 		m.invite(email, dst_sbd)
 	elif cmd == 'nick':		# change our nick
 		if len(params) < 1: return 'Error parsing command'
 		nick = params
 	elif cmd == 'info':		# user info
 		p = params.split()
 		if len(p) != 1:
@@ -1156,10 +1156,10 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			if not email:
 				return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % str(p[0])
 	elif cmd == 'sync':		# manual sync
 	elif cmd == 'h':		# show history
 		printl('Incoming Message History (last %d messages)\n' \
 			% config['history size'],, 1)
@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			return 'Unable to send message: User is offline'
 		if (m.status == 'FLN' or m.status == 'HDN') and not m.users[email].sbd:
 			return 'Unable to send message: Not allowed when offline'
 		r = m.sendmsg(email, msg)
 		last_sent = email
 		if r == 1:
@@ -1214,12 +1214,12 @@ def parse_cmd(cmd):
 			return 'Message too big'
 			return 'Error %d sending message' % r
 	elif cmd == 'help' or cmd == '?':
 		return help
 		return 'Unknown command, type "help" for help'
 	return ''
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ def cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 	global last_received
 	t = tid.split(' ')
 	email = t[0]
 	# parse
 	lines = params.split('\n')
 	headers = {}
@@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@ def cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 		headers[type] = value
 		eoh += 1
 	eoh +=1
 	# handle special hotmail messages
 	if email == 'Hotmail':
 		if not headers.has_key('Content-Type'):
 		hotmail_info = {}
 		# parse the body
 		for i in lines:
 			i = i.strip()
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ def cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 			type = tv[0]
 			value = tv[1].strip()
 			hotmail_info[type] = value
 		if headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/x-msmsgsinitialemailnotification; charset=UTF-8':
 			newmsgs = int(hotmail_info['Inbox-Unread'])
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ def cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd):, 1)
 			printl('\r\tSubject: %s\n' % subject,, 1)
 	if headers.has_key('Content-Type') and headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/x-msmsgscontrol':
 		# the typing notices
 		nick = email2nick(email)
@@ -1380,10 +1380,10 @@ def cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 			log_msg(email, 'in', string.join(lines[eoh:], '\n'))
 		# append the message to the history, keeping it below the configured limit
-		if len(history_ring) > config['history size']: 
+		if len(history_ring) > config['history size']:
 		history_ring.append((time.time(), email, lines[eoh:]))
 	last_received = email
 	msncb.cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd)
 m.cb.msg = cb_msg
@@ -1415,7 +1415,7 @@ def cb_iro(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 	uid, ucount, email, realnick = p
 	nick = email2nick(email)
 	if not nick: nick = email
 	if ucount == '1':
 		# do nothing if we only have one participant
@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ def cb_err(md, errno, params):
 	msncb.cb_err(md, errno, params)
 m.cb.err = cb_err
 # users add, delete and modify
 def cb_add(md, type, tid, params):
 	t = params.split(' ')
@@ -1547,9 +1547,9 @@ if not config:
 config['profile'] = profile
 # set the mandatory values
-if config.has_key('email'): 
+if config.has_key('email'): = config['email']
 	perror('Error: email not specified in config file\n')
@@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ else:
 # and the optional ones, setting the defaults if not present
 # history size
-if not config.has_key('history size'): 
+if not config.has_key('history size'):
 	config['history size'] = 10
@@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@ else:
 		config['input history size'] = 10
 # initial status
-if not config.has_key('initial status'): 
+if not config.has_key('initial status'):
 	config['initial status'] = 'online'
 elif config['initial status'] not in msnlib.status_table.keys():
 	perror('unknown initial status, using default\n')
@@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ if not config.has_key('encoding'):
 		config['encoding'] = os.environ['LC_ALL']
 	elif os.environ.has_key('LANG') and os.environ['LANG']:
 		config['encoding'] = os.environ['LANG']
-	else:	
+	else:
 		config['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
 m.encoding = config['encoding']
@@ -1708,14 +1708,14 @@ while 1:
 		fds =, outfd, [], timeout)
 	except KeyboardInterrupt:
 	if timeout and len(fds[0] + fds[1]) == 0:
 		# timeout, set auto away
 		if m.status == 'NLN':
 			auto_away = 1
 			printl('\rAutomatically changing status to away\n',, 1)
 	for i in fds[0] + fds[1]:		# see msnlib.msnd.pollable.__doc__
 		if i == sys.stdin:
 			# auto away revival
@@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@ while 1:
 				# see if we got all the user list, so we can
 				# change our initial status (doing it earlier
 				# as we used to seems to break things for some
@@ -1741,8 +1741,8 @@ while 1:
 						perror('\rError setting status: unknown status %s\n' % config['initial status'])
 			except ('SocketError', socket.error), err:
 				if i != m:
 					if i.msgqueue:
diff --git a/ b/
index a05047a..0839e9b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class cb:
 		self.bye = cb_bye	# switchboard user disconnect
 error_table = {
 	-10: 'Local error',
 	200: 'Syntax error',
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def cb_unk(md, type, tid, params):
 	debug('Error! unknown event type "%s"' % type)
 	debug('params: ' + str(params))
 def cb_chl(md, type, tid, params):
 	"Handles the challenges"
 	if type != 'CHL': raise 'CallbackMess', (md, type, params)
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def cb_ign(md, type, tid, params, nd = None):
 def cb_out(md, type, tid, params):
 	"Server disconnected us"
 	debug('!!! Server closed the connection: ' + params)
 def cb_iln(md, type, tid, params):
 	"Handles a friend status change"
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def cb_nln(md, type, tid, params):
 	email = t[0]
 	if len(t) > 1: nick = urllib.unquote(t[1])
 	else: nick = ''
 	md.users[email].status = status
 	md.users[email].realnick = nick
 	debug('FRIEND %s (%s) changed status to :%s:' % (nick, email, status))
@@ -222,15 +222,15 @@ def cb_syn(md, type, tid, params):
 	t = params.split()
 	if len(t) != 3:
 		raise "SYNError"
 	lver = int(t[0])
 	total = int(t[1])
 	ngroups = int(t[2])
 	md.syn_lver = lver
 	md.syn_total = total
 	md.syn_ngroups = ngroups
 def cb_lst(md, type, tid, params):
 	p = params.split(' ')
@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@ def cb_lst(md, type, tid, params):
 		groups = p[2]
 		groups = '0'
 	# we only use one main group id
 	gid = groups.split(',')[0]
 	if email in md.users.keys():
 		user = md.users[email]
 		user = msnlib.user(email, nick, gid)
 	# the list mask is a bitmask, composed of:
 	# FL: 1
 	# AL: 2
@@ -260,22 +260,22 @@ def cb_lst(md, type, tid, params):
 	if listmask & 1:
 		md.users[email] = user
 	# in reverse
 	if listmask & 8:
 		md.reverse[email] = user
 	# in allow
 	if listmask & 2:
 	# in block
 	if listmask & 4:
 	md.lst_total += 1
 	# save in the global last_lst the email, because BPRs might need it
 	md._last_lst = email
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ def cb_prp(md, type, tid, params):
 	type = t[0]
 	if len(t) > 1: param = urllib.unquote(t[1])
 	else: param = ''
 	if   type == 'PHH': md.homep = param
 	elif type == 'PHW': md.workp = param
 	elif type == 'PHM': md.mobilep = param
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ def cb_prp(md, type, tid, params):
 def cb_add(md, type, tid, params):
-	"Handles a user add; both you adding a user and a user adding you" 
+	"Handles a user add; both you adding a user and a user adding you"
 	t = params.split(' ')
 	type = t[0]
 	if type == 'RL':
@@ -387,14 +387,14 @@ def cb_rng(md, type, tid, params):
 	port = int(port)
 	hash = t[2]
 	email = t[3]
 	fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 	# we set the socket nonblocking so we don't block (duh!) on connect();
 	# it will be picked up later from the select loop and handled via the
 	# main read() call, which you will have to see to find out the rest.
 	fd.connect_ex((ip, port))
 	sbd = msnlib.sbd()
 	sbd.fd = fd
 	sbd.block = 0
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ def cb_xfr(md, type, tid, params):
 	fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 	fd.setblocking(0)		# see cb_rng
 	fd.connect_ex((ip, port))
 	# look for the sbd, matching the tid
 	sbd = None
 	for i in md.sb_fds:
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ def cb_xfr(md, type, tid, params):
 	if not sbd:
 		debug('AIEEE: XFR without sbd!')
 		raise 'XFRError', (type, tid, params)
 	sbd.fd = fd
 	sbd.block = 0
 	sbd.state = 'cp'
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ def cb_ack(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 def cb_nak(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 	"Get a message negative acknowledge"
 	debug('NAK: tid:%s' % tid)
 def cb_bye(md, type, tid, params, sbd):
 	"Handles a user sb disconnect"
diff --git a/ b/
index 1bedaac..9339894 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class user:
 		self.sbd = None
 		self.priv = {}
 		self.lists = []
 	def __repr__(self):
 		return '<user email:%s nick:"%s" gid:%s>' % (,
 				self.nick, self.gid)
@@ -73,18 +73,18 @@ class sbd:
 	"""SwitchBoard Descriptor
 	Used as a pseudo-fd to store per-switchboard connection information.
 	The state is either one of (too many):
 	cp	connect pending (just came from rng)
 	re	ready (just came from connect)
 	an	waiting for answer reply
 	xf	waiting for xfr response (not even connected yet)
 	us	waiting for usr response
 	ca	waiting for cal response
 	jo	waiting for a join response
 	es	established (waiting in boredom)
 	You will find more information in the doc directory.
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ class sbd:
 					# unique for consistency
 		self.block = 1		# blocking state
 		self.orig_tid = None	# tid of the original XFR
 	def __repr__(self):
 		return '<sbd: emails:%s state:%s fd:%d endpoint:%s>' % \
 			(str(self.emails), self.state, \
 			self.fileno(), self.endpoint)
 	def fileno(self):
 		return self.fd.fileno()
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ class sbd:
 		self.tid = self.tid + 1
 		return str(self.tid - 1)
 class msnd:
 	"""MSN Descriptor
 	This is the main and most important class; it represents a msn
 	It's, afaik, nonblocking (not through setblocking() but mainly because
 	it forces a select() i/o model (which you would probably have used
 	anyway, unless you think async/signal io worths the mess for a stupid
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ class msnd:
 	always succed. Note that we sanely assume that writes do not block.
 	Yes yes, you can use poll() too =)
 	The only blocking call is the login() which is in charge of doing the
 	initial connection and setup, all the rest are cpu bound.
 	Once you have created an instance you should assign an email and a
 	password at least, then do the login and i recommend you to call sync
 	after that (and everyonce in a while doesn't hurt either). Finally you
@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ class msnd:
 	that should have come with this file; also the callback file has good
 	working code.
 	def __init__(self):
 		self.fd = None			# socket fd
 		self.sb_fds = []		# switchboard fds
 		self.tid = 1			# transaction id
+ = None		# login email
 		self.pwd = None			# login pwd
 		self.nick = None		# nick
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class msnd:
 		self.status = 'FLN'		# status
 		self.encoding = 'iso-8859-1'	# local encoding
 		self.lhost = LOGIN_HOST
 		self.lport = LOGIN_PORT
 		self.ns = (None, None)		# notification server
@@ -180,18 +180,18 @@ class msnd:
 		self.syn_ngroups = 0		# qty. of groups from SYN
 		self.lst_total = 0		# qty. of LSTs got
 		self.cb = None			# callbacks
 		self.users = {}			# forward user list
 		self.reverse = {}		# reverse user list
 		self.groups = {}		# group list
 	def __repr__(self):
 		return '<msnd object, fd:%s, email:%s, tid:%s>' % (self.fd,, self.tid)
 	def fileno(self):
 		"Useful for select()"
 		return self.fd.fileno()
@@ -210,24 +210,24 @@ class msnd:
 			return s
 	def pollable(self):
 		"""Return a pair of lists of poll()/select()ables network
 		descriptors (ie. they are not fds, but actually classes that
 		implement fileno() methods, like this one and the sbd). We do
 		it this way because then it's simpler to read().
 		The reason behind the tuple is that for connect-pending fds we
 		need to wait for writing readiness, so we must tell the
 		userspace so. Notice that it still goes with the read() path.
 		Yes, it is a mess but i couldn't find anything better yet. It
 		works, it's efficient; let's pretend it's correct =)
 		It includes the main file descriptor, and all the switchboards
 		connections; then you call on what this returns,
 		and magic happens."""
 		iwtd = []
 		owtd = []
@@ -240,18 +240,18 @@ class msnd:
 			else:			# readable!
 		return (iwtd, owtd)
 	def get_tid(self):
 		"Returns a valid tid as string"
 		self.tid = self.tid + 1
 		return str(self.tid - 1)
 	def _send(self, cmd, params = '', nd = None, raw = 0):
 		"""Sends a command to the server, building it first as a
 		string; uses, if specified, the pseudo fd (it can be either
-		msnd or sbd).""" 
+		msnd or sbd)."""
 		if not nd:
 			nd = self
 		tid = nd.get_tid()
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ class msnd:
 			c = c + '\r\n'
 		c = self.encode(c)
 		return fd.send(c)
 	def _recv(self, fd = None):
 		"Reads a command from the server, returns (cmd, tid, params)"
 		if not fd:
@@ -275,15 +275,15 @@ class msnd:
 		while c != '\n' and c != '':
 			buf = buf + c
 			c = fd.recv(1)
 		if c == '':
 			raise 'SocketError'
 		buf = buf.strip()
 		pbuf = buf.split(' ')
 		cmd = pbuf[0]
 		# it's possible that we don't have any params (errors being
 		# the most common) so we cover our backs
 		if len(pbuf) >= 3:
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ class msnd:
 			tid = '0'
 			params = ''
 		debug(str(fd.fileno()) + ' <<< ' + buf)
 		return (cmd, tid, params)
 	def _recvmsg(self, msglen, fd = None):
 		"Read a message from the server, returns it"
 		if not fd:
@@ -311,10 +311,10 @@ class msnd:
 			#debug(str(fd.fileno()) + ' <<< ' + buf)
 			buf = buf + c
 			left = left - len(c)
 		return self.decode(buf)
 	def submit_sbd(self, sbd):
 		"""Submits a switchboard descriptor to add to our list; it is
 		also put on our global list.
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class msnd:
 		Note that if there is no such user, we create it in order to
 		be able to do operations on users that are not in our server
 		email = sbd.emails[0]
 		if email not in self.users.keys():
@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@ class msnd:
 		self.users[email].sbd = sbd
 	def change_status(self, st):
 		"""Changes the current status to: online, away, busy, brb,
 		phone, lunch, invisible, idle, offline"""
@@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ class msnd:
 		self.status = status_table[st]
 		self._send('CHG', self.status)
 		return 1
 	def privacy(self, public = 1, auth = 0):
 		"""Sets our privacy state. First parameter define if you get
 		messages from everybody or only from people on your list; the
@@ -354,22 +354,22 @@ class msnd:
 		if auth:	self._send('GTC', 'A')	# ask for auth
 		else:		self._send('GTC', 'N')	# let them add you
 		return 1
 	def change_nick(self, nick):
 		"Changes our nick"
 		nick = urllib.quote(nick)
 		self._send('REA', + ' ' + nick)
 		return 1
 	def sync(self):
 		"Syncronizes the tables"
 		self._send('SYN', '0')
 		return 1
 	def useradd(self, email, nick = None, gid = '0'):
 		"Adds a user"
@@ -378,37 +378,37 @@ class msnd:
 		self._send('ADD', 'AL ' + email + ' ' + nick)
 		self._send('ADD', 'FL ' + email + ' ' + nick + ' ' + gid)
 		return 1
 	def userdel(self, email):
 		"Removes a user"
 		self._send('REM', 'AL ' + email)
 		self._send('REM', 'FL ' + email)
 		return 1
 	def userblock(self, email):
 		self._send('REM', 'AL ' + email)
 		self._send('ADD', 'BL ' + email + ' ' + email)
 		if 'B' not in self.users[email].lists:
 	def userunblock(self, email):
 		self._send('REM', 'BL ' + email)
 		self._send('ADD', 'AL ' + email + ' ' + email)
 		if 'B' in self.users[email].lists:
 	def groupadd(self, name):
 		"Adds a group"
 		name = urllib.quote(name)
 		self._send('ADG', name + ' 0')
 		return 1
 	def groupdel(self, gid):
 		"Removes a group"
 		self._send('RMG', gid)
 		return 1
 	def groupren(self, gid, newname):
 		newname = urllib.quote(newname)
 		self._send('REG', gid + ' ' + newname)
@@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ class msnd:
 		"Disconnect from the server"
 	def close(self, sb):
 		"Closes a given sbd"
@@ -430,30 +430,30 @@ class msnd:
 	def invite(self, email, sbd):
 		"Invites a user into an existing sbd"
 		self._send('CAL', email, nd = sbd)
 	def login(self):
 		"Logins to the server, really boring"
 		# open socket
 		self.fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 		self.fd.connect((self.lhost, self.lport))
 		# version information
 		self._send('VER', 'MSNP8 CVR0')
 		r = self._recv()
 		if r[0] != 'VER' and r[2][0:4] != 'MSNP8':
 			raise 'VersionError', r
 		# lie the version, just in case
 		self._send('CVR', '0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0544 MSMSGS ' +
 		self._recv()	# we just don't care what we get
 		# ask for notification server
 		self._send('USR', 'TWN I ' +
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ class msnd:
 		self.ns = ns.split(':')
 		self.ns[1] = int(self.ns[1])
 		self.ns = tuple(self.ns)
 		# close the fd and reopen it on the ns
 		self.fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
@@ -477,19 +477,19 @@ class msnd:
 		r = self._recv()
 		if r[0] != 'VER' and r[2][0:4] != 'MSNP8':
 			raise 'VersionError', r
 		# lie the version, just in case
 		self._send('CVR', '0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0544 MSMSGS	' +
 		self._recv()	# we just don't care what we get
 		# auth: send user, get hash
 		self._send('USR', 'TWN I ' +
 		r = self._recv()
 		if r[0] != 'USR':
 			raise 'AuthError', r
 		hash = string.split(r[2])[2]
 		# get and use the passport id
 		passportid = self.passport_auth(hash)
 		self._send('USR', 'TWN S ' + passportid)
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ class msnd:
 			raise 'AuthError', r
 		self.nick = string.split(r[2])[2]
 		self.nick = urllib.unquote(self.nick)
 		return 1
@@ -508,23 +508,23 @@ class msnd:
 		authorization; it's a helper function for login"""
 		import urllib
 		import httplib
 		# initial connection
 		debug('PASSPORT begin')
 		nexus = urllib.urlopen('')
 		h = nexus.headers
 		purl = h['PassportURLs']
 		# parse the info
 		d = {}
 		for i in purl.split(','):
 		        key, val = i.split('=', 1)
 			d[key] = val
 		# get the login server
 		login_server = 'https://' + d['DALogin']
 		login_host = d['DALogin'].split('/')[0]
 		# build the authentication headers
 		ahead =  'Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET'
 		ahead += ',OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom'
@@ -534,16 +534,16 @@ class msnd:
 		ahead += 'ru=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,ct=1062764229,'
 		ahead += 'kpp=1,kv=5,ver=2.1.0173.1,tpf=' + hash
 		headers = { 'Authorization': ahead }
 		# connect to the given server
 		debug('SSL Connect to %s' % login_server)
 		ls = httplib.HTTPSConnection(login_host)
 		# make the request
 		debug('SSL GET')
 		ls.request('GET', login_server, '', headers)
 		resp = ls.getresponse()
 		# loop if we get redirects until we get a definitive answer
 		debug('SSL Response %d' % resp.status)
 		while resp.status == 302:
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ class msnd:
 			ls.request('GET', login_server, '', headers)
 			resp = ls.getresponse()
 			debug('SSL Response %d' % resp.status)
 		# now we have a definitive answer, if it's not 200 (success)
 		# just raise AuthError
 		if resp.status != 200:
@@ -569,12 +569,12 @@ class msnd:
 			ainfo = resp.getheader('Authentication-Info')
 			ainfo = resp.getheader('WWW-Authenticate')
 		d = {}
 		for i in ainfo.split(','):
 			key, val = i.split('=', 1)
 			d[key] = val
 		passportid = d['from-PP']
 		passportid = passportid[1:-1]		# remove the "'"
 		return passportid
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ class msnd:
 		if not nd:
 			nd = self
 		# handle different stages of switchboard initialization
 		if nd in self.sb_fds:
 			# connect pending
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ class msnd:
 				nd.block = 1
 				nd.state = 're'
 			# need to send the answer to the remote invitation
 			if nd.type == 'answer' and nd.state == 're':
 				params = + ' ' + nd.hash + ' ' + \
@@ -613,9 +613,9 @@ class msnd:
 				self._send('USR', params, nd)
 				nd.state = 'us'
 		r = self._recv(nd.fd)
 		type = r[0]
 		tid = r[1]
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ class msnd:
 		elif type == 'RMG': self.cb.rmg(self, type, tid, params)
 		elif type == 'REG': self.cb.reg(self, type, tid, params)
 		elif type == 'RNG': self.cb.rng(self, type, tid, params)
 		elif type == 'IRO': self.cb.iro(self, type, tid, params, nd)
 		elif type == 'ANS': self.cb.ans(self, type, tid, params, nd)
 		elif type == 'XFR': self.cb.xfr(self, type, tid, params)
@@ -654,20 +654,20 @@ class msnd:
 		elif type == 'NAK': self.cb.nak(self, type, tid, params, nd)
 		elif type == 'BYE': self.cb.bye(self, type, tid, params, nd)
 		elif type == 'MSG':
 			params = tid + ' ' + params
 			mlen = int(r[2].split()[-1])
 			msg = self._recvmsg(mlen, nd.fd)
 			self.cb.msg(self, type, params, msg, nd)
 			# catch server errors - always numeric type
 				errno = int(type)
 				errno = None
 			if errno:
 				self.cb.err(self, errno, \
 					str(tid) + ' ' + str(params))
@@ -692,13 +692,13 @@ class msnd:
 		if email and email not in self.users.keys():
 			self.users[email] = user(email)
 		if len(msg) > 1500:
 			return -2
 		if not sb:
 			sb = self.users[email].sbd
 		# we don't have a connection
 		if not sb:
 			sb = sbd()
@@ -714,12 +714,12 @@ class msnd:
 			sb.orig_tid = str(self.tid)
 			self._send('XFR', 'SB')
 			return 1
 		# it's not ready yet
 		elif sb.state != 'es':
 			return 1
 		# no more excuses, send it
 			# we make a list with all the messages to send
@@ -736,8 +736,8 @@ class msnd:
 				params = 'A ' + str(msize) + '\r\n' + m
 				self._send('MSG', params, sb, raw = 1)
 			return 2