git » msnlib » commit 5c9094c

Rename "show nick changes" to "show realnick changes".

author Alberto Bertogli
2005-05-14 03:36:31 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2005-05-14 03:36:31 UTC
parent 1ea2ac58d2d3b7f2de327c5b6a5409ee3d324a4a

Rename "show nick changes" to "show realnick changes".

msn +8 -8

diff --git a/msn b/msn
index 8356703..60e578d 100644
--- a/msn
+++ b/msn
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ def cb_iln(md, type, tid, params):
 	printl(' is ', c.magenta)
 	printl('%s' % status, c.magenta, 1)
 	log_msg(email, 'status', status)
-	if config["show nick changes"]:
+	if config["show realnick changes"]:
 		printl(' with realnick ', c.magenta)
 		printl('%s' % rnick, c.magenta, 1)
 		log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick)
@@ -1288,14 +1288,14 @@ def cb_nln(md, type, tid, params):
 		printl('%s' % status, c.magenta, 1)
 		log_msg(email, 'status', status)
 		# if we don't know the realnick yet, include it in the same line
-		if not realnick and config["show nick changes"]:
+		if not realnick and config["show realnick changes"]:
 			printl(' with realnick ', c.magenta)
 			printl('%s' % rnick, c.magenta, 1)
 			log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick)
 	if realnick and rnick and realnick != rnick \
-			and config["show nick changes"]:
+			and config["show realnick changes"]:
 		printl("\r%s " % ctime,
 		printl(nick,, 1)
 		printl(' changed the realnick to ', c.magenta)
@@ -1674,11 +1674,11 @@ elif config['log history'] != 'yes':
 if not config.has_key('history directory'):
 	config['history directory'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.msn/history'
-# show nick changes
-if not config.has_key('show nick changes'):
-	config['show nick changes'] = 0
-elif config['show nick changes'] != 'yes':
-	config['show nick changes'] = 0
+# show realnick changes
+if not config.has_key('show realnick changes'):
+	config['show realnick changes'] = 0
+elif config['show realnick changes'] != 'yes':
+	config['show realnick changes'] = 0
 # auto away time
 if not config.has_key('auto away'):