git » nmdb » commit 4f8a300

Fix wording in nmdb_cas()' documentation.

author Alberto Bertogli
2007-08-28 06:27:17 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2007-08-28 06:27:17 UTC
parent 19b636acf5e5c85fdbcd2fb435f14221f69d9bf5

Fix wording in nmdb_cas()' documentation.

Signed-off-by: Alberto Bertogli <>

libnmdb/libnmdb.3 +1 -1

diff --git a/libnmdb/libnmdb.3 b/libnmdb/libnmdb.3
index 7e94acf..6d23c50 100644
--- a/libnmdb/libnmdb.3
+++ b/libnmdb/libnmdb.3
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ was not in the database/cache, or < 0 on failure.
 is used to compare-and-swap a key's value. It takes an old value to compare
 with the one in the database, and if they match, it sets the key to the given
 new value. Returns 2 if the swap was performed, 1 if the values didn't match,
-0 if the key was not on in the database/cache, and < 0 on failure.
+0 if the key was not on in the database/cache, or < 0 on failure.
 .BR nmdb_incr ()
 is used to atomically increment (or decrement) a key's value. It takes a 64