git » nmdb » commit b5fb96f

Add scripts for automated performance testing

author Alberto Bertogli
2008-07-25 23:43:25 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2008-07-25 23:47:53 UTC
parent 8d70b173ff7cbd288917087f1410d96f4dcb8c35

Add scripts for automated performance testing

This patch introduces two new scripts inside tests/perf: and They depend on being used in a git repository. can run the C tests with different parameters and graph the
results. The results will be named after the current git commit. A single
run takes about 9 minutes on an Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 (3.0Ghz). can aggregate the results of the runs across different
commits, creating comparative graphs.

Together, they can be used to track performance regressions in the common

Signed-off-by: Alberto Bertogli <>

.gitignore +6 -3
tests/perf/ +126 -0
tests/perf/ +211 -0

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ec7d37f..1e72e7b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@
 # *~
diff --git a/tests/perf/ b/tests/perf/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0ad9320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Automated nmdb performance test - aggregated graphics
+# Should be ran from somewhere inside the git repository
+TIMES=5000	# Times parameter used for the tests
+set -e
+# aggregate the results prepending the version, but we need a table because
+# gnuplot doesn't like strings as values
+cd `git rev-parse --show-cdup`
+cd tests/perf/out
+mkdir -p ../ag-data
+rm -f ../ag-data/*
+declare -a COMMITS
+for i in *; do
+	COMMITS[$N]=$i
+	for f in 2-tipc-cache.out 3-tipc-cache.out; do
+		while read L; do
+			if [ "$L" != "" ]; then
+				echo $N $L >> ../ag-data/$f
+			else
+				# preserve data set delimiters for gnuplot
+				echo >> ../ag-data/$f
+			fi
+		done < $i/$f
+	done
+	N=$[ $N + 1 ]
+# write the gnuplot script
+cd `git rev-parse --show-cdup`
+cd tests/perf
+mkdir -p graph
+# 2-tipc-cache (3d)
+cat > graph/ <<EOF
+#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
+set terminal png size 1280,1024 enhanced
+set title "all versions, test 2, tipc"
+set ticslevel 0
+set output "$DST/3D-2-cache.png"
+set xtics axis offset -8 ( \\
+for c in ${COMMITS[@]}; do
+	echo "\"$c\" $N, \\" >> graph/
+	N=$[ $N + 1 ]
+cat >> graph/ <<EOF
+	"" $N)
+set xlabel "commit" offset 3
+set ylabel "key/value size"
+set zlabel "ops/seg"
+splot \
+	'ag-data/2-tipc-cache.out' using \
+		1:(\$2 * 2):($TIMES / (\$3 / 1000000.0)) \
+		with linespoints title "cache get"
+# 2-tipc-cache (2d)
+cat >> graph/ <<EOF
+set output "$DST/2D-2-cache.png"
+set title "all versions, test 2, tipc"
+unset xtics
+set xtics autofreq
+set xlabel "key/value size"
+set ylabel "ops/seg"
+plot \\
+for c in ${COMMITS[@]}; do
+cat >> graph/ <<EOF
+	'out/$c/2-tipc-cache.out' \\
+		using (\$1 * 2):($TIMES / (\$2 / 1000000.0)) \\
+		with linespoints title "cache get $c", \\
+cat >> graph/ <<EOF
+	0 notitle
+# 3-tipc-cache (2d)
+cat >> graph/ <<EOF
+set output "$DST/2D-3-cache.png"
+set title "all versions, test 3, tipc"
+unset xtics
+set xtics autofreq
+set xlabel "key+value size"
+set ylabel "(get+set+del)/seg"
+plot \\
+for c in ${COMMITS[@]}; do
+cat >> graph/ <<EOF
+	'out/$c/3-tipc-cache.out' \\
+		using (\$1 * 2):($TIMES / (\$2 / 1000000.0)) \\
+		with linespoints title "cache $c", \\
+cat >> graph/ <<EOF
+	0 notitle
+chmod +x graph/
+rm ./graph/
+cd - > /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/perf/ b/tests/perf/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4824abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Automated nmdb performance test
+# Should be ran from somewhere inside the git repository
+COUNT=2		# How many times we should repeat the test
+TIMES=5000	# Times parameter for the tests
+set -e
+# set up the temporary directory, and the cleanup routine
+TMP=`mktemp -d -t nmdb-perf-test.XXXXXXXXXX` || \
+	( echo "error: Can't create tmp directory"; exit 1 )
+function atexit() {
+	server_stop
+	rm -r "$TMP"
+trap atexit EXIT
+function server_start() {
+	# launch the server
+	techo "start nmdb"
+	rm -f $TMP/database $OUTDIR/nmdb.log
+	./nmdb/nmdb -f -d $TMP/database -o $OUTDIR/nmdb.log &
+	# wait a bit so the clients don't try to talk too early
+	sleep 0.5
+function server_stop() {
+	if [ "$NMDBPID" != "" ]; then
+		techo "stop nmdb"
+		kill $NMDBPID || true
+		wait $NMDBPID
+	fi
+function techo() {
+	echo `date "+%H:%M:%S.%N"` "$@"
+# helper function used to run a single test that takes the same parameters:
+# times, ksize, vsize; must be called from inside test_current
+function run_test() {
+	t1=$1
+	lcount=$2
+	ltimes=$3
+	for t2 in mult tipc tcp udp sctp; do
+		for t3 in cache; do
+			t="$t1-$t2-$t3"
+			techo "   " $t $@
+			rm -f $OUTDIR/$t.out
+			for i in `seq 1 $lcount`; do
+				# restart server
+				server_start
+				echo -n "      "
+				for s in 4 32 128 512 1024 \
+						`seq 2048 2048 30000`; do
+					echo $s `tests/c/$t $ltimes $s $s` \
+							>> $OUTDIR/$t.out
+					sleep 0.3
+					echo -n " $s"
+				done
+				# gnuplot splits the data sets with this empty
+				# line, otherwise we get weird graphics when
+				# $COUNT > 2
+				echo >> $OUTDIR/$t.out
+				echo
+				server_stop
+			done
+		done
+	done
+# tests the current revision
+function test_current() {
+	# go to the repo root
+	cd "`git rev-parse --show-cdup`"
+	# create the output directory
+	OUTDIR="tests/perf/out/`git describe --always`$SUFFIX"
+	techo mkdir $OUTDIR
+	mkdir -p $OUTDIR
+	# record the environment
+	(
+		echo date `date --rfc-3339=seconds`
+		echo testing `git describe --always`
+		#techo using perf ${OLDCOMMIT:-`git describe --always`}
+		echo
+		uname -a
+		gcc --version | grep gcc
+		echo
+		cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name'
+		cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
+	) > $OUTDIR/environment
+	# build
+	techo build
+	#make BACKEND=bdb > $OUTDIR/make.out
+	# no porque asumimos en el sistema
+	#make > $OUTDIR/make.out
+	cd tests/c
+	./ build > $TMP/tests-make.out
+	cd - > /dev/null
+	# record the vmstat output while the test runs
+	techo vmstat
+	vmstat 1 > $OUTDIR/vmstat.out &
+	# wait a bit for the server to come up
+	sleep 1
+	# run the tests
+	techo tests
+	for t1 in 2 3; do
+		run_test $t1 $COUNT $TIMES
+	done
+	# kill everything; the "|| true" is needed to prevent the script from
+	# dying if the process are already dead
+	techo "kill vmstat ($VMSTATPID)"
+	kill -9 $VMSTATPID || true
+	# wait for them to die
+	wait $NMDBPID $VMSTATPID > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || true
+	techo done
+function write_current_graph_scripts() {
+	SUFFIX="$1"
+	V="`git describe --always`$SUFFIX"
+	# go to the results dir
+	cd "`git rev-parse --show-cdup`"
+	mkdir -p tests/perf/graph
+	DST=`pwd`/tests/perf/graph
+	gnuplot <<EOF
+set terminal png size 1280,1024 enhanced
+set output "$DST/$V-2-cache.png"
+set title "$V - test 2, tipc"
+set xlabel "key+value size"
+set ylabel "ops/seg"
+plot \
+	'tests/perf/out/$V/2-tipc-cache.out' using \
+		(\$1 * 2):($TIMES / (\$2 / 1000000.0)) title "cache: get" \
+		with linespoints, \
+	'tests/perf/out/$V/2-tipc-cache.out' using \
+		(\$1 * 2):($TIMES / (\$3 / 1000000.0)) title "cache: set" \
+		with linespoints, \
+	'tests/perf/out/$V/2-tipc-cache.out' using \
+		(\$1 * 2):($TIMES / (\$4 / 1000000.0)) title "cache: del" \
+		with linespoints \
+set output "$DST/$V-3-cache.png"
+set title "$V - test 3, tipc"
+set xlabel "key/value size"
+set ylabel "(get+set+del)/seg"
+plot \
+	'tests/perf/out/$V/3-tipc-cache.out' using \
+		1:($TIMES / (\$2 / 1000000.0)) title "cache"
+	cd - > /dev/null
+if [ "$2" == "" ]; then
+	SUFFIX="-$2"
+case $1 in
+    ""|"help"|"-h"|"--help")
+	echo "Usage: test|graph [suffix]"
+	echo
+	echo "Run from somewhere inside the git repository; output will"
+	echo "be put in tests/pref/out/<git commit>[-suffix]."
+	exit 1
+	;;
+    "test")
+	test_current $SUFFIX
+	;;
+    "graph")
+	write_current_graph_scripts $SUFFIX
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "Unknown operation"
+	exit 1