git » nmdb » commit fd33fd5

Implement increment in the Python bindings.

author Alberto Bertogli
2007-08-28 07:16:57 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2007-08-28 07:16:57 UTC
parent ea9d44cc184626baade9695235c2cb9c0521bf0c

Implement increment in the Python bindings.

Signed-off-by: Alberto Bertogli <>

bindings/python/ +32 -2
bindings/python/nmdb_ll.c +41 -0

diff --git a/bindings/python/ b/bindings/python/
index 77c76b6..38f7366 100644
--- a/bindings/python/
+++ b/bindings/python/
@@ -167,9 +167,36 @@ class GenericDB (object):
 				oldval, newval)
+	def generic_incr(self, incrf, key, increment):
+		"""Atomically increment the value associated with the given
+		key by the given increment."""
+		if self.autopickle:
+			key = str(hash(key))
+		r = incrf(key, increment)
+		if r == 2:
+			# success
+			return 2
+		elif r == 1:
+			# no match, because the value didn't have the right
+			# format
+			raise TypeError, \
+				"The value must be a NULL-terminated string"
+		elif r == 0:
+			# not in
+			raise KeyError
+		else:
+			raise NetworkError
+	def cache_incr(self, key, increment = 1):
+		return self.generic_incr(self._db.cache_incr, key, increment)
+	def normal_incr(self, key, increment = 1):
+		return self.generic_incr(self._db.incr, key, increment)
 	# The following functions will assume the existance of self.set,
-	# self.get, self.delete and self.cas, which are supposed to be set
-	# by our subclasses.
+	# self.get, and self.delete, which are supposed to be set by our
+	# subclasses.
 	def __getitem__(self, key):
 		return self.get(key)
@@ -201,17 +228,20 @@ class Cache (GenericDB):
 	set = GenericDB.cache_set
 	delete = GenericDB.cache_delete
 	cas = GenericDB.cache_cas
+	incr = GenericDB.cache_incr
 class DB (GenericDB):
 	get = GenericDB.normal_get
 	set = GenericDB.normal_set
 	delete = GenericDB.normal_delete
 	cas = GenericDB.normal_cas
+	incr = GenericDB.normal_incr
 class SyncDB (GenericDB):
 	get = GenericDB.normal_get
 	set = GenericDB.set_sync
 	delete = GenericDB.delete_sync
 	cas = GenericDB.normal_cas
+	incr = GenericDB.normal_incr
diff --git a/bindings/python/nmdb_ll.c b/bindings/python/nmdb_ll.c
index 7aa90a2..2374118 100644
--- a/bindings/python/nmdb_ll.c
+++ b/bindings/python/nmdb_ll.c
@@ -182,6 +182,26 @@ static PyObject *db_cache_cas(nmdbobject *db, PyObject *args)
 	return PyLong_FromLong(rv);
+/* cache increment */
+static PyObject *db_cache_incr(nmdbobject *db, PyObject *args)
+	unsigned char *key;
+	int ksize;
+	int rv;
+	long long int increment;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#L:cache_incr", &key, &ksize,
+				&increment)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	rv = nmdb_cache_incr(db->db, key, ksize, increment);
+	return PyLong_FromLong(rv);
 /* db set */
 static PyObject *db_set(nmdbobject *db, PyObject *args)
@@ -276,6 +296,25 @@ static PyObject *db_cas(nmdbobject *db, PyObject *args)
 	return PyLong_FromLong(rv);
+/* db increment */
+static PyObject *db_incr(nmdbobject *db, PyObject *args)
+	unsigned char *key;
+	int ksize;
+	int rv;
+	long long int increment;
+	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#L:incr", &key, &ksize, &increment)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	rv = nmdb_incr(db->db, key, ksize, increment);
+	return PyLong_FromLong(rv);
 /* db set sync */
 static PyObject *db_set_sync(nmdbobject *db, PyObject *args)
@@ -329,10 +368,12 @@ static PyMethodDef nmdb_methods[] = {
 	{ "cache_get", (PyCFunction) db_cache_get, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "cache_delete", (PyCFunction) db_cache_delete, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "cache_cas", (PyCFunction) db_cache_cas, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
+	{ "cache_incr", (PyCFunction) db_cache_incr, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "set", (PyCFunction) db_set, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "get", (PyCFunction) db_get, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "delete", (PyCFunction) db_delete, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "cas", (PyCFunction) db_cas, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
+	{ "incr", (PyCFunction) db_incr, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "set_sync", (PyCFunction) db_set_sync, METH_VARARGS, NULL },
 	{ "delete_sync", (PyCFunction) db_delete_sync, METH_VARARGS, NULL },