git » pygen » commit 50e6c65

Auto-format code with `black -l 78`

author Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-23 16:15:53 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-23 16:15:53 UTC
parent b497c222444b1c5470e7ebb85ebd7a4c537eec6d

Auto-format code with `black -l 78`

pygen +224 -214

diff --git a/pygen b/pygen
index 486d55b..b0fe6be 100755
--- a/pygen
+++ b/pygen
@@ -7,222 +7,232 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
 def printd(*args):
-	for i in args:
-		print(i, end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
-	print(file=sys.stderr)
+    for i in args:
+        print(i, end=" ", file=sys.stderr)
+    print(file=sys.stderr)
 def is_newer_than(src, dst):
-	"""Determine if "src" is newer than "dst"."""
-	if not os.path.exists(dst):
-		# To simplify callers, return as if src is newer when there is
-		# no dst, so that it will be copied
-		return True
-	# We have to use the integer part because copystat() is not accurate
-	# and loses precision when copying mtimes, causing the mtimes to be
-	# different and sometimes the new file has an older mtime than the old
-	# one. Since we do not expect to need sub-second precision when
-	# regenerating, this should be safe.
-	return int(os.path.getmtime(src)) > int(os.path.getmtime(dst))
-def gen_from(src, dst, environ = None, incpath = None):
-	"Process src and generate dst."
-	# open files if necessary
-	opened_src = opened_dst = False
-	if not isinstance(src, file):
-		src = open(src)
-		opened_src = True
-	if not isinstance(dst, file):
-		dst = open(dst, 'w')
-		opened_dst = True
-	# set up the environment for execution
-	preout = sys.stdout
-	if not environ:
-		sys.stdout = dst
-		environ = {
-			'sys': sys,
-			'src_mtime': os.path.getmtime(,
-		}
-	# include path search
-	if not incpath:
-		incpath = options.include
-	base, reduced = os.path.split(
-	incpath.append(base)
-	# state variables
-	in_python = 0
-	in_python_code = ''
-	for line in src:
-		# state parsing
-		if in_python and not line.startswith('#endpy'):
-			in_python_code += line
-			continue
-		if line.startswith('#include '):
-			path = line.split()[1]
-			origpath = path
-			if not os.path.exists(path):
-				for p in incpath:
-					newpath = p + '/' + path
-					if os.path.exists(newpath):
-						path = newpath
-						break
-				else:
-					printd("Unable to find file to include")
-					printd("\tsrc: %s" %
-					printd("\tfile: %s" % origpath)
-					printd("\tincpath: %s" % str(incpath))
-					os.unlink(
-					return
-			gen_from(path, dst, environ)
-		elif line.startswith('#py '):
-			code = line.split(' ', 1)[1]
-			exec(code, environ)
-		elif line.startswith('#py:'):
-			in_python = 1
-			in_python_code = ''
-		elif line.startswith('#endpy'):
-			exec(in_python_code, environ)
-			in_python = 0
-			in_python_code = ''
-		elif line.startswith('#print'):
-			s = line.split(' ', 1)[1]
-			s = 'print ' + s
-			exec(s, environ)
-		else:
-			dst.write(line)
-	# restore environment
-	sys.stdout = preout
-	if opened_src: src.close()
-	if opened_dst: dst.close()
-	# preserve mtime
-	shutil.copystat(,
+    """Determine if "src" is newer than "dst"."""
+    if not os.path.exists(dst):
+        # To simplify callers, return as if src is newer when there is
+        # no dst, so that it will be copied
+        return True
+    # We have to use the integer part because copystat() is not accurate
+    # and loses precision when copying mtimes, causing the mtimes to be
+    # different and sometimes the new file has an older mtime than the old
+    # one. Since we do not expect to need sub-second precision when
+    # regenerating, this should be safe.
+    return int(os.path.getmtime(src)) > int(os.path.getmtime(dst))
+def gen_from(src, dst, environ=None, incpath=None):
+    "Process src and generate dst."
+    # open files if necessary
+    opened_src = opened_dst = False
+    if not isinstance(src, file):
+        src = open(src)
+        opened_src = True
+    if not isinstance(dst, file):
+        dst = open(dst, "w")
+        opened_dst = True
+    # set up the environment for execution
+    preout = sys.stdout
+    if not environ:
+        sys.stdout = dst
+        environ = {
+            "sys": sys,
+            "src_mtime": os.path.getmtime(,
+        }
+    # include path search
+    if not incpath:
+        incpath = options.include
+    base, reduced = os.path.split(
+    incpath.append(base)
+    # state variables
+    in_python = 0
+    in_python_code = ""
+    for line in src:
+        # state parsing
+        if in_python and not line.startswith("#endpy"):
+            in_python_code += line
+            continue
+        if line.startswith("#include "):
+            path = line.split()[1]
+            origpath = path
+            if not os.path.exists(path):
+                for p in incpath:
+                    newpath = p + "/" + path
+                    if os.path.exists(newpath):
+                        path = newpath
+                        break
+                else:
+                    printd("Unable to find file to include")
+                    printd("\tsrc: %s" %
+                    printd("\tfile: %s" % origpath)
+                    printd("\tincpath: %s" % str(incpath))
+                    os.unlink(
+                    return
+            gen_from(path, dst, environ)
+        elif line.startswith("#py "):
+            code = line.split(" ", 1)[1]
+            exec(code, environ)
+        elif line.startswith("#py:"):
+            in_python = 1
+            in_python_code = ""
+        elif line.startswith("#endpy"):
+            exec(in_python_code, environ)
+            in_python = 0
+            in_python_code = ""
+        elif line.startswith("#print"):
+            s = line.split(" ", 1)[1]
+            s = "print " + s
+            exec(s, environ)
+        else:
+            dst.write(line)
+    # restore environment
+    sys.stdout = preout
+    if opened_src:
+        src.close()
+    if opened_dst:
+        dst.close()
+    # preserve mtime
+    shutil.copystat(,
 def autogen(src, dst):
-	"Generate automatically by walking src and storing results in dst."
-	srcroot = os.path.abspath(src)
-	base, reduced = os.path.split(srcroot)
-	tree = os.walk(srcroot)
-	if not os.path.isdir(dst):
-		print('mkdir', dst)
-		os.mkdir(dst)
-	# directories' stats must be updated after we do all the generation,
-	# so we append them to the list as we go
-	to_update_stat = []
-	for path, dirs, files in tree:
-		for d in dirs:
-			fulld = path + '/' + d
-			diff = fulld[len(srcroot):]
-			if [ x for x in options.exclude if diff[1:].startswith(x)]:
-				continue
-			p = os.path.normpath(dst + '/' + diff)
-			if os.path.islink(fulld):
-				files.append(d)
-				continue
-			if not os.path.isdir(p):
-				print('mkdir', p)
-				os.mkdir(p)
-				to_update_stat.append((fulld, p))
-		for f in files:
-			fullf = path + '/' + f
-			diff = fullf[len(srcroot):]
-			if [ x for x in options.exclude if diff[1:].startswith(x)]:
-				continue
-			if diff.endswith('.pgh'):
-				# header files are ignored
-				print('ignored', diff)
-				continue
-			elif diff.endswith('.pg'):
-				t = os.path.splitext(diff)[0]
-				t = os.path.normpath(dst + '/' + t)
-				if not is_newer_than(fullf, t):
-					print('skipped', diff)
-					continue
-				print(diff, '->', t)
-				gen_from(fullf, t)
-			else:
-				t = os.path.normpath(dst + '/' + diff)
-				if not is_newer_than(fullf, t):
-					print('skipped', diff)
-					continue
-				if os.path.islink(fullf):
-					dlink = os.readlink(fullf)
-					print('symlink', diff, '->', dlink)
-					if os.path.exists(t):
-						os.unlink(t)
-					os.symlink(dlink, t)
-				elif os.path.isfile(fullf):
-					print('copy', diff)
-					shutil.copy2(fullf, t)
-	# second pass to preserve directories' modification time
-	for s, d in to_update_stat:
-		print('copystat', d)
-		shutil.copystat(s, d)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	usage = "usage: %prog [options] {gen|autogen} [action_parameters]"
-	parser = OptionParser(usage)
-	parser.add_option("-I", "--include", action = "append", default = [],
-			help = "Include directory for .pgh files")
-	parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude", action = "append", default = [],
-			help = "Paths to exclude from the generation")
-	#parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true",
-	#		help = "Show additional information")
-	options, args = parser.parse_args()
-	if len(args) < 1:
-		parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
-		sys.exit(1)
-	action = args[0]
-	if action == 'gen':
-		if len(args) < 2:
-			parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
-			sys.exit(1)
-		for src in args[1:]:
-			dst = os.path.splitext(src)[0]
-			print(src, '->', dst)
-			gen_from(src, dst)
-	elif action == 'autogen':
-		if len(args) < 3:
-			parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
-			sys.exit(1)
-		srcroot, dstroot = args[1:3]
-		autogen(srcroot, dstroot)
-	else:
-		parser.error("Unknown action")
-		sys.exit(1)
+    "Generate automatically by walking src and storing results in dst."
+    srcroot = os.path.abspath(src)
+    base, reduced = os.path.split(srcroot)
+    tree = os.walk(srcroot)
+    if not os.path.isdir(dst):
+        print("mkdir", dst)
+        os.mkdir(dst)
+    # directories' stats must be updated after we do all the generation,
+    # so we append them to the list as we go
+    to_update_stat = []
+    for path, dirs, files in tree:
+        for d in dirs:
+            fulld = path + "/" + d
+            diff = fulld[len(srcroot) :]
+            if [x for x in options.exclude if diff[1:].startswith(x)]:
+                continue
+            p = os.path.normpath(dst + "/" + diff)
+            if os.path.islink(fulld):
+                files.append(d)
+                continue
+            if not os.path.isdir(p):
+                print("mkdir", p)
+                os.mkdir(p)
+                to_update_stat.append((fulld, p))
+        for f in files:
+            fullf = path + "/" + f
+            diff = fullf[len(srcroot) :]
+            if [x for x in options.exclude if diff[1:].startswith(x)]:
+                continue
+            if diff.endswith(".pgh"):
+                # header files are ignored
+                print("ignored", diff)
+                continue
+            elif diff.endswith(".pg"):
+                t = os.path.splitext(diff)[0]
+                t = os.path.normpath(dst + "/" + t)
+                if not is_newer_than(fullf, t):
+                    print("skipped", diff)
+                    continue
+                print(diff, "->", t)
+                gen_from(fullf, t)
+            else:
+                t = os.path.normpath(dst + "/" + diff)
+                if not is_newer_than(fullf, t):
+                    print("skipped", diff)
+                    continue
+                if os.path.islink(fullf):
+                    dlink = os.readlink(fullf)
+                    print("symlink", diff, "->", dlink)
+                    if os.path.exists(t):
+                        os.unlink(t)
+                    os.symlink(dlink, t)
+                elif os.path.isfile(fullf):
+                    print("copy", diff)
+                    shutil.copy2(fullf, t)
+    # second pass to preserve directories' modification time
+    for s, d in to_update_stat:
+        print("copystat", d)
+        shutil.copystat(s, d)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    usage = "usage: %prog [options] {gen|autogen} [action_parameters]"
+    parser = OptionParser(usage)
+    parser.add_option(
+        "-I",
+        "--include",
+        action="append",
+        default=[],
+        help="Include directory for .pgh files",
+    )
+    parser.add_option(
+        "-x",
+        "--exclude",
+        action="append",
+        default=[],
+        help="Paths to exclude from the generation",
+    )
+    # parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true",
+    # 		help = "Show additional information")
+    options, args = parser.parse_args()
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    action = args[0]
+    if action == "gen":
+        if len(args) < 2:
+            parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        for src in args[1:]:
+            dst = os.path.splitext(src)[0]
+            print(src, "->", dst)
+            gen_from(src, dst)
+    elif action == "autogen":
+        if len(args) < 3:
+            parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        srcroot, dstroot = args[1:3]
+        autogen(srcroot, dstroot)
+    else:
+        parser.error("Unknown action")
+        sys.exit(1)