git » summer » commit 321eb6b

Remove sqlite support

author Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-18 09:45:11 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-19 11:19:16 UTC
parent 05ea437e3a1cd159e9040b4ebbce012f36870e99

Remove sqlite support

Using a database to store the checksums is not very practical, mainly
due to file deletions, and we don't use it.

Remove it for now. We can always add it later if needed.

db.go +0 -77
go.mod +0 -1
go.sum +0 -2
summer.go +1 -9
test/access.t +3 -3
test/dryrun_sqlite.t +0 -36
test/help.t +3 -12
test/sqlite.t +0 -40

diff --git a/db.go b/db.go
index a186096..a6b3acd 100644
--- a/db.go
+++ b/db.go
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@ package main
 import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"path/filepath"
-	_ ""
 var dryRun = flag.Bool("n", false,
@@ -64,76 +60,3 @@ func (_ XattrDB) Write(f *os.File, cs ChecksumV1) error {
 func (_ XattrDB) Close() error {
 	return nil
-type SqliteDB struct {
-	root string
-	db   *sql.DB
-const createTableV1 = `
-	create table if not exists checksums (
-		path string primary key,
-		crc32c integer,
-		modtimeusec integer
-	);
-func OpenSqliteDB(dbPath, root string) (*SqliteDB, error) {
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", dbPath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if _, err := db.Exec(createTableV1); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &SqliteDB{root, db}, nil
-func (s *SqliteDB) Has(f *os.File) (bool, error) {
-	path, err := filepath.Rel(s.root, f.Name())
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, err
-	}
-	q := 0
-	err = s.db.QueryRow(
-		"select count(1) from checksums where path = ?",
-		path).Scan(&q)
-	return q == 1, err
-func (s *SqliteDB) Read(f *os.File) (ChecksumV1, error) {
-	cs := ChecksumV1{}
-	path, err := filepath.Rel(s.root, f.Name())
-	if err != nil {
-		return cs, err
-	}
-	err = s.db.QueryRow(
-		"select crc32c, modtimeusec from checksums where path = ?",
-		path).Scan(&cs.CRC32C, &cs.ModTimeUsec)
-	return cs, err
-func (s *SqliteDB) Write(f *os.File, cs ChecksumV1) error {
-	if *dryRun {
-		return nil
-	}
-	path, err := filepath.Rel(s.root, f.Name())
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = s.db.Exec(
-		"insert or replace into checksums "+
-			"(path, crc32c, modtimeusec) values(?, ?, ?)",
-		path, cs.CRC32C, cs.ModTimeUsec)
-	return err
-func (s *SqliteDB) Close() error {
-	return s.db.Close()
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 127f817..f32836e 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module
 go 1.19
 require (
- v1.14.17 v0.4.9 v0.11.0
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 8b38e85..6a3310c 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@ v1.14.17 h1:mCRHCLDUBXgpKAqIKsaAaAsrAlbkeomtRFKXh2L6YIM= v1.14.17/go.mod h1:2eHXhiwb8IkHr+BDWZGa96P6+rkvnG63S2DGjv9HUNg= v0.4.9 h1:5883YPCtkSd8LFbs13nXplj9g9tlrwoJRjgpgMu1/fE= v0.4.9/go.mod h1:di8WF84zAKk8jzR1UBTEWh9AUlIZZ7M/JNt8e9B6ktU= v0.0.0-20220408201424-a24fb2fb8a0f/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
diff --git a/summer.go b/summer.go
index 0ca24bc..2ed5c81 100644
--- a/summer.go
+++ b/summer.go
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ const usage = `# summer 🌞 🏖
 Utility to detect accidental data corruption (e.g. bitrot, storage media
 problems).  Not intended to detect malicious modification.
-Checksums are written to/read from each files' extended attributes by default,
-or to a separate database file (with the -db flag).
+Checksums are written to/read from each file's extended attributes.
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ Flags:
 // Flags.
 var (
-	dbPath        = flag.String("db", "", "database to read from/write to")
 	oneFilesystem = flag.Bool("x", false, "don't cross filesystem boundaries")
 	forceTTY      = flag.Bool("forcetty", false, "force TTY output")
 	exclude       = &RepeatedStringFlag{}
@@ -103,12 +101,6 @@ func main() {
 	options.db = XattrDB{}
-	if *dbPath != "" {
-		options.db, err = OpenSqliteDB(*dbPath, root)
-		if err != nil {
-			Fatalf("%q: %v", *dbPath, err)
-		}
-	}
 	defer options.db.Close()
 	switch op {
diff --git a/test/access.t b/test/access.t
index f72a125..ac79351 100644
--- a/test/access.t
+++ b/test/access.t
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ interfere.
   $ touch root/empty
   $ echo marola > root/hola
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 generate root/
+  $ summer generate root/
   0s: 0 matched, 0 modified, 2 new, 0 corrupted
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 verify root/
+  $ summer verify root/
   0s: 2 matched, 0 modified, 0 new, 0 corrupted
   $ chmod 0000 root/empty
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 verify root/
+  $ summer verify root/
   0s: 0 matched, 0 modified, 0 new, 0 corrupted
   open root/empty: permission denied
diff --git a/test/dryrun_sqlite.t b/test/dryrun_sqlite.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d03f538..0000000
--- a/test/dryrun_sqlite.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Tests for dry-run mode when using -db. Similar to the basic ones.
-  $ alias summer="$TESTDIR/../summer"
-Generate test data.
-  $ touch empty
-  $ echo marola > hola
-Generate and verify.
-  $ summer -n -db=db.sqlite3 generate .
-  0s: 0 matched, 0 modified, 3 new, 0 corrupted
-  $ summer -n -db=db.sqlite3 verify .
-  0s: 0 matched, 0 modified, 3 new, 0 corrupted
-  $ summer -n -db=db.sqlite3 verify .
-  0s: 0 matched, 0 modified, 3 new, 0 corrupted
-Now write data for real, so we can test modification.
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 generate .
-  0s: 0 matched, 0 modified, 3 new, 0 corrupted
-Check handling of new and updated files.
-  $ sleep 0.005
-  $ echo trova > nueva
-  $ touch empty
-  $ summer -n -db=db.sqlite3 verify .
-  0s: 1 matched, 2 modified, 1 new, 0 corrupted
-  $ summer -n -db=db.sqlite3 update .
-  0s: 1 matched, 2 modified, 1 new, 0 corrupted
-  $ summer -n -db=db.sqlite3 verify .
-  0s: 1 matched, 2 modified, 1 new, 0 corrupted
diff --git a/test/help.t b/test/help.t
index 5f6d217..81431cd 100644
--- a/test/help.t
+++ b/test/help.t
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ No arguments.
   Utility to detect accidental data corruption (e.g. bitrot, storage media
   problems).  Not intended to detect malicious modification.
-  Checksums are written to/read from each files' extended attributes by default,
-  or to a separate database file (with the -db flag).
+  Checksums are written to/read from each file's extended attributes.
@@ -29,8 +28,6 @@ No arguments.
         Print software version information.
-    -db string
-      \tdatabase to read from/write to (esc)
     -exclude value
       \texclude these paths (can be repeated) (esc)
     -excludere value
@@ -52,8 +49,7 @@ Too few arguments.
   Utility to detect accidental data corruption (e.g. bitrot, storage media
   problems).  Not intended to detect malicious modification.
-  Checksums are written to/read from each files' extended attributes by default,
-  or to a separate database file (with the -db flag).
+  Checksums are written to/read from each file's extended attributes.
@@ -71,8 +67,6 @@ Too few arguments.
         Print software version information.
-    -db string
-      \tdatabase to read from/write to (esc)
     -exclude value
       \texclude these paths (can be repeated) (esc)
     -excludere value
@@ -94,8 +88,7 @@ No valid path (the argument is given, but it is empty).
   Utility to detect accidental data corruption (e.g. bitrot, storage media
   problems).  Not intended to detect malicious modification.
-  Checksums are written to/read from each files' extended attributes by default,
-  or to a separate database file (with the -db flag).
+  Checksums are written to/read from each file's extended attributes.
@@ -113,8 +106,6 @@ No valid path (the argument is given, but it is empty).
         Print software version information.
-    -db string
-      \tdatabase to read from/write to (esc)
     -exclude value
       \texclude these paths (can be repeated) (esc)
     -excludere value
diff --git a/test/sqlite.t b/test/sqlite.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf30b1..0000000
--- a/test/sqlite.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Basic tests but storing in a sqlite3 database.
-This is enough to exercise the backend.
-  $ alias summer="$TESTDIR/../summer"
-  $ touch empty
-  $ echo marola > hola
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 generate .
-  0s: 0 matched, 0 modified, 3 new, 0 corrupted
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 verify .
-  0s: 2 matched, 1 modified, 0 new, 0 corrupted
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 update .
-  0s: 2 matched, 1 modified, 0 new, 0 corrupted
-Check that the root path doesn't confuse us.
-  $ summer -db=db.sqlite3 -v verify $PWD
-  ".*/db.sqlite3": file modified \(not corrupted\) \(checksum: \w+ -> \w+, mtime: \d+ -> \d+\) (re)
-  ".*/empty": match \(checksum:0, mtime:\d+\) (re)
-  ".*/hola": match \(checksum:\w+, mtime:\d+\) (re)
-  0s: 2 matched, 1 modified, 0 new, 0 corrupted
-Force a write error to check it is appropriately handled.
-  $ summer "-db=file:db.sqlite3?mode=ro" update .
-  0s: 0 matched, 1 modified, 0 new, 0 corrupted
-  attempt to write a readonly database
-  [1]
-Check errors when we cannot open the database file.
-  $ summer -db=/proc/doesnotexist verify .
-  "/proc/doesnotexist": unable to open database file: no such file or directory
-  [1]
-  $ summer -db=/dev/null verify .
-  "/dev/null": attempt to write a readonly database
-  [1]