#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import socket import select import string import traceback import urllib import time import msnlib import msncb """ MSN Client This is a fully usable msn client, which also serves as reference implementation for msnlib-based code. For further information refer to the documentation or the source (which is always preferred). Please direct any comments to the msnlib mailing list, msnlib-devel@auriga.wearlab.de. You can find more information, and the package itself, at http://users.auriga.wearlab.de/~alb/msnlib """ # # constant strings # help = """\ Command list: status [mode] Shows the current status, or changes it to "mode", which can be one of: online away busy brb phone lunch invisible idle q Quits the program w Prints your entire contact list ww Prints your entire contact list, including email addresses wd Prints the differences between your forward and reverse lists e Prints your online contacts ee Prints your online contacts, including email addresses eg Prints your online contacts with the groups wr Prints your reverse contact list h Shows your incoming message history add e [n] [g] Adds the user "e" with the nick "n" to the group "g" del nick Deletes the user with nick "nick" ren nick new Renames the user with nick "nick" to appear as "new" lignore [nick] Locally ignores the user, or display the locally ignored users lunignore nick Removes a user from the locally ignored users list block nick Blocks a user unblock nick Unblocks a blocked user g Shows the group list gadd gname Adds the group "gname" gdel gname Deletes the group "gname". Note that all the users in the group will be deleted too. gren old new Renames the group "old" with the name "new" color [theme] Shows or set the color theme to "theme" close nick Closes the switchboard connection with "nick" config Shows the configuration info [nick] Shows the user information and pending messages (if any), or our personal info nick newnick Changes your nick to "newnick" privacy p a Sets whether accept messages from people not on your list (p) and require authorization (a) m nick text Sends a message to "nick" with the "text" a text Sends a message to the last person you sent a message to r text Sends a message to the last person that sent you a message invite u1 to u2 Invites u1 into the chat with u2 In most cases, where you are asked for a nick, you can alternatively enter the email. This makes it easier to handle people with weird or long nicks. """ # # colors, for nice output # class color_default: def __init__(self): self.name = 'default' self.black = '\x1b[0;30m' self.red = '\x1b[0;31m' self.green = '\x1b[0;32m' self.yellow = '\x1b[0;33m' self.blue = '\x1b[0;34m' self.magenta = '\x1b[0;35m' self.cyan = '\x1b[0;36m' self.white = '\x1b[0;37m' self.normal = '\x1b[0m' self.bold = '\x1b[1m' self.clear = '\x1b[J' class color_bw: def __init__(self): self.name = 'bw' self.black = '\x1b[0;30m' self.red = '\x1b[0m' self.green = '\x1b[0m' self.yellow = '\x1b[0m' self.blue = '\x1b[0m' self.magenta = '\x1b[0m' self.cyan = '\x1b[0m' self.white = '\x1b[0m' self.normal = '\x1b[0m' self.bold = '\x1b[0m' self.clear = '\x1b[J' color_classes = { 'default': color_default, 'bw': color_bw } c = color_classes['default']() # command list for tab-completion purposes command_list = [ 'a', 'add', 'block', 'close', 'color', 'config', 'del', 'e', 'ee', 'eg', 'g', 'gadd', 'gdel', 'green', 'h', 'help', 'info', 'invite', 'lignore', 'luignore', 'm', 'nick', 'privacy', 'q', 'r', 'ren', 'status', 'unblock', 'w', 'wd', 'wr', 'ww' ] # # different useful prints # def printl(line, color = c.normal, bold = 0): "Prints a line with a color" out = '' if line and line[0] == '\r': clear_line() if bold: out = c.bold out = color + out + line + c.normal safe_write(out) safe_flush() def perror(line): "Prints an error" out = '' out += c.yellow + c.bold + '!' + c.normal out += c.red + c.bold + '!' + c.normal out += c.blue + c.bold + '!' + c.normal out += ' ' + c.green + c.bold + line + c.normal + '\a' safe_write(out) safe_flush() def pexc(line): "Prints an exception" out = '\n' out += ( c.cyan + c.bold + '!' + c.normal ) * 3 safe_write(out) safe_write(c.bold + line) safe_flush() traceback.print_exc() safe_write(c.normal) safe_write('\n') safe_flush() def print_list(md, only_online = 0, userlist = None, include_emails = 0): "Prints the user list" if not userlist: userlist = md.users ul = userlist.keys() ul.sort() for email in ul: u = userlist[email] if u.status != 'FLN': hl = 1 else: if only_online: continue hl = 0 status = msnlib.reverse_status[u.status] printl('%7.7s :: %s' % (status, u.nick), bold = hl) if include_emails: printl(' (%s)' % (email), bold = hl) if 'B' in u.lists: printl(' [!]') if email not in md.reverse.keys(): printl(' [X]') printl('\n') def print_diff(md): "Prints the differences between forward and reverse lists" fwdl = md.users.keys() fwdl.sort() revl = md.reverse.keys() revl.sort() printl("People you have that don't have you:\n", bold = 1) for email in fwdl: if email not in revl: user = md.users[email] printl(" %s (%s)\n" % (user.nick, email)) printl('\n') printl("People you don't have that have you:\n", bold = 1) for email in revl: if email not in fwdl: user = md.reverse[email] printl(" %s (%s)\n" % (user.nick, email)) def print_group_list(md): "Prints the group list" gids = md.groups.keys() gids.sort() for gid in gids: printl('%3.3s :: %s\n' % (gid, md.groups[gid])) def print_grouped_list(md, only_online = 0, include_emails = 0): db = {} for gid in md.groups.keys(): db[gid] = [] for gid in md.groups.keys(): for e in md.users.keys(): if md.users[e].gid == gid: db[gid].append(e) gids = db.keys() gids.sort() for gid in gids: printl(':: %s ::\n' % md.groups[gid], bold = 1) ul = db[gid] ul.sort() for email in ul: u = m.users[email] if u.status != 'FLN': hl = 1 else: if only_online: continue hl = 0 status = msnlib.reverse_status[u.status] printl('\t%7.7s :: %s' % (status, u.nick), bold = hl) if include_emails: printl(' (%s)' % (email), bold = hl) if 'B' in u.lists: printl(' [!]') if email not in md.reverse.keys(): printl(' [X]') printl('\n') def print_user_info(email): "Prints the user information, and pending messages" u = m.users[email] out = c.bold out += c.bold + 'User info for ' + email + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Nick:\t\t' + c.normal + u.nick + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Status:\t\t' + c.normal + msnlib.reverse_status[u.status] + '\n' if 'B' in u.lists: out += c.bold + 'Mode:\t\t' + c.normal + 'blocked' + '\n' if u.gid != None: out += c.bold + 'Group:\t\t' + c.normal + m.groups[u.gid] + '\n' if u.realnick: out += c.bold + 'Real Nick:\t' + c.normal + u.realnick + '\n' if u.homep: out += c.bold + 'Home phone:\t' + c.normal + u.homep + '\n' if u.workp: out += c.bold + 'Work phone:\t' + c.normal + u.workp + '\n' if u.mobilep: out += c.bold + 'Mobile phone:\t' + c.normal + u.mobilep + '\n' if u.priv.has_key('typing') and u.priv['typing']: out += c.bold + 'Last typing at:\t' + c.normal out += time.asctime(time.localtime(u.priv['typing'])) + '\n' if u.sbd: out += c.bold + 'Switchboard:\t' + c.normal + str(u.sbd) + '\n' if u.sbd.msgqueue: out += c.bold + 'Pending messages:' + '\n' for msg in u.sbd.msgqueue: out += c.bold + '\t>>> ' + c.normal + msg + '\n' printl(out) def print_prompt(): "Prints the user prompt" safe_write('\r' + c.red + c.bold + '[msn] ' + c.normal) safe_flush() def print_inc_msg(email, lines, eoh = 0, quiet = 0, ptime = 1, recvtime = 0): """Prints an incoming message from a list of lines and an optional end-of-header pointer. You can also pass the original received time as a parameter, this is used for history printed.""" nick = email2nick(email) if not nick: nick = email if email in ignored: return if ptime: if recvtime: ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', time.localtime(recvtime)) else: ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now()) printl('%s ' % ctime, c.blue) printl('%s' % nick, c.cyan, 1) if len(lines[eoh:]) == 1: printl(' <<< %s\n' % lines[eoh], c.yellow, 1) else: printl(' <<< \n\t', c.yellow, 1) msg = string.join(lines[eoh:], '\n\t') msg = msg.replace('\r', '') printl(msg + '\n', c.bold) beep(quiet) def print_out_msg(nick, msg): "Prints an outgoing message" ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now()) printl('%s ' % ctime, c.blue) printl('%s' % nick, c.cyan, 1) printl(' >>> ', c.yellow, 1) printl('%s' % msg) def beep(q = 0): "Beeps unless it's told to be quiet" if not q: printl('\a') def safe_flush(): """Safely flushes stdout. It fixes a strange issue with flush and nonblocking io, when flushing too fast.""" c = 0 while c < 100: try: sys.stdout.flush() return except IOError: c +=1 time.sleep(0.01 * c) raise Exception, 'flushed too many times, giving up. Please report!' def safe_write(text): """Safely writes to stdout. It fixes the same issue that safe_flush, that is, writing too fast raises errors due to nonblocking fd.""" c = 1 while c: try: sys.stdout.write(text) return except IOError: c += 1 time.sleep(0.01 * c) raise Exception, 'wrote too many times, giving up. Please report!' # # useful functions # def quit(code = 0): "Exits" printl('Closing\n', c.green, 1) try: try: m.disconnect() except: pass global oldtermattr termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSAFLUSH, oldtermattr) except: pass sys.exit(code) def nick2email(nick): "Returns an email according to the given nick, or None if noone matches" for email in m.users.keys(): if m.users[email].nick == nick: return email if nick in m.users.keys(): return nick return None def email2nick(email): "Returns a nick accoriding to the given email, or None if noone matches" if email in m.users.keys(): return m.users[email].nick else: return None def findemailnick(email, begin): """Check if the email/nick of the given user begins with the given beginning. Returns 1 if it matches the nick, or 2 if it matches the email.""" if m.users[email].nick.find(begin) == 0: return 1 elif email.find(begin) == 0: return 2 return 0 # global variable for matchemail() start_from = 0 def matchemail(begin, only_online = 0, start = 0): """"Returns a matching email/nick for the given beginning; it avoids beginnings with spaces. If only_online is equal to 1 searchs only for not offline users or users with an sbd. If start=1 it iterates the last match and do a cyclical search.""" global start_from if ' ' in begin: return None emails = m.users.keys() if start_from >= len(emails): # the list has changed while iterating, reset start_from = 0 if start: pos = (start_from + 1) % len(emails) else: pos = start_from found = 0 while not found: # we made a complete loop without matches if start and pos == start_from: break elif pos == (start_from - 1) % len(emails): break #msnlib.debug("l: %d %s\n" % (pos, emails[pos])) current = emails[pos] if only_online and m.users[current].status == 'FLN': pos = (pos + 1) % len(emails) continue if findemailnick(emails[pos], begin): found = 1 break pos = (pos + 1) % len(emails) start_from = pos if found: if findemailnick(emails[pos], begin) == 1: # return the nick nick = email2nick(emails[pos]) if ' ' in nick: return emails[pos] return nick else: return emails[pos] else: start_from = 0 return None def gname2gid(gname): "Returns a group name according to the given group id" for gid in m.groups.keys(): if m.groups[gid] == gname: return gid return None def get_config(file): "Parses a simple config file, and returns a var:value dict" try: fd = open(file) except: return None lines = fd.readlines() config = {} for i in lines: i = i.strip() if i.find('=') < 0: continue if i[0] == '#': continue var, value = i.split('=', 1) var = var.strip() value = value.strip() config[var] = value return config def null(s): "Null function, useful to void debug ones" pass def log_msg(email, type, msg, mtime = 0, users = []): """Logs the message or event of the 'type', related to 'email', with the content 'msg', to a file in the specified directory. See documentation for more specific details, specially about formatting.""" if not config['log history']: return if config['profile']: prepend = config['profile'] + '::' else: prepend = '' if users: # copy and sort the user list, so we log always to the same # file regarding the order the users were joined # FIXME: sometimes we crash because filename is too long usorted = users[:] usorted.sort() file = config['history directory'] + '/' + prepend + 'M::' file += string.join(usorted, ',') else: file = config['history directory'] + '/' + prepend + email if not mtime: mtime = time.time() out = '' out += time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S ', time.localtime(mtime)) out += email + ' ' if type == 'in': out += '<<< ' msg = msg.replace('\r', '') lines = msg.split('\n') if len(lines) == 1: out += msg + '\n' else: out += '\n\t' out += string.join(lines[:], '\n\t') out += '\n' elif type == 'out': out += '>>> ' + msg + '\n' elif type == 'status': out += '*** ' + msg + '\n' elif type == 'multi': out += '+++ ' + msg + '\n' elif type == 'realnick': out += '--- ' + msg + '\n' fd = open(file, 'a') fd.write(out) fd.close() del(fd) return def now(): "Returns the current time, in tuple format" return time.localtime(time.time()) # # terminal handling # # all this is _ugly_, a real mess; luckily it's pretty much self contained. # if you're trying to follow the code, i highly recommend you to skip this # section; you really don't need to know it, just think of redraw_cli() pretty # much as print_prompt(), stdin_read() as sys.stdin.readline(), and # clear_line() as printf('\r'). actually that's quite near true when we don't # use termios. # it has been written in a way that if termios is not available, we fall back # to the normal and old behaviour which is guaranteed to work. try: # all of this disables line-buffering on the terminal (thus allowing # char-by-char reads) and echoing (so we output whatever we want); and # finally sets the file nonblocking so we can read all that's # available without complications. # you should read termios and fcntl manpages to find out the details import termios stdinfd = sys.stdin.fileno() oldtermattr = termios.tcgetattr(stdinfd) newtermattr = termios.tcgetattr(stdinfd) newtermattr[3] = newtermattr[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO termios.tcsetattr(stdinfd, termios.TCSANOW, newtermattr) import fcntl, os fcntl.fcntl(stdinfd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) del(newtermattr) use_termios = 1 except: use_termios = 0 # now we try to find out the console size; if we fail we fall back to # the good old 80x24. # note that the (' ' * 10) is just awful, but there is no sane way of # doing this without using a C module. it's based on 'struct winsize', # but as we only use the first 4 bytes, we don't ask for more; then we # unpack the two shorts into (lenght, width) try: import struct winsize = fcntl.ioctl(stdinfd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, ' ' * 10) winsize = struct.unpack('hh', winsize[:4]) except: winsize = (24, 80) screenwidth = winsize[1] # input buffer, where all the characters written by the user are stored in inbuf = '' # vars to control the tabs completions: # match of commands matchc_last = 0 matchc_status = 0 matchc_root = '' # match of last send/received matchl_status = 0 # match of m command matchm_status = 0 matchm_root = '' # match of others arguments matchp_status = 0 matchp_root = '' # input history buffer, to store previous commands. # we use a list [buffer, pointer] to avoid namespace pollution inbuf_history = [[], -1] def stdin_read(): """Reads from stdin, and acts in consecuense. If you don't use termios, it's almost the same as calling readline(); but otherwise it handles all the input reading.""" global inbuf if not use_termios: inbuf = sys.stdin.readline() tmpbuf = inbuf inbuf = '' out = parse_cmd(tmpbuf) printl(out + '\n', c.green, 1) redraw_cli() return in_esc = 0 input = sys.stdin.read() global matchc_last global matchc_status global matchc_root global matchl_status global matchm_status global matchm_root global matchp_status global matchp_root for char in input: # decrease the flag of the tab completion of commands if matchc_status != 0: matchc_status = matchc_status - 1 # decrease the flag of the last received/last send completion elif matchl_status != 0: matchl_status = matchl_status - 1 # decrease the flag of the m completion elif matchm_status != 0: matchm_status = matchm_status - 1 # decrease the flag of the other arguments completion elif matchp_status != 0: matchp_status = matchp_status - 1 if char == '\r': # replace \r with \n, so we handle mac keyboard input # properly (it breaks \r\n tho, but nobody uses it) char = '\n' inbuf = inbuf + char if char == '\n': # command history if len(inbuf_history[0]) > config['input history size']: del(inbuf_history[0][0]) inbuf_history[0].append(inbuf[:-1]) inbuf_history[1] = len(inbuf_history[0]) - 1 # moves the pointer safe_write(char) tmpbuf = inbuf inbuf = '' out = parse_cmd(tmpbuf) printl(out + '\n', c.green, 1) redraw_cli() elif char == '\b' or ord(char) == 127: # ^H / DEL inbuf = inbuf[:-2] redraw_cli() elif ord(char) == 21: # ^U inbuf = '' redraw_cli() elif ord(char) == 23: # ^W inbuf = inbuf[:-1] inbuf = inbuf.rstrip() pos = inbuf.rfind(' ') if pos > 0: inbuf = inbuf[:pos].rstrip() + ' ' else: inbuf = '' redraw_cli() elif char == '\t': # tab p = inbuf.split() # we do a basic cycling between the last received and # last sent; first we build the two strings and then # we see which one applies according to some messy # logic # FIXME: it fails if we haven't in our contact list # the person with we are talking if email2nick(last_received): nick = email2nick(last_received) if ' ' in nick: nick = last_received mtolrecv = 'm ' + nick + ' ' else: mtolrecv = None if email2nick(last_sent): nick = email2nick(last_sent) if ' ' in nick: nick = last_sent mtolsent = 'm ' + nick + ' ' else: mtolsent = None # in an empty buffer we fill with the last received or # the last sent if len(p) == 0: if mtolsent: inbuf = mtolsent matchl_status = 2 elif mtolrecv: inbuf = mtolrecv matchl_status = 2 else: inbuf = inbuf[:-1] beep() # if in the last cycle we have replaced with # mtolsent or mtolrecv we try to fill ciclical elif mtolsent and mtolrecv and matchl_status == 1: if inbuf.strip() == mtolrecv.strip(): inbuf = mtolsent matchl_status = 2 else: inbuf = mtolrecv matchl_status = 2 # temporarily if not mtolsent or mtolrecv we beep # FIXME it do nothing if there's only mtolrecv and # it changes between two tabs elif matchl_status == 1: # it avoids that in the next iteration the # empty buffer completion will be taked for # an m completion matchl_status = 2 inbuf = inbuf[:-1] beep() # we have something that is neither mtolsent or # mtolrecv, if is the m command we try to find a # matching email/nick elif p[0] == 'm' and len(p) == 2: begin = p[1] if matchm_status == 1: begin = matchm_root # we try to match with onlines contacts # and contacts with sbd email = matchemail(begin, 1, matchm_status) if not email: inbuf = inbuf[:-1] beep() else: matchm_root = begin matchm_status = 2 inbuf = 'm ' + email + ' ' # if there's an only word buffer we try to match # with one of the commands elif len(p) == 1: # if it's the 2nd tab we build a ciclical # matching; if not, we remember the last match if matchc_status == 1: p[0] = matchc_root matchc_last = matchc_last + 1 found = 1 while found or matchc_last != len(command_list): if matchc_last == len(command_list): matchc_last = 0 found = 0 continue elif command_list[matchc_last].find(p[0]) == 0: matchc_status = 2 matchc_root = p[0] break matchc_last = matchc_last + 1 if matchc_last == len(command_list): inbuf = inbuf[:-1] beep() else: inbuf = command_list[matchc_last] + ' ' else: pn = p[len(p) - 1] if matchp_status == 1: pn = matchp_root # we try to match with all of contacts email = matchemail(pn, 0, matchp_status) if not email: inbuf = inbuf[:-1] beep() else: matchp_root = pn matchp_status = 2 inbuf = inbuf.rstrip() pos = inbuf.rfind(' ') inbuf = inbuf[:pos] + ' ' + email + ' ' redraw_cli() elif ord(char) == 4: # EOT safe_write('\n') out = parse_cmd('') printl(out + '\n', c.green, 1) elif ord(char) == 27: # ESC # we use in_esc for escape secuenses (composed of # ESC + '[' + LETTER). 1 means got ESC, 2 means got # '['. Here we set to 1, and the rest are in the # generic handling in_esc = 1 inbuf = inbuf[:-1] elif ord(char) < 32: # unhandled control msnlib.debug('Got weird char: %d' % ord(char)) redraw_cli_cond(char) else: # normal if not in_esc: # Never allow lines longer than 1500, since # that's the max for a single message. # Actually this calculates based on the whole # buffer and not on just the message, but the # code is nicer and 16 bytes won't make a # difference. if len(inbuf) > 1500: inbuf = inbuf[:1500] beep() redraw_cli() else: redraw_cli_cond(char) continue # comes from a escape code elif in_esc == 1: if char == '[': in_esc = 2 else: in_esc = 0 inbuf = inbuf[:-1] elif in_esc == 2: if char == 'A': # up if inbuf_history[1] == -1: # hit the top, or it's empty; # remove it from the buffer inbuf = inbuf[:-1] else: clear_line() pos = inbuf_history[1] inbuf = inbuf_history[0][pos] inbuf_history[1] -= 1 redraw_cli() elif char == 'B': # down if not inbuf_history[0]: # it's empty, so we only # remove it from the buffer inbuf = inbuf[:-1] elif inbuf_history[1] == len(inbuf_history[0]) - 1: # hit the bottom, clear the buffer clear_line() inbuf = '' redraw_cli() else: inbuf_history[1] += 1 clear_line() pos = inbuf_history[1] inbuf = inbuf_history[0][pos] redraw_cli() else: # unhandled esc inbuf = inbuf[:-1] in_esc = 0 def redraw_cli(): """Redraws the current prompt line, including user input; it first clears the line, either automatically or up to 'lenght' chars.""" global inbuf, screenwidth clear_line() print_prompt() lenght = screenwidth - 7 # we subsctract the prompt lenght + 1 safe_write(inbuf[-lenght:]) safe_flush() def redraw_cli_cond(char): """Same as redraw_cli, but conditional over the lenght of stdin. That means that if inbuf is getting too big, we redraw; otherwise we just write the character. It's used mostly to avoid innecesary redraw overhead (it avoids 90% of cases).""" global inbuf, screenwidth if len(inbuf) >= (screenwidth - 7): redraw_cli() else: safe_write(char) safe_flush() def clear_line(): """Clears the current line by overwriting it with spaces.""" global inbuf, screenwidth if use_termios: safe_write('\r' + (screenwidth - 1) * ' ' + '\r') # # stdin command parser # def parse_cmd(cmd): """Parses the commands introduced by the user. It's pretty long and boring, as expected.""" global c, last_sent, last_received # ugly but necesary if len(cmd) == 0: quit() elif len(cmd) == 1: return '' # cut trailing newline and clean up if cmd[-1] == '\n': cmd = cmd[:-1] cmd = cmd.lstrip() orig_cmd = cmd s = cmd.split() if len(s) > 1: cmd = s[0] # recover original params to preserve whitespace # use as index the first parameter to the command params = orig_cmd[orig_cmd.find(s[1]):] else: if not cmd: return '' cmd = s[0] params = '' # parse if cmd == 'status': # change status if not params: return 'Your current status is %s' % msnlib.reverse_status[m.status] if not m.change_status(params): out = 'Status must be one of:\n' out += '\tonline, away, busy, brb, phone, lunch, invisible or idle' return out return 'Status changed to: %s' % params elif cmd == 'q': # quit quit() elif cmd == 'reload': # reload callbacks reload(msncb) m.cb = msncb.cb() elif cmd == 'w': # list print_grouped_list(m) elif cmd == 'ww': # list, include emails print_grouped_list(m, include_emails = 1) elif cmd == 'wr': # reverse list print_list(m, userlist = m.reverse, include_emails = 1) elif cmd == 'wd': # difference list print_diff(m) elif cmd == 'e': # list (online only) print_list(m, only_online = 1) elif cmd == 'eg': print_grouped_list(m, only_online = 1) elif cmd == 'ee': print_grouped_list(m, only_online = 1, include_emails = 1) elif cmd == 'g': # list groups print_group_list(m) elif cmd == 'raw': # send a raw message try: cmd = params[0:3] pars = params[4:] except: return 'Error parsing command' m._send(cmd, pars) elif cmd == 'debug': # enable/disable debugging p = params.split() if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command' if p[0] == 'off': msnlib.debug = null msncb.debug = null return 'Debugging disabled' elif p[0] == 'on': reload(msnlib) reload(msncb) return 'Debugging enabled' else: return 'Unknown parameter - must be "on" or "off"' elif cmd == 'config': # show config variables keys = config.keys() keys.sort() for var in keys: value = str(config[var]) if var == 'password': value = '' printl(c.bold + var + ' = ' + c.normal + value + '\n') printl(c.bold + 'use_termios = ' + str(use_termios) + '\n') printl(c.bold + 'screensize = ' + str(winsize) + '\n') elif cmd == 'color': # configure/show colors p = params.split() if len(p) != 1: printl(c.bold + "Currently using theme " + c.name + '\n') printl(c.bold + "Available themes:\n") for i in color_classes.keys(): printl(c.bold + "\t* " + i + '\n') elif p[0] not in color_classes.keys(): return "The specified theme is not available" else: c = color_classes[p[0]]() return "Changed theme to " + p[0] elif cmd == 'close': # close a connection p = params.split() if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command' email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0] if not m.users[email].sbd: return 'No socket opened for %s' % p[0] desc = str(m.users[email].sbd) m.close(m.users[email].sbd) return 'Closed socket %s' % desc elif cmd == 'privacy': # set privacy mode p = params.split() if len(p) != 2: return 'Error parsing command' try: public = int(p[0]) auth = int(p[1]) if public not in (0, 1) or auth not in (0, 1): return 'Error: both parameters must be 1 or 0' except: return 'Error: both parameters must be 1 or 0' m.privacy(public, auth) elif cmd == 'lignore': # ignore a user locally p = params.split() if len(p) == 0: printl(c.bold + 'Locally ignored users\n') for e in ignored: printl(email2nick(e) + ' (' + e + ')\n') return '' email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0] if email in ignored: return 'User is already being locally ignored' ignored.append(email) return 'User is now being locally ignored' elif cmd == 'lunignore': # unignore a locally ignored user p = params.split() if len(p) == 0: return 'Error parsing command' email = nick2email(p[0]) if email not in ignored: return 'User is not being locally ignored' ignored.remove(email) return 'User is no longer locally ignored' elif cmd == 'block': p = params.split() if len(p) == 0: return 'Error parsing command' email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0] m.userblock(email) return 'User %s blocked' % email elif cmd == 'unblock': p = params.split() if len(p) == 0: return 'Error parsing command' email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0] m.userunblock(email) return 'User %s unblocked' % email elif cmd == 'add': # add a user p = params.split() if len(p) == 0: return 'Error parsing command' elif len(p) == 1: email = nick = p[0] gid = '0' elif len(p) == 2: email = p[0] nick = p[1] gid = '0' else: email = p[0] nick = p[1] group = p[2] gid = gname2gid(group) if not gid: gid = group if gid not in m.groups.keys(): return 'Unknown group' m.useradd(email, nick, gid) elif cmd == 'del': # delete a user p = params.split() if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command' email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % p[0] m.userdel(email) elif cmd == 'ren': # rename a user p = params.split(None, 1) if len(p) < 2: return 'Error parsing command' email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: return 'Unkown nick (%s)' % p[0] newnick = p[1].strip() u = m.users[email] m.userren(email, newnick) elif cmd == 'gadd': # add a group p = params.split() if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command' m.groupadd(p[0]) elif cmd == 'gdel': # delete a group p = params.split() if len(p) != 1: return 'Error parsing command' gname = p[0] gid = gname2gid(gname) if not gid: gid = gname if gid not in m.groups.keys(): return 'Unknown group' for e in m.users.keys(): u = m.users[e] if u.gid == gid: printl('User %s (%s) will be deleted\n' % \ (u.nick, e), bold = 1) m.groupdel(gid) elif cmd == 'gren': # rename a group p = params.split() if len(p) != 2: return 'Error parsing command' newname = p[1] origname = p[0] gid = gname2gid(origname) if not gid: gid = origname if gid not in m.groups.keys(): return 'Unknown group' m.groupren(gid, newname) elif cmd == 'invite': # invite a user to an existing sbd p = params.split() if len(p) != 3: return 'Error parsing command' if p[1] != 'to': return 'Error parsing command' email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: email = p[0] dst = nick2email(p[2]) if not dst: dst = p[2] for i in (email, dst): if i not in m.users.keys(): return 'User %s unknown' % i dst_sbd = m.users[dst].sbd if not dst_sbd: return 'No current chat with user %s' % dst m.invite(email, dst_sbd) elif cmd == 'nick': # change our nick if len(params) < 1: return 'Error parsing command' nick = params m.change_nick(nick) elif cmd == 'info': # user info p = params.split() if len(p) != 1: out = '' out += c.bold + 'Info for ' + m.email + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Nick:\t\t' + c.normal + m.nick + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Status:\t\t' \ + c.normal + msnlib.reverse_status[m.status] + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Home phone:\t' + c.normal + str(m.homep) + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Work phone:\t' + c.normal + str(m.workp) + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Mobile phone:\t' + c.normal + str(m.mobilep) + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Users in contact list: ' + str(len(m.users)) + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Users in reverse list: ' + str(len(m.reverse)) + '\n' out += c.bold + 'Notification server: ' + c.normal + str(m) + '\n' if m.sb_fds: out += c.bold + 'Switchboard connections:\n' for i in m.sb_fds: out += c.bold + '\tSB: ' + c.normal + str(i) + '\n' printl(out) else: email = nick2email(p[0]) if not email: return 'Unknown nick (%s)' % str(p[0]) print_user_info(email) elif cmd == 'sync': # manual sync m.sync() elif cmd == 'h': # show history printl('Incoming Message History (last %d messages)\n' \ % config['history size'], c.green, 1) for i in history_ring: rtime = i[0] email = i[1] msg = i[2] print_inc_msg(email, msg, quiet = 1, ptime = 1, recvtime = rtime) # send a message elif cmd == 'm' or cmd == 'msg' or cmd == 'r' or cmd == 'a': if cmd == 'm' or cmd == 'msg': p = params.split() if len(p) < 1: return 'Please enter a nick and a message' nick = p[0] email = nick2email(nick) # begin the message content after the nick begin = len(nick + ' ') msg = params[begin:] elif cmd == 'r': email = last_received nick = email2nick(email) if not nick: nick = email msg = params elif cmd == 'a': email = last_sent nick = email2nick(email) if not nick: nick = email msg = params if not email: if cmd == 'a': return 'Please write a message first' if cmd == 'r': return 'Please reply a message first' else: return 'Unknown nick %s' % str(p[0]) if m.users[email].status == 'FLN' and not m.users[email].sbd: return 'Unable to send message: User is offline' if (m.status == 'FLN' or m.status == 'HDN') and not m.users[email].sbd: return 'Unable to send message: Not allowed when offline' r = m.sendmsg(email, msg) last_sent = email if r == 1: return 'Message for %s queued for delivery' % nick elif r == 2: print_out_msg(nick, msg) if len(m.users[email].sbd.emails) > 1: log_msg(m.email, 'out', msg, \ users = m.users[email].sbd.emails) else: log_msg(email, 'out', msg) elif r == -2: return 'Message too big' else: return 'Error %d sending message' % r elif cmd == 'help' or cmd == '?': return help else: return 'Unknown command, type "help" for help' return '' # # This are the callback replacements, which only handle the output and then # call the original callbacks to do the lower level stuff # # basic classes m = msnlib.msnd() m.cb = msncb.cb() # status change def cb_iln(md, type, tid, params): t = params.split(' ') status = msnlib.reverse_status[t[0]] email = t[1] rnick = urllib.unquote(t[2]) nick = md.users[email].nick ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now()) printl('\r%s ' % ctime, c.blue) printl(nick, c.blue, 1) printl(' is ', c.magenta) printl('%s' % status, c.magenta, 1) log_msg(email, 'status', status) if config["show realnick changes"]: printl(' with realnick ', c.magenta) printl('%s' % rnick, c.magenta, 1) log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick) printl('\n') msncb.cb_iln(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.iln = cb_iln def cb_nln(md, type, tid, params): status = msnlib.reverse_status[tid] t = params.split(' ') email = t[0] if len(params) > 1: rnick = urllib.unquote(t[1]) else: rnick = '' nick = md.users[email].nick realnick = md.users[email].realnick ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now()) if tid != md.users[email].status: printl('\r%s ' % ctime, c.blue) printl(nick, c.blue, 1) printl(' changed status to ', c.magenta) printl('%s' % status, c.magenta, 1) log_msg(email, 'status', status) # if we don't know the realnick yet, include it in the same line if not realnick and config["show realnick changes"]: printl(' with realnick ', c.magenta) printl('%s' % rnick, c.magenta, 1) log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick) printl("\n") if realnick and rnick and realnick != rnick \ and config["show realnick changes"]: printl("\r%s " % ctime, c.blue) printl(nick, c.blue, 1) printl(' changed the realnick to ', c.magenta) printl('%s\n' % rnick, c.magenta, 1) log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick) msncb.cb_nln(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.nln = cb_nln def cb_fln(md, type, tid, params): email = tid nick = md.users[email].nick ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now()) printl('\r%s ' % ctime, c.blue) printl(nick, c.blue, 1) printl(' disconnected\n', c.magenta) u = m.users[email] if u.sbd and u.sbd.msgqueue: printl(c.bold + "The following messages for " + nick + " will be discarded:\n") for msg in u.sbd.msgqueue: printl(c.bold + '\t>>> ' + c.normal + msg + '\n') log_msg(email, 'status', 'disconnect') msncb.cb_fln(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.fln = cb_fln # server disconnect def cb_out(md, type, tid, params): printl('\rServer sent disconnect (probably you logged in somewhere else)\n', c.green, 1) msncb.cb_out(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.out = cb_out def cb_bye(md, type, tid, params, sbd): email = tid if email != sbd.emails[0]: nick = email2nick(email) if not nick: nick = email first_nick = email2nick(sbd.emails[0]) if not first_nick: first_nick = sbd.emails[0] printl('\rUser %s left the chat with %s\n' % (nick, first_nick), c.green, 1) log_msg(email, 'multi', 'left', users = sbd.emails) msncb.cb_bye(md, type, tid, params, sbd) m.cb.bye = cb_bye # message def cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd): global last_received t = tid.split(' ') email = t[0] # parse lines = params.split('\n') headers = {} eoh = 0 for i in lines: # end of headers if i == '\r': break tv = i.split(':', 1) type = tv[0] value = tv[1].strip() headers[type] = value eoh += 1 eoh +=1 # handle special hotmail messages if email == 'Hotmail': if not headers.has_key('Content-Type'): return hotmail_info = {} # parse the body for i in lines: i = i.strip() if not i: continue tv = i.split(':', 1) type = tv[0] value = tv[1].strip() hotmail_info[type] = value msnlib.debug(params) if headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/x-msmsgsinitialemailnotification; charset=UTF-8': newmsgs = int(hotmail_info['Inbox-Unread']) if not newmsgs: return printl('\rYou have %s unread email(s)' % str(newmsgs) \ + ' in your Hotmail account\n', c.green, 1) elif headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/x-msmsgsemailnotification; charset=UTF-8': from_name = hotmail_info['From'] from_addr = hotmail_info['From-Addr'] subject = hotmail_info['Subject'] printl('\rYou have just received an email in your' + \ ' Hotmail account:\n', c.green, 1) printl('\r\tFrom: %s (%s)\n' % (from_name, from_addr), c.green, 1) printl('\r\tSubject: %s\n' % subject, c.green, 1) return if headers.has_key('Content-Type') and headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/x-msmsgscontrol': # the typing notices nick = email2nick(email) if not nick: nick = email if not m.users[email].priv.has_key('typing'): m.users[email].priv['typing'] = 0 if not m.users[email].priv['typing'] and email not in ignored: printl('\r') ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now()) printl('%s ' % ctime, c.blue) printl('%s' % nick, c.cyan, 1) printl(' is typing\n', c.magenta) m.users[email].priv['typing'] = time.time() elif headers.has_key('Content-Type') and headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/x-clientcaps': # ignore the x-clientcaps messages generated from gaim pass else: # messages m.users[email].priv['typing'] = 0 printl('\r') print_inc_msg(email, lines, eoh) if len(sbd.emails) > 1: log_msg(email, 'in', string.join(lines[eoh:], '\n'), \ users = sbd.emails) else: log_msg(email, 'in', string.join(lines[eoh:], '\n')) # append the message to the history, keeping it below the configured limit if len(history_ring) > config['history size']: del(history_ring[0]) history_ring.append((time.time(), email, lines[eoh:])) last_received = email msncb.cb_msg(md, type, tid, params, sbd) m.cb.msg = cb_msg # join a conversation and send pending messages def cb_joi(md, type, tid, params, sbd): email = tid nick = email2nick(email) if not nick: nick = email if sbd.emails and email != sbd.emails[0]: first_nick = email2nick(sbd.emails[0]) if not first_nick: first_nick = sbd.emails[0] printl('\rUser %s has joined the chat with %s\n' % \ (nick, first_nick), c.green, 1) log_msg(email, 'multi', 'join', \ users = sbd.emails + [email]) elif len(sbd.msgqueue) > 0: printl('\rFlushing messages for %s:\n' % nick, c.green, 1) for msg in sbd.msgqueue: print_out_msg(nick, msg) printl('\n') log_msg(email, 'out', msg) msncb.cb_joi(md, type, tid, params, sbd) m.cb.joi = cb_joi def cb_iro(md, type, tid, params, sbd): p = params.split(' ') uid, ucount, email, realnick = p nick = email2nick(email) if not nick: nick = email if ucount == '1': # do nothing if we only have one participant pass else: first_nick = email2nick(sbd.emails[0]) if not first_nick: first_nick = sbd.emails[0] # print a special message for the first user if uid == '1': printl('\rUser %s has invited us to a multi-user chat\n' % \ first_nick, c.green, 1) else: printl('\rUser %s has joined the chat with %s\n' % \ (nick, first_nick), c.green, 1) log_msg(email, 'multi', 'join', \ users = sbd.emails + [email]) msncb.cb_iro(md, type, tid, params, sbd) m.cb.iro = cb_iro # server errors def cb_err(md, errno, params): if not msncb.error_table.has_key(errno): desc = 'Unknown' else: desc = msncb.error_table[errno] desc = '\rServer sent error %d: %s\n' % (errno, desc) perror(desc) msncb.cb_err(md, errno, params) m.cb.err = cb_err # users add, delete and modify def cb_add(md, type, tid, params): t = params.split(' ') type = t[0] if type == 'RL' or type == 'FL': email = t[2] nick = urllib.unquote(t[3]) if type == 'RL': out = '\r' + c.blue + c.bold + ('%s (%s) ' % (email, nick)) \ + c.magenta + 'has added you to his contact list\n' printl(out) beep() elif type == 'FL': out = '\r' + c.blue + c.bold + ('%s (%s) ' % (email, nick)) \ + c.magenta + 'has been added to your contact list\n' printl(out) msncb.cb_add(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.add = cb_add def cb_rem(md, type, tid, params): t = params.split(' ') type = t[0] if type == 'RL' or type == 'FL': email = t[2] if type == 'RL': out = '\r' + c.blue + c.bold + email + ' ' + c.magenta \ + 'has removed you from his contact list\n' printl(out) beep() elif type == 'FL': out = '\r' + c.blue + c.bold + email + ' ' + c.magenta \ + 'has been removed from your contact list\n' printl(out) msncb.cb_rem(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.rem = cb_rem def cb_rea(md, type, tid, params): t = params.split(' ') email = t[1] nick = urllib.unquote(t[2]) if email != md.email: out = '\r' + c.blue + c.bold + email + ' ' + c.magenta \ + 'has been renamed to ' + c.bold + nick + '\n' printl(out) else: out = '\r' + c.magenta + 'Your nick has been changed to ' \ + c.bold + nick + '\n' printl(out) msncb.cb_rea(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.rea = cb_rea def cb_adg(md, type, tid, params): t = params.split(' ') lver, name, gid = t[0:3] name = urllib.unquote(name) out = '\r' + c.magenta + 'Group ' out += c.blue + c.bold + '%s (%s)' % (name, gid) + c.clear out += c.magenta + ' has been added\n' printl(out) msncb.cb_adg(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.adg = cb_adg def cb_rmg(md, type, tid, params): t = params.split(' ') lver, gid = t[0:2] name = md.groups[gid] out = '\r' + c.magenta + 'Group ' out += c.blue + c.bold + '%s (%s)' % (name, gid) + c.clear out += c.magenta + ' has been removed\n' printl(out) msncb.cb_rmg(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.rmg = cb_rmg def cb_reg(md, type, tid, params): t = params.split(' ') gid = t[1] origname = md.groups[gid] origname = urllib.unquote(origname) newname = t[2] newname = urllib.unquote(newname) out = '\r' + c.magenta + 'Group ' out += c.blue + c.bold + '%s (%s)' % (origname, gid) + c.clear out += c.magenta + ' has been renamed to ' out += c.blue + c.bold + '%s' % newname + '\n' printl(out) msncb.cb_reg(md, type, tid, params) m.cb.reg = cb_reg # # now the real thing # printl('* MSN Client (3.5) *\n', c.yellow, 1) # first, the configuration printl('Loading config... ', c.green, 1) if len(sys.argv) > 1: # first, try the arg as file config = get_config(sys.argv[1]) profile = None if not config: # then, as the profile profile = sys.argv[1] file = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.msn/msnrc-' + profile config = get_config(file) else: profile = None config = get_config(os.environ['HOME'] + '/.msn/msnrc') if not config: perror('Error opening config file (%s), try running "msnsetup"\n' % file) quit(1) config['profile'] = profile # set the mandatory values if config.has_key('email'): m.email = config['email'] else: perror('Error: email not specified in config file\n') quit(1) if config.has_key('password'): m.pwd = config['password'] else: # we ask for the password, setting, if necesary, blocking IO over # stdin (which was disabled by the terminal handling stuff) import getpass try: fcntl.fcntl(stdinfd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_SYNC) except: pass m.pwd = getpass.getpass(c.green + c.bold + "\nPassword: ") try: fcntl.fcntl(stdinfd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) except: pass # and the optional ones, setting the defaults if not present # history size if not config.has_key('history size'): config['history size'] = 10 else: try: config['history size'] = int(config['history size']) except: perror('history size must be integer, using default\n') config['history size'] = 10 # input history size if not config.has_key('input history size'): config['input history size'] = 10 else: try: config['history size'] = int(config['history size']) except: error('input history size must be integer, using default\n') config['input history size'] = 10 # initial status if not config.has_key('initial status'): config['initial status'] = 'online' elif config['initial status'] not in msnlib.status_table.keys(): perror('unknown initial status, using default\n') config['initial status'] = 'online' # debug if not config.has_key('debug'): config['debug'] = 0 elif config['debug'] != 'yes': config['debug'] = 0 # colors if not config.has_key('color theme'): config['color theme'] = 'default' try: c = color_classes[config['color theme']]() except: perror("Unknown color theme, type 'color' for help\n") # log history if not config.has_key('log history'): config['log history'] = 1 elif config['log history'] != 'yes': config['log history'] = 0 # history directory if not config.has_key('history directory'): config['history directory'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.msn/history' # show realnick changes if not config.has_key('show realnick changes'): config['show realnick changes'] = 0 elif config['show realnick changes'] != 'yes': config['show realnick changes'] = 0 # auto away time if not config.has_key('auto away'): config['auto away'] = 0 else: try: config['auto away'] = int(config['auto away']) except: perror('auto away must be integer, using default\n') config['auto away'] = 0 if config['auto away'] and config['auto away'] < 60: # sanity check perror('Warning: auto away time was set to less than a minute!\n') # encoding if not config.has_key('encoding'): # we use posix standard way of defining standard locale, or just fall # back to iso-8859-1; see locale(7) for more details if os.environ.has_key('LC_ALL') and os.environ['LC_ALL']: config['encoding'] = os.environ['LC_ALL'] elif os.environ.has_key('LANG') and os.environ['LANG']: config['encoding'] = os.environ['LANG'] else: config['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1' m.encoding = config['encoding'] printl('done\n', c.green, 1) # set or void the debug if not config['debug']: msnlib.debug = null msncb.debug = null # debug some internal variables msnlib.debug("Terminal Handling: %d" % use_termios) msnlib.debug("Terminal Size: %s" % str(winsize)) # login to msn printl('Logging in... ', c.green, 1) try: m.login() printl('done\n', c.green, 1) except 'AuthError', info: errno = int(info[0]) if not msncb.error_table.has_key(errno): desc = 'Unknown' else: desc = msncb.error_table[errno] perror('Error: %s (%s)\n' % (desc, errno)) quit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: quit() except ('SocketError', socket.error), info: perror('Network error: ' + str(info) + '\n') quit(1) except: pexc('Exception logging in\n') quit(1) # call sync to get the lists and refresh printl('Sending user list request... ', c.green, 1) if m.sync(): printl('done\n', c.green, 1) list_complete = 0 else: perror('Error syncing users\n') # global variables history_ring = [] # history buffer last_sent = '' # email of the last person we sent a message to last_received = '' # email of the last person we received a message from ignored = [] # people being locally ignored # auto-away timeout = config['auto away'] if not timeout: timeout = None # must be None, not 0 because of select() semantics auto_away = 0 # loop redraw_cli() while 1: fds = m.pollable() infd = fds[0] outfd = fds[1] infd.append(sys.stdin) try: fds = select.select(infd, outfd, [], timeout) except KeyboardInterrupt: quit() if timeout and len(fds[0] + fds[1]) == 0: # timeout, set auto away if m.status == 'NLN': m.change_status('away') auto_away = 1 printl('\rAutomatically changing status to away\n', c.green, 1) for i in fds[0] + fds[1]: # see msnlib.msnd.pollable.__doc__ if i == sys.stdin: # auto away revival if auto_away: auto_away = 0 m.change_status('online') printl('\rAutomatically changing status back to online\n', c.green, 1) # read from stdin stdin_read() else: try: m.read(i) # see if we got all the user list, so we can # change our initial status (doing it earlier # as we used to seems to break things for some # people) if not list_complete and \ m.lst_total == m.syn_total: list_complete = 1 if m.change_status(config['initial status']): printl('\rStatus set to %s\n' % config['initial status'], c.green, 1) else: perror('\rError setting status: unknown status %s\n' % config['initial status']) except ('SocketError', socket.error), err: if i != m: if i.msgqueue: nick = email2nick(i.emails[0]) printl("\rConnection with %s closed - the following messages couldn't be sent:\n" % (nick), c.green, 1) for msg in i.msgqueue: printl(c.bold + '\t>>> ' + c.normal + msg + '\n') m.close(i) else: printl('\nMain socket closed (%s)\n' % str(err), c.red) quit(1) except 'XFRError', err: printl("\rXFR Error: %s\n" % str(err)) # always redraw after network event redraw_cli()