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Dovecot integration

As of version 0.04 (2018-02), chasquid has integration with dovecot for authenticating users.

This means that chasquid can ask dovecot to authenticate users, instead/in addition to having its own per-domain user databases.

Configuring dovecot

The following needs to be added to the Dovecot configuration, usually in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf:

service auth {
  unix_listener auth-chasquid-userdb {
    mode = 0660
    user = chasquid
  unix_listener auth-chasquid-client {
    mode = 0660
    user = chasquid

If chasquid is running under a different user, adjust the user = lines accordingly.

This lets chasquid issue authentication requests to dovecot.

Authentication requests sent by chasquid to dovecot will pass on the username as specified by the client. This will usually be either user@domain, or just user.

Configuring chasquid

Add the following line to /etc/chasquid/chasquid.conf:

dovecot_auth: true

That should be it, because chasquid will "autodetect" the full path to the dovecot sockets, by looking in the usual places (tested in Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS).

If chasquid can't find them, the paths can be set with the dovecot_userdb_path and dovecot_client_path options.


Dovecot authentication can be tricky to troubleshoot.

If you think it is not working as it should, or chasquid isn't correctly talking with it, the easiest way to check is to increase dovecot auth logging verbosity:

auth_verbose = yes
auth_debug = yes

One common gotcha is when dovecot is set up to use user instead of user@domain. In that case you can try setting auth_username_format = %n to make it ignore the domain if present.