syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
message Config {
// Default hostname to use when saying hello.
// This is used:
// 1) To say hello to clients, for aesthetic purposes.
// 2) As the HELO/EHLO domain on outgoing SMTP connections, so ideally
// it would resolve back to the server. In practice, it's not a big
// deal if it isn't, but it makes troubleshooting easier.
// Default: the system's hostname.
string hostname = 1;
// Maximum email size, in megabytes.
// Default: 50.
int64 max_data_size_mb = 2;
// Addresses to listen on for SMTP (usually port 25).
// Default: "systemd", which means systemd passes sockets to us.
// systemd sockets must be named with "FileDescriptorName=smtp".
repeated string smtp_address = 3;
// Addresses to listen on for submission (usually port 587).
// Default: "systemd", which means systemd passes sockets to us.
// systemd sockets must be named with "FileDescriptorName=submission".
repeated string submission_address = 4;
// Addresses to listen on for submission-over-TLS (usually port 465).
// Default: "systemd", which means systemd passes sockets to us.
// systemd sockets must be named with
// "FileDescriptorName=submission_tls".
repeated string submission_over_tls_address = 5;
// Address for the monitoring http server.
// Do NOT expose this to the public internet.
// Default: no monitoring http server.
string monitoring_address = 6;
// Mail delivery agent (MDA, also known as LDA) to use.
// This should point to the binary to use to deliver email to local
// users. The content of the email will be passed via stdin. If it exits
// unsuccessfully, we assume the mail was not delivered.
// Default: "maildrop".
string mail_delivery_agent_bin = 7;
// Command line arguments for the mail delivery agent. One per argument.
// Some replacements will be done.
// On an email sent from marsnik@mars to venera@venus:
// - %from% -> from address (marsnik@mars)
// - %from_user% -> from user (marsnik)
// - %from_domain% -> from domain (mars)
// - %to% -> to address (venera@venus)
// - %to_user% -> to user (venera)
// - %to_domain% -> to domain (venus)
// Default: "-f", "%from%", "-d", "%to_user%" (adequate for procmail
// and maildrop).
repeated string mail_delivery_agent_args = 8;
// Directory where we store our persistent data.
// Default: "/var/lib/chasquid"
string data_dir = 9;
// Suffix separator, to perform suffix removal of local users.
// For example, if you set this to "-+", email to local user
// "user-blah" and "user+blah" will be delivered to "user".
// Including "+" is strongly encouraged, as it is assumed for email
// forwarding.
// Default: "+".
optional string suffix_separators = 10;
// Characters to drop from the user part on local emails.
// For example, if you set this to "._", email to local user
// "u.se_r" will be delivered to "user".
// Default: ".".
optional string drop_characters = 11;
// Path where to write the mail log to.
// If "<syslog>", log using the syslog (at MAIL|INFO priority).
// If "<stdout>", log to stdout; if "<stderr>", log to stderr.
// Default: <syslog>
string mail_log_path = 12;
// Enable dovecot authentication.
// Domains that don't have an user database will be authenticated via
// dovecot.
bool dovecot_auth = 13;
// Dovecot userdb path. If dovecot_auth is set and this
// is not, we will try to autodetect it.
// Example: /var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb
string dovecot_userdb_path = 14;
// Dovecot client path. If dovecot_auth is set and this
// is not, we will try to autodetect it.
// Example: /var/run/dovecot/auth-client
string dovecot_client_path = 15;
// Expect incoming SMTP connections to use the HAProxy protocol.
// This allows deploying chasquid behind a HAProxy server, as the
// address information is preserved.
bool haproxy_incoming = 16;