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[next] / cmd / dovecot-auth-cli / test_auth_bad_proto.cmy

# Break the handshake early.
client unix_listen .dovecot-client
c = ./dovecot-auth-cli .dovecot auth username password

client <- VERSION	1	1
client <~ CPID	

# We are supposed to send the handshake here.
client close

c <- no: error receiving handshake: EOF
c wait 0

# Break before sending the final response.
client unix_listen .dovecot-client
c = ./dovecot-auth-cli .dovecot auth username password

client -> VERSION	1	1
client -> SPID	12345
client -> CUID	12345
client -> COOKIE	lovelycookie
client -> MECH	PLAIN
client -> MECH	LOGIN
client -> DONE

client <- VERSION	1	1
client <~ CPID	

client <- AUTH	1	PLAIN	service=smtp	secured	no-penalty	nologin	resp=dXNlcm5hbWUAdXNlcm5hbWUAcGFzc3dvcmQ=

# We're supposed to send the OK/FAIL here.
client close

c <- no: error receiving response: EOF
c wait 0