// Package aliases implements an email aliases resolver.
// The resolver can parse many files for different domains, and perform
// lookups to resolve the aliases.
// # File format
// It generally follows the traditional aliases format used by sendmail and
// exim.
// The file can contain lines of the form:
// user: address, address
// user: | command
// Lines starting with "#" are ignored, as well as empty lines.
// User names cannot contain spaces, ":" or commas, for parsing reasons. This
// is a tradeoff between flexibility and keeping the file format easy to edit
// for people.
// User names will be normalized internally to lower-case.
// Usually there will be one database per domain, and there's no need to
// include the "@" in the user (in this case, "@" will be forbidden).
// If the user is the string "*", then it is considered a "catch-all alias":
// emails that don't match any known users or other aliases will be sent here.
// # Recipients
// Recipients can be of different types:
// - Email: the usual user@domain we all know and love, this is the default.
// - Pipe: if the right side starts with "| ", the rest of the line specifies
// a command to pipe the email through.
// Command and arguments are space separated. No quoting, escaping, or
// replacements of any kind.
// # Lookups
// The resolver will perform lookups recursively, until it finds all the final
// recipients.
// There are recursion limits to avoid alias loops. If the limit is reached,
// the entire resolution will fail.
// # Suffix removal
// The resolver can also remove suffixes from emails, and drop characters
// completely. This can be used to turn "user+blah@domain" into "user@domain",
// and "us.er@domain" into "user@domain".
// Both are optional, and the characters configurable globally.
// There are more complex semantics around handling of drop characters and
// suffixes, see the documentation for more details.
package aliases
import (
// Exported variables.
var (
hookResults = expvarom.NewMap("chasquid/aliases/hookResults",
"result", "count of aliases hook results, by hook and result")
// Recipient represents a single recipient, after resolving aliases.
// They don't have any special interface, the callers will do a type switch
// anyway.
type Recipient struct {
Addr string
Type RType
// RType represents a recipient type, see the constants below for valid values.
type RType string
// Valid recipient types.
const (
EMAIL RType = "(email)"
PIPE RType = "(pipe)"
var (
// ErrRecursionLimitExceeded is returned when the resolving lookup
// exceeded the recursion limit. Usually caused by aliases loops.
ErrRecursionLimitExceeded = fmt.Errorf("recursion limit exceeded")
// How many levels of recursions we allow during lookups.
// We don't expect much recursion, so keeping this low to catch errors
// quickly.
recursionLimit = 10
// Type of the "does this user exist" function", for convenience.
type existsFn func(tr *trace.Trace, user, domain string) (bool, error)
// Resolver represents the aliases resolver.
type Resolver struct {
// Suffix separator, to perform suffix removal.
SuffixSep string
// Characters to drop from the user part.
DropChars string
// Path to the resolve hook.
ResolveHook string
// Function to check if a user exists in the userdb.
userExistsInDB existsFn
// Map of domain -> alias files for that domain.
// We keep track of them for reloading purposes.
files map[string][]string
domains map[string]bool
// Map of address -> aliases.
aliases map[string][]Recipient
// Mutex protecting the structure.
mu sync.Mutex
// NewResolver returns a new, empty Resolver.
func NewResolver(userExists existsFn) *Resolver {
return &Resolver{
files: map[string][]string{},
domains: map[string]bool{},
aliases: map[string][]Recipient{},
userExistsInDB: userExists,
// Resolve the given address, returning the list of corresponding recipients
// (if any).
func (v *Resolver) Resolve(tr *trace.Trace, addr string) ([]Recipient, error) {
tr = tr.NewChild("Alias.Resolve", addr)
defer tr.Finish()
return v.resolve(0, addr, tr)
// Exists check that the address exists in the database. It must only be
// called for local addresses.
func (v *Resolver) Exists(tr *trace.Trace, addr string) bool {
tr = tr.NewChild("Alias.Exists", addr)
defer tr.Finish()
// First, see if there's an exact match in the database.
// This allows us to have aliases that include suffixes in them, and have
// them take precedence.
rcpts, _ := v.lookup(addr, tr)
if len(rcpts) > 0 {
return true
// "Clean" the address, removing drop characters and suffixes, and try
// again.
addr = v.RemoveDropsAndSuffix(addr)
rcpts, _ = v.lookup(addr, tr)
if len(rcpts) > 0 {
return true
domain := envelope.DomainOf(addr)
catchAll, _ := v.lookup("*@"+domain, tr)
return len(catchAll) > 0
func (v *Resolver) lookup(addr string, tr *trace.Trace) ([]Recipient, error) {
// Do a lookup in the aliases map. Note we remove drop characters first,
// which matches what we did at parsing time. Suffixes, if any, are left
// as-is; that is handled by the callers.
clean := v.RemoveDropCharacters(addr)
rcpts := v.aliases[clean]
// Augment with the hook results.
// Note we use the original address, to give maximum flexibility to the
// hooks.
hr, err := v.runResolveHook(tr, addr)
if err != nil {
tr.Debugf("lookup(%q) hook error: %v", addr, err)
return nil, err
tr.Debugf("lookup(%q) -> %v + %v", addr, rcpts, hr)
return append(rcpts, hr...), nil
func (v *Resolver) resolve(rcount int, addr string, tr *trace.Trace) ([]Recipient, error) {
tr.Debugf("%d| resolve(%d, %q)", rcount, rcount, addr)
if rcount >= recursionLimit {
return nil, ErrRecursionLimitExceeded
// If the address is not local, we return it as-is, so delivery is
// attempted against it.
// Example: an alias that resolves to a non-local address.
user, domain := envelope.Split(addr)
if _, ok := v.domains[domain]; !ok {
tr.Debugf("%d| non-local domain, returning %q", rcount, addr)
return []Recipient{{addr, EMAIL}}, nil
// First, see if there's an exact match in the database.
// This allows us to have aliases that include suffixes in them, and have
// them take precedence.
rcpts, err := v.lookup(addr, tr)
if err != nil {
tr.Debugf("%d| error in lookup: %v", rcount, err)
return nil, err
if len(rcpts) == 0 {
// Retry after removing drop characters and suffixes.
// This also means that we will return the clean version if there's no
// match, which our callers can rely upon.
addr = v.RemoveDropsAndSuffix(addr)
rcpts, err = v.lookup(addr, tr)
if err != nil {
tr.Debugf("%d| error in lookup: %v", rcount, err)
return nil, err
// No alias for this local address.
if len(rcpts) == 0 {
tr.Debugf("%d| no alias found", rcount)
// If the user exists, then use it as-is, no need to recurse further.
ok, err := v.userExistsInDB(tr, user, domain)
if err != nil {
tr.Debugf("%d| error checking if user exists: %v", rcount, err)
return nil, err
if ok {
tr.Debugf("%d| user exists, returning %q", rcount, addr)
return []Recipient{{addr, EMAIL}}, nil
catchAll, err := v.lookup("*@"+domain, tr)
if err != nil {
tr.Debugf("%d| error in catchall lookup: %v", rcount, err)
return nil, err
if len(catchAll) > 0 {
// If there's a catch-all, then use it and keep resolving
// recursively (since the catch-all destination could be an
// alias).
tr.Debugf("%d| using catch-all: %v", rcount, catchAll)
rcpts = catchAll
} else {
// Otherwise, return the original address unchanged.
// The caller will handle that situation, and we don't need to
// invalidate the whole resolution (there could be other valid
// aliases).
// The queue will attempt delivery against this local (but
// evidently non-existing) address, and the courier will emit a
// clearer failure, re-using the existing codepaths and
// simplifying the logic.
tr.Debugf("%d| no catch-all, returning %q", rcount, addr)
return []Recipient{{addr, EMAIL}}, nil
ret := []Recipient{}
for _, r := range rcpts {
// Only recurse for email recipients.
if r.Type != EMAIL {
ret = append(ret, r)
ar, err := v.resolve(rcount+1, r.Addr, tr)
if err != nil {
tr.Debugf("%d| resolve(%q) returned error: %v", rcount, r.Addr, err)
return nil, err
ret = append(ret, ar...)
tr.Debugf("%d| returning %v", rcount, ret)
return ret, nil
// Remove drop characters, but only up to the first suffix separator.
func (v *Resolver) RemoveDropCharacters(addr string) string {
user, domain := envelope.Split(addr)
// Remove drop characters up to the first suffix separator.
firstSuffixSep := strings.IndexAny(user, v.SuffixSep)
if firstSuffixSep == -1 {
firstSuffixSep = len(user)
nu := ""
for _, c := range user[:firstSuffixSep] {
if !strings.ContainsRune(v.DropChars, c) {
nu += string(c)
// Copy any remaining suffix as-is.
if firstSuffixSep < len(user) {
nu += user[firstSuffixSep:]
nu, _ = normalize.User(nu)
return nu + "@" + domain
func (v *Resolver) RemoveDropsAndSuffix(addr string) string {
user, domain := envelope.Split(addr)
user = removeAllAfter(user, v.SuffixSep)
user = removeChars(user, v.DropChars)
user, _ = normalize.User(user)
return user + "@" + domain
// AddDomain to the resolver, registering its existence.
func (v *Resolver) AddDomain(domain string) {
v.domains[domain] = true
// AddAliasesFile to the resolver. The file will be parsed, and an error
// returned if it does not parse correctly. Note that the file not existing
// does NOT result in an error.
func (v *Resolver) AddAliasesFile(domain, path string) (int, error) {
// We unconditionally add the domain and file on our list.
// Even if the file does not exist now, it may later. This makes it be
// consider when doing Reload.
// Adding it to the domains mean that we will do drop character and suffix
// manipulation even if there are no aliases for it.
v.files[domain] = append(v.files[domain], path)
v.domains[domain] = true
aliases, err := v.parseFile(domain, path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return 0, nil
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Add the aliases to the resolver, overriding any previous values.
for addr, rs := range aliases {
v.aliases[addr] = rs
return len(aliases), nil
// AddAliasForTesting adds an alias to the resolver, for testing purposes.
// Not for use in production code.
func (v *Resolver) AddAliasForTesting(addr, rcpt string, rType RType) {
v.aliases[addr] = append(v.aliases[addr], Recipient{rcpt, rType})
// Reload aliases files for all known domains.
func (v *Resolver) Reload() error {
newAliases := map[string][]Recipient{}
for domain, paths := range v.files {
for _, path := range paths {
aliases, err := v.parseFile(domain, path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %q: %v", path, err)
// Add the aliases to the resolver, overriding any previous values.
for addr, rs := range aliases {
newAliases[addr] = rs
v.aliases = newAliases
return nil
func (v *Resolver) parseFile(domain, path string) (map[string][]Recipient, error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
aliases, err := v.parseReader(domain, f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading %q: %v", path, err)
return aliases, nil
func (v *Resolver) parseReader(domain string, r io.Reader) (map[string][]Recipient, error) {
aliases := map[string][]Recipient{}
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for i := 1; scanner.Scan(); i++ {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
sp := strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2)
if len(sp) != 2 {
addr, rawalias := strings.TrimSpace(sp[0]), strings.TrimSpace(sp[1])
if len(addr) == 0 || len(rawalias) == 0 {
if strings.Contains(addr, "@") {
// It's invalid for lhs addresses to contain @ (for now).
// We remove DropChars from the address, but leave the suffixes (if
// any). This matches the behaviour expected by Exists and Resolve,
// see the documentation for more details.
addr = addr + "@" + domain
addr = v.RemoveDropCharacters(addr)
addr, _ = normalize.Addr(addr)
rs := parseRHS(rawalias, domain)
aliases[addr] = rs
return aliases, scanner.Err()
func parseRHS(rawalias, domain string) []Recipient {
if len(rawalias) == 0 {
return nil
if rawalias[0] == '|' {
cmd := strings.TrimSpace(rawalias[1:])
if cmd == "" {
// A pipe alias without a command is invalid.
return nil
return []Recipient{{cmd, PIPE}}
rs := []Recipient{}
for _, a := range strings.Split(rawalias, ",") {
a = strings.TrimSpace(a)
if a == "" {
// Addresses with no domain get the current one added, so it's
// easier to share alias files.
if !strings.Contains(a, "@") {
a = a + "@" + domain
a, _ = normalize.Addr(a)
rs = append(rs, Recipient{a, EMAIL})
return rs
// removeAllAfter removes everything from s that comes after the separators,
// including them.
func removeAllAfter(s, seps string) string {
for _, c := range strings.Split(seps, "") {
if c == "" {
i := strings.Index(s, c)
if i == -1 {
s = s[:i]
return s
// removeChars removes the runes in "chars" from s.
func removeChars(s, chars string) string {
for _, c := range strings.Split(chars, "") {
s = strings.Replace(s, c, "", -1)
return s
func (v *Resolver) runResolveHook(tr *trace.Trace, addr string) ([]Recipient, error) {
if v.ResolveHook == "" {
hookResults.Add("resolve:notset", 1)
return nil, nil
// TODO: check if the file is executable.
if _, err := os.Stat(v.ResolveHook); os.IsNotExist(err) {
hookResults.Add("resolve:skip", 1)
return nil, nil
// TODO: this should be done via a context propagated all the way through.
tr = tr.NewChild("Hook.Alias-Resolve", addr)
defer tr.Finish()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, v.ResolveHook, addr)
outb, err := cmd.Output()
out := string(outb)
tr.Debugf("stdout: %q", out)
if err != nil {
hookResults.Add("resolve:fail", 1)
return nil, err
// Extract recipients from the output.
// Same format as the right hand side of aliases file, see parseRHS.
domain := envelope.DomainOf(addr)
raw := strings.TrimSpace(out)
rs := parseRHS(raw, domain)
tr.Debugf("recipients: %v", rs)
hookResults.Add("resolve:success", 1)
return rs, nil