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[next] / internal / nettrace / templates / index.html.tmpl

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
{{template "style.css"}}

{{if .Trace}}{{.Trace.Family}} - {{.Trace.Title}}
{{else if .BucketStr}}{{.Family}} - {{.BucketStr}}
{{else if .Latencies}}{{.Family}} - latency



<table class="index">
{{range $name, $ftr := .FamTraces}}
  <td class="family">
    <a href="?fam={{$name}}&b=0&all=true">
    {{if eq $name $.Family}}<u>{{end}}
    {{if eq $name $.Family}}</u>{{end}}

  <td class="bucket active">
    {{$n := $ftr.LenActive}}
    {{if and (eq $name $.Family) (eq "active" $.BucketStr)}}<u>{{end}}

    <a href="?fam={{$name}}&b=-1&all={{$.AllGT}}"
       {{if eq $n 0}}class="muted"{{end}}>
        {{$n}} active</a>

    {{if and (eq $name $.Family) (eq "active" $.BucketStr)}}</u>{{end}}

  {{range $i, $b := $.Buckets}}
  <td class="bucket">
    {{$n := $ftr.LenBucket $i}}
    {{if and (eq $name $.Family) (eq $b.String $.BucketStr)}}<u>{{end}}

    <a href="?fam={{$name}}&b={{$i}}&all={{$.AllGT}}"
       {{if eq $n 0}}class="muted"{{end}}>

    {{if and (eq $name $.Family) (eq $b.String $.BucketStr)}}</u>{{end}}

  <td class="bucket">
    {{$n := $ftr.LenErrors}}
    {{if and (eq $name $.Family) (eq "errors" $.BucketStr)}}<u>{{end}}

    <a href="?fam={{$name}}&b=-2&all={{$.AllGT}}"
       {{if eq $n 0}}class="muted"{{end}}>

    {{if and (eq $name $.Family) (eq "errors" $.BucketStr)}}</u>{{end}}

  <td class="bucket">
    <a href="?fam={{$name}}&lat=true&all={{$.AllGT}}">[latency]</a>
Show: <a href="?fam={{.Family}}&b={{.Bucket}}&all=false">
  {{if not .AllGT}}<u>{{end}}
  Only in bucket</a>
  {{if not .AllGT}}</u>{{end}}
<a href="?fam={{.Family}}&b={{.Bucket}}&all=true">
  {{if .AllGT}}<u>{{end}}
  All &ge; bucket</a>
  {{if .AllGT}}</u>{{end}}

{{if .Error}}
<p class="error">Error: {{.Error}}</p>

{{if .BucketStr}}
<h2>{{.Family}} - {{.BucketStr}}</h2>

<table class="trace">
  <th>Elapsed (s)</th>
{{range .Traces}}
{{template "_single.html.tmpl" .}}<p>


{{if .Latencies}}
<h2>{{.Family}} - latency</h2>
{{template "_latency.html.tmpl" .}}<p>

{{if .Trace}}
<h2>{{.Trace.Family}} - <i>{{.Trace.Title}}</i></h2>
{{template "_recursive.html.tmpl" .}}<p>

