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base_dir = $ROOT/run/
state_dir = $ROOT/lib/
log_path = $ROOT/dovecot.log
ssl = no

default_internal_user = $USER
default_internal_group = $USER
default_login_user = $USER

# Before auth checks, rename "u@d" to "u-x". This exercises that chasquid
# handles well the case where the returned user information does not match the
# requested user.
# We drop the domain, to exercise "naked" auth handling.
auth_username_format = "%n-x"

# Disable authentication penalty, since we intentionally make failed requests
# and it just slows down tests.
auth_failure_delay = 0

passdb {
	driver = passwd-file
	args = $ROOT/passwd

userdb {
	driver = passwd-file
	args = $ROOT/passwd

service auth {
	unix_listener auth {
		mode = 0666

# Dovecot refuses to start without protocols, so we need to give it one.
protocols = imap

service imap-login {
	chroot =
	inet_listener imap {
		address =
		port = 0

service anvil {
	chroot =

# Turn on debugging information, to help troubleshooting issues.
auth_verbose = yes
auth_debug = yes
auth_debug_passwords = yes
auth_verbose_passwords = yes
mail_debug = yes