git » chasquid » smarthost » tree

[smarthost] / etc / chasquid / README

This directory contains chasquid's configuration.

- chasquid.conf          Main config file.

- domains/               Domains' data.
    - users          User and password database for the domain.
    - aliases        Aliases for the domain.

- certs/                 Certificates to use, one dir per pair.
    - fullchain.pem  Certificate (full chain).
    - privkey.pem    Private key.

Note the certs/ directory matches certbot's structure, so if you use it you
can just symlink to /etc/letsencrypt/live.

You need at least one certificate, or the server will refuse to start.
Ideally there should be a certificate for each DNS name pointing to you.

Make sure the user you use to run chasquid under ("mail" in the example
systemd files) can access the certificates and private keys.

The user databases can be created and edited with the chasquid-util tool.