git » chasquid » smarthost » tree

[smarthost] / test / t-04-aliases /


set -e
. $(dirname ${0})/../util/


generate_certs_for testserver
add_user user@testserver secretpassword

mkdir -p .logs
chasquid -v=2 --logfile=.logs/chasquid.log --config_dir=config &
wait_until_ready 1025

function send_and_check() {
	run_msmtp $1@testserver < content
	for i in $@; do
		wait_for_file .mail/$i@testserver
		mail_diff content .mail/$i@testserver
		rm -f .mail/$i@testserver

# Remove the hooks that could be left over from previous failed tests.
rm -f config/hooks/alias-resolve

# Test email aliases.
send_and_check pepe jose
send_and_check joan juan
send_and_check pitanga ñangapirí
send_and_check añil azul índigo

# Test suffix separators and drop characters.
send_and_check a.ñi_l azul índigo
send_and_check añil-blah azul índigo
send_and_check añil+blah azul índigo

# Test the pipe alias separately.
rm -f .data/pipe_alias_worked
run_msmtp tubo@testserver < content
wait_for_file .data/pipe_alias_worked
mail_diff content .data/pipe_alias_worked

# Set up the hooks.
mkdir -p config/hooks/
cp alias-resolve-hook config/hooks/alias-resolve

# Test email aliases.
send_and_check vicuña juan jose

# Test the pipe alias separately.
rm -f .data/pipe_alias_worked
run_msmtp ñandú@testserver < content
wait_for_file .data/pipe_alias_worked
mail_diff content .data/pipe_alias_worked

# Test when alias-resolve exits with an error
if run_msmtp roto@testserver < content 2> .logs/msmtp.out; then
	echo "expected delivery to roto@ to fail, but succeeded"

# Test a non-existent alias.
if run_msmtp nono@testserver < content 2> .logs/msmtp.out; then
	echo "expected delivery to nono@ to fail, but succeeded"

# Remove the hooks, leave a clean state.
rm -f config/hooks/alias-resolve
