git » chasquid » commit cf2b8ad

etc: Add a skeleton configuration structure

author Alberto Bertogli
2016-10-26 22:54:41 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2016-11-01 23:56:04 UTC
parent 3865dd0ea472cbaa0816a09dd03e0903ce5937ab

etc: Add a skeleton configuration structure

This patch adds an "etc" directory, with a basic configuration structure
that can be used for an initial installation.

etc/chasquid/README +27 -0
etc/chasquid/certs +1 -0
etc/chasquid/chasquid.conf +77 -0
etc/chasquid/domains/.gitignore +0 -0
{hooks => etc/chasquid/hooks}/post-data +0 -0
etc/systemd/system/chasquid-smtp.socket +11 -0
etc/systemd/system/chasquid-submission.socket +11 -0
etc/systemd/system/chasquid.service +23 -0
internal/config/config.proto +14 -5

diff --git a/etc/chasquid/README b/etc/chasquid/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82ac8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/chasquid/README
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+This directory contains chasquid's configuration.
+- chasquid.conf          Main config file.
+- domains/               Domains' data.
+  -
+    - users          User and password database for the domain.
+    - aliases        Aliases for the domain.
+  ...
+- certs/                 Certificates to use, one dir per pair.
+  -
+    - fullchain.pem  Certificate (full chain).
+    - privkey.pem    Private key.
+  ...
+Note the certs/ directory matches certbot's structure, so if you use it you
+can just symlink to /etc/letsencrypt/live.
+Make sure the user you use to run chasquid under ("mail" in the example
+config) can access the certificates and private keys.
+The user databases can be created and edited with the chasquid-util tool.
diff --git a/etc/chasquid/certs b/etc/chasquid/certs
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1f4d9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/chasquid/certs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/etc/chasquid/chasquid.conf b/etc/chasquid/chasquid.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e0bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/chasquid/chasquid.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Main/default hostname to use.
+# This is used to say hello to clients, and by default as the domain
+# we send delivery notifications errors from.
+# It should be a domain we can send email from, and we should have a
+# certificate for it.
+# It usually helps if our IP address resolves to it.
+# Default: machine hostname.
+#hostname: ""
+# Maximum email size, in megabytes.
+# Default: 50.
+#max_data_size_mb: 50
+# Addresses to listen on for SMTP (usually port 25).
+# Default: "systemd", which means systemd passes sockets to us.
+# systemd sockets must be named with "FileDescriptorName=smtp".
+#smtp_address: "systemd"
+#smtp_address: ":25"
+# Addresses to listen on for submission (usually port 587).
+# Default: "systemd", which means systemd passes sockets to us.
+# systemd sockets must be named with "FileDescriptorName=submission".
+#submission_address: "systemd"
+#submission_address: ":587"
+# Address for the monitoring http server.
+# Do NOT expose this to the public internet.
+# Default: no monitoring http server.
+#monitoring_address: ""
+# Mail delivery agent (MDA, also known as LDA) to use.
+# This should point to the binary to use to deliver email to local users.
+# The content of the email will be passed via stdin.
+# If it exits unsuccessfully, we assume the mail was not delivered.
+# Default: "procmail".
+#mail_delivery_agent_bin: "procmail"
+# Command line arguments for the mail delivery agent. One per argument.
+# Some replacements will be done.
+# On an email sent from marsnik@mars to venera@venus:
+#  - %from%        -> from address (marsnik@mars)
+#  - %from_user%   -> from user (marsnik)
+#  - %from_domain% -> from domain (mars)
+#  - %to%        -> to address (venera@venus)
+#  - %to_user%   -> to user (venera)
+#  - %to_domain% -> to domain (venus)
+# Default: "-f", "%from%", "-d", "%to_user%"  (adequate for procmail and
+# maildrop).
+#mail_delivery_agent_args: "-f"
+#mail_delivery_agent_args: "%from%"
+#mail_delivery_agent_args: "-d"
+#mail_delivery_agent_args: "%to_user%"
+# Directory where we store our persistent data.
+# Default: "/var/lib/chasquid"
+#data_dir: "/var/lib/chasquid"
+# Suffix separator, to perform suffix removal of local users.
+# For example, if you set this to "-+", email to local user
+# "user-blah" and "user+blah" will be delivered to "user".
+# Including "+" is strongly encouraged, as it is assumed for email
+# forwarding.
+# Default: "+".
+#suffix_separators: "+"
+# Characters to drop from the user part on local emails.
+# For example, if you set this to "._", email to local user
+# "u.se_r" will be delivered to "user".
+# Default: ".".
+#drop_characters: "."
+# Path where to write the mail log to.
+# If "<syslog>", log using the syslog (at MAIL|INFO priority).
+# Default: <syslog>
+#mail_log_path: "<syslog>"
diff --git a/etc/chasquid/domains/.gitignore b/etc/chasquid/domains/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/hooks/post-data b/etc/chasquid/hooks/post-data
similarity index 100%
rename from hooks/post-data
rename to etc/chasquid/hooks/post-data
diff --git a/etc/systemd/system/chasquid-smtp.socket b/etc/systemd/system/chasquid-smtp.socket
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfb37dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/systemd/system/chasquid-smtp.socket
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=chasquid mail daemon (SMTP sockets)
diff --git a/etc/systemd/system/chasquid-submission.socket b/etc/systemd/system/chasquid-submission.socket
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f182f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/systemd/system/chasquid-submission.socket
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=chasquid mail daemon (submission sockets)
diff --git a/etc/systemd/system/chasquid.service b/etc/systemd/system/chasquid.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f6a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/systemd/system/chasquid.service
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Description=chasquid mail daemon (service)
+Requires = chasquid-smtp.socket chasquid-submission.socket
+ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/chasquid \
+#	-v=3 \
+#	--log_dir=/var/log/chasquid/ \
+#	--alsologtostderr \
+Type = simple
+Restart = always
+User = mail
+Group = mail
+# Simple security measures just in case.
+ProtectSystem = full
+WantedBy =
diff --git a/internal/config/config.proto b/internal/config/config.proto
index bedaba9..3d49358 100644
--- a/internal/config/config.proto
+++ b/internal/config/config.proto
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ message Config {
 	// Main/default hostname to use.
 	// This is used to say hello to clients, and by default as the domain
 	// we send delivery notifications errors from.
-	// It should be a domain we can send email from.
+	// It should be a domain we can send email from, and we should have a
+	// certificate for it.
 	// It usually helps if our IP address resolves to it.
 	// Default: machine hostname.
 	string hostname = 1;
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ message Config {
 	repeated string submission_address = 4;
 	// Address for the monitoring http server.
+	// Do NOT expose this to the public internet.
 	// Default: no monitoring http server.
 	string monitoring_address = 5;
@@ -36,10 +38,17 @@ message Config {
 	string mail_delivery_agent_bin = 6;
 	// Command line arguments for the mail delivery agent. One per argument.
-	// Some replacements will be done:
-	//  - "%user%"   -> local user (anything before the @)
-	//  - "%domain%" -> domain (anything after the @)
-	// Default: "-d", "%user"  (adequate for procmail)
+	// Some replacements will be done.
+	// On an email sent from marsnik@mars to venera@venus:
+	//  - %from%        -> from address (marsnik@mars)
+	//  - %from_user%   -> from user (marsnik)
+	//  - %from_domain% -> from domain (mars)
+	//  - %to%        -> to address (venera@venus)
+	//  - %to_user%   -> to user (venera)
+	//  - %to_domain% -> to domain (venus)
+	//
+	// Default: "-f", "%from%", "-d", "%to_user%"  (adequate for procmail
+	// and maildrop).
 	repeated string mail_delivery_agent_args = 7;
 	// Directory where we store our persistent data.