git » chasquid » commit e2481b0

cirrus: Remove the golangci-lint test

author Alberto Bertogli
2022-11-12 23:44:53 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2022-11-13 11:09:19 UTC
parent 4d1526e0c81c1ad5acd9c1e77fbb56e949feeb29

cirrus: Remove the golangci-lint test

Cirrus CI runs golangci-lint, which is often way too noisy with false
positives and irrelevant checks. Last one was errcheck on
http.ResponseWriter.Write, but there have been others before.

Disable it for now, since it doesn't add enough value to justify the
introduced friction.

.cirrus.yml +0 -36

diff --git a/.cirrus.yml b/.cirrus.yml
index e2854cd..c0f69b7 100644
--- a/.cirrus.yml
+++ b/.cirrus.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 # Configuration for
@@ -17,38 +16,3 @@ freebsd_task:
     pw useradd testing -m
   test_script: |
     su testing -c "go test ./..."
-# GolangCI linter.
-  name: GolangCI Lint
-  container:
-    image: golangci/golangci-lint:latest
-  environment:
-      issues:
-        exclude:
-          - "Error return value of .(.*Errorf?). is not checked"
-          - "Error return value of .(.*SetDeadline). is not checked"
-          - "Error return value of .(.*ListenAndServe). is not checked"
-        exclude-rules:
-          - path: _test\.go
-            linters:
-              - errcheck
-          - linters:
-              - staticcheck
-            # SA1015: time.Tick leaks but it's ok on endless functions.
-            text: "SA1015:"
-        exclude-use-default: true
-  lint_config_file:
-    path: /tmp/lint.yml
-    variable_name: LINT_CONFIG
-  run_script: |
-    golangci-lint run -v --out-format json \
-      -c /tmp/lint.yml \
-      > lint-report.json
-  always:
-    golangci_artifacts:
-      path: lint-report.json
-      type: text/json
-      format: golangci