css3fmt is an auto-formatter for CSS files.
It is not particularly fancy or smart, but it is simple and can automatically format most CSS files.
css3fmt is written in Go.
go get blitiri.com.ar/go/css3fmt
Put the following into your .vimrc
file to auto-indent on save:
function! CSSFormatBuffer()
let l:curw = winsaveview()
let l:tmpname = tempname()
call writefile(getline(1,'$'), l:tmpname)
let l:out = system("css3fmt " . l:tmpname)
call delete(l:tmpname)
if v:shell_error == 0
try | silent undojoin | catch | endtry
silent %!css3fmt
echoerr l:out
call winrestview(l:curw)
return v:shell_error == 0
autocmd filetype css
\ autocmd bufwritepre <buffer> call CSSFormatBuffer()
If you have any questions, comments or patches please send them to albertito@blitiri.com.ar.