git » debian:golang-blitiri-go-log » commit e82a58b

Export the log level

author Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-28 05:11:11 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-28 05:11:11 UTC
parent c0ac370bd9ba7a7baf2a860f73a88f0c51e2d049

Export the log level

There are good reasons for changing the log level (e.g. being more or
less verbose depending on flags).

This patch exports the level field so callers can change it, with a few
caveats included in the documentation.

This change is experimental and could be reverted or tweaked in the

log.go +14 -9

diff --git a/log.go b/log.go
index 8632aad..6b049d0 100644
--- a/log.go
+++ b/log.go
@@ -73,12 +73,17 @@ var levelToLetter = map[Level]string{
 // A Logger represents a logging object that writes logs to a writer.
 type Logger struct {
-	level   Level
-	logTime bool
+	// Minimum level to log. Messages below this level will be dropped.
+	// Note this field is NOT thread safe, if you change it, it is strongly
+	// recommended to do so right after creating the logger, and before it is
+	// used.
+	// The use of this field should be considered EXPERIMENTAL, the API for it
+	// could change in the future.
+	Level Level
+	logTime    bool
 	callerSkip int
-	w io.WriteCloser
+	w          io.WriteCloser
@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ func New(w io.WriteCloser) *Logger {
 	return &Logger{
 		w:          w,
 		callerSkip: 0,
-		level:      Info,
+		Level:      Info,
 		logTime:    true,
@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ func (l *Logger) Close() {
 // It can be used to decide whether to use or gather debugging information
 // only at a certain level, to avoid computing it needlessly.
 func (l *Logger) V(level Level) bool {
-	return level <= l.level
+	return level <= l.Level
 // Log the message into the logger, at the given level. This is low-level and
@@ -202,7 +207,7 @@ func (l *Logger) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
 var Default = &Logger{
 	w:          os.Stderr,
 	callerSkip: 1,
-	level:      Info,
+	Level:      Info,
 	logTime:    false,
@@ -229,7 +234,7 @@ func Init() {
 	Default.callerSkip = 1
-	Default.level = Level(*vLevel)
+	Default.Level = Level(*vLevel)
 	Default.logTime = *logTime