git » dnss » main » tree

[main] / tests / bench

# This is a small utility that helps run and diff benchmarks, using
# "go test -bench" and "benchstat".
# It's only used for development and not meant to be portable, or have a
# stable interface.
# Examples:
#   # Run the benchmarks, recording the output IFF the tree is not dirty.
#   ./tests/bench
#   # Diff between two recorded commits.
#   benchstat BASE=.bench-history/... LAST=.bench-history/last

set -e

cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"

mkdir -p $BDIR

FNAME="$BDIR/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")-$(git describe --always --dirty)"

echo file: $FNAME
go test -bench=. ./... "$@" | tee $FNAME