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[next] / internal / dnsserver / caching_test.go

package dnsserver

// Tests for the caching resolver.

import (



// === Tests ===

// Test basic functionality.
func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
	r := testutil.NewTestResolver()

	c := NewCachingResolver(r)

	if !r.Initialized {
		t.Errorf("caching resolver did not initialize backing")


	resp := queryA(t, c, "test. A", "test.", "")
	if !statsEquals(1, 0, 1) {
		t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())
	if !resp.Authoritative {
		t.Errorf("cache miss was not authoritative")

	// Same query, should be cached.
	resp = queryA(t, c, "", "test.", "")
	if !statsEquals(2, 1, 1) {
		t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())
	if resp.Authoritative {
		t.Errorf("cache hit was authoritative")

// Test TTL handling.
func TestTTL(t *testing.T) {
	r := testutil.NewTestResolver()
	c := NewCachingResolver(r)

	// Note we don't start c.Maintain() yet, as we don't want the background
	// TTL updater until later.

	// Test a record with a larger-than-max TTL (1 day).
	// The TTL of the response should be capped.
	resp := queryA(t, c, "test. 86400 A", "test.", "")
	if !statsEquals(1, 0, 1) {
		t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())
	if ttl := getTTL(resp.Answer); ttl != maxTTL {
		t.Errorf("expected max TTL (%v), got %v", maxTTL, ttl)

	// Same query, should be cached, and TTL also capped.
	// As we've not enabled cache maintenance, we can be sure TTL == maxTTL.
	resp = queryA(t, c, "", "test.", "")
	if !statsEquals(2, 1, 1) {
		t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())
	if ttl := getTTL(resp.Answer); ttl != maxTTL {
		t.Errorf("expected max TTL (%v), got %v", maxTTL, ttl)

	// To test that the TTL is reduced appropriately, set a small maintenance
	// period, and then repeatedly query the record. We should see its TTL
	// shrinking down within 1s.
	// Even though the TTL resolution in the protocol is in seconds, we don't
	// need to wait that much "thanks" to rounding artifacts.
	maintenancePeriod = 50 * time.Millisecond
	go c.Maintain()

	// Check that the back resolver's Maintain() is called.
	select {
	case <-r.MaintainC:
		t.Log("Maintain() called")
	case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
		t.Errorf("back resolver Maintain() was not called")

	start := time.Now()
	for time.Since(start) < 1*time.Second {
		resp = queryA(t, c, "", "test.", "")
		t.Logf("TTL %v", getTTL(resp.Answer))
		if ttl := getTTL(resp.Answer); ttl <= (maxTTL - 1*time.Second) {
	if ttl := getTTL(resp.Answer); ttl > (maxTTL - 1*time.Second) {
		t.Errorf("expected maxTTL-1s, got %v", ttl)

// Test that we don't cache failed queries.
func TestFailedQueries(t *testing.T) {
	r := testutil.NewTestResolver()
	c := NewCachingResolver(r)

	// Do two failed identical queries, check that both are cache misses.
	queryFail(t, c)
	if !statsEquals(1, 0, 1) {
		t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())

	queryFail(t, c)
	if !statsEquals(2, 0, 2) {
		t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())

func TestWantToCache(t *testing.T) {
	query := newQuery("test.", dns.TypeA)
	q := query.Question[0]
	reply := newReply(mustNewRR(t, "test. A"))
	reply.Question = []dns.Question{q}

	if err := wantToCache(q, reply); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("wantToCache failed on cacheable request: %v", err)

	r := reply.Copy()
	r.Rcode = dns.RcodeBadName
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "unsuccessful query")

	r = reply.Copy()
	r.Response = false
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "response = false")

	r = reply.Copy()
	r.Opcode = dns.OpcodeUpdate
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "opcode")

	r = reply.Copy()
	r.Answer = []dns.RR{}
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "answer is empty")

	r = reply.Copy()
	r.Truncated = true
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "truncated reply")

	r = reply.Copy()
	r.Question = []dns.Question{q, q}
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "too many/few questions (2)")

	r = reply.Copy()
	r.Question = []dns.Question{}
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "too many/few questions (0)")

	r = reply.Copy()
	r.Question = []dns.Question{
		{"other.", dns.TypeMX, dns.ClassINET}}
	checkWantToCache(t, q, r, "reply question does not match")

// Test that we handle the cache filling up.
// Note this test is tied to the current behaviour of not doing any eviction
// when we're full, which is not ideal and will likely be changed in the
// future.
func TestCacheFull(t *testing.T) {
	r := testutil.NewTestResolver()
	c := NewCachingResolver(r)

	r.Response = newReply(mustNewRR(t, "test. A"))

	// Do maxCacheSize+1 different requests.
	for i := 0; i < maxCacheSize+1; i++ {
		queryA(t, c, "", fmt.Sprintf("test%d.", i), "")
		if !statsEquals(i+1, 0, i+1) {
			t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())

	// Query up to maxCacheSize, they should all be hits.
	for i := 0; i < maxCacheSize; i++ {
		queryA(t, c, "", fmt.Sprintf("test%d.", i), "")
		if !statsEquals(i+1, i+1, 0) {
			t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())

	// Querying maxCacheSize+1 should be a miss, because the cache was full.
	queryA(t, c, "", fmt.Sprintf("test%d.", maxCacheSize), "")
	if !statsEquals(1, 0, 1) {
		t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())

// Test behaviour when the size of the cache is 0 (so users can disable it
// that way).
func TestZeroSize(t *testing.T) {
	r := testutil.NewTestResolver()
	c := NewCachingResolver(r)

	// Override the max cache size to 0.
	prevMaxCacheSize := maxCacheSize
	maxCacheSize = 0
	defer func() { maxCacheSize = prevMaxCacheSize }()

	r.Response = newReply(mustNewRR(t, "test. A"))

	// Do 5 different requests.
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		queryA(t, c, "", fmt.Sprintf("test%d.", i), "")
		if !statsEquals(i+1, 0, i+1) {
			t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())

	// Query them back, they should all be misses.
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		queryA(t, c, "", fmt.Sprintf("test%d.", i), "")
		if !statsEquals(i+1, 0, i+1) {
			t.Errorf("bad stats: %v", dumpStats())

// === Benchmarks ===

func BenchmarkCacheSimple(b *testing.B) {
	var err error

	r := testutil.NewTestResolver()
	r.Response = newReply(mustNewRR(b, "test. A"))

	c := NewCachingResolver(r)

	tr := trace.New("test", "Benchmark")
	defer tr.Finish()

	req := newQuery("test.", dns.TypeA)

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		_, err = c.Query(req, tr)
		if err != nil {
			b.Errorf("query failed: %v", err)

// === Helpers ===

func resetStats() {

func statsEquals(total, hits, misses int) bool {
	return (stats.cacheTotal.String() == strconv.Itoa(total) &&
		stats.cacheHits.String() == strconv.Itoa(hits) &&
		stats.cacheMisses.String() == strconv.Itoa(misses))

func dumpStats() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("(t:%v  h:%s  m:%v)",
		stats.cacheTotal, stats.cacheHits, stats.cacheMisses)

func queryA(t *testing.T, c *cachingResolver, rr, domain, expected string) *dns.Msg {
	// Set up the response from the given RR (if any).
	if rr != "" {
		back := c.back.(*testutil.TestResolver)
		back.Response = newReply(mustNewRR(t, rr))

	tr := trace.New("test", "queryA")
	defer tr.Finish()

	req := newQuery(domain, dns.TypeA)
	resp, err := c.Query(req, tr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("query failed: %v", err)

	a := resp.Answer[0].(*dns.A)
	if a.A.String() != expected {
		t.Errorf("expected %s, got %v", expected, a.A)

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(req.Question, resp.Question) {
		t.Errorf("question mis-match: request %v, response %v",
			req.Question, resp.Question)

	return resp

func queryFail(t *testing.T, c *cachingResolver) *dns.Msg {
	back := c.back.(*testutil.TestResolver)
	back.Response = &dns.Msg{}
	back.Response.Response = true
	back.Response.Rcode = dns.RcodeNameError

	tr := trace.New("test", "queryFail")
	defer tr.Finish()

	req := newQuery("doesnotexist.", dns.TypeA)
	resp, err := c.Query(req, tr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("query failed: %v", err)

	return resp

func checkWantToCache(t *testing.T, q dns.Question, r *dns.Msg, exp string) {
	err := wantToCache(q, r)
	if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), exp) {
		t.Errorf("q:%v r:%v expected:%q got:%v", q, r, exp, err)

func mustNewRR(tb testing.TB, s string) dns.RR {
	rr, err := dns.NewRR(s)
	if err != nil {
		tb.Fatalf("invalid RR %q: %v", s, err)
	return rr

func newQuery(domain string, t uint16) *dns.Msg {
	m := &dns.Msg{}
	m.SetQuestion(domain, t)
	return m

func newReply(answer dns.RR) *dns.Msg {
	return &dns.Msg{
		MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{
			Response:      true,
			Authoritative: false,
			Rcode:         dns.RcodeSuccess,
		Answer: []dns.RR{answer},