git » dnss » commit 4081e91

travis: Work around network reachability issues

author Alberto Bertogli
2020-05-29 00:26:11 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2020-05-29 01:02:50 UTC
parent f92509240dc884b4bd9c4474bf999ff84e85bd57

travis: Work around network reachability issues

Travis has a networking issue where it can't reach, which
causes the build to fail on Go 1.11.

Go >= 1.12 work because it uses the Go Proxy instead of contacting the
host directly, which is a horrible workaround for the issue, but it's

Until the problem is solved, mark the Go 1.11 as optional.

.travis.yml +21 -4

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index ddcedbe..8688fb8 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,28 @@
 language: go
+dist: bionic
+  include:
+    - name: "go 1.11 (debian stable)"
+      go: 1.11.x
+      # Enable Go modules explicitly on Go 1.11.
+      # Some packages update in backwards-incompatible ways assuming Go
+      # modules are in use, which can break the build unexpectedly.
+      env: GO111MODULE=on
+    - name: "go stable"
+      go: stable
+    - name: "go tip"
+      go: master
+  allow_failures:
+    # There is a bug in the Travis environment where it can't reach certain
+    # hosts that host Go package dependencies.
+    # This manifests only in Go 1.11, since subsequent versions use the public
+    # proxy which has no problems.
+    # Make the build optional until the issue is fixed.
+    - go: 1.11.x
-    - "1.10"
-    - stable
-    - master
     - go test ./...