#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
import os
import pickle
import json
import codecs
import ConfigParser
class Image (object):
def __init__(self, album):
self.album = album
self.realpath = ''
self.title = ''
self.description = ''
self.link = ''
# TODO: date
def imagepath(self):
return "images/" + self.albumpath
def normalpath(self):
return "normal/" + self.albumpath
def thumbpath(self):
return "thumbs/" + self.albumpath
def albumpath(self):
return self.album.shortname + "/" \
+ os.path.basename(self.realpath)
def anchor(self):
return os.path.basename(self.realpath)
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.albumpath, other.albumpath)
def to_dict(self):
link = self.link
if not self.link:
link = self.normalpath
# This must match the gallery parameters, as it is given to it
# as a json object
return dict(
anchor = self.anchor,
image = self.normalpath,
thumb = self.thumbpath,
title = self.title,
description = self.description,
url = link)
class Album (object):
def __init__(self, shortname):
self.shortname = shortname
self.title = ''
self.text = ''
self.images = []
def images_to_json(self):
return json.dumps([ i.to_dict() for i in self.images ],
indent = 4)
class Page (object):
def __init__(self):
self.title = ''
self.introduction = ''
self.albums = []
self.resize_to = 1200
def page_save(page, path):
c = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
c.set("page", "title", page.title.encode('utf8'))
c.set("page", "introduction", page.introduction.encode('utf8'))
c.set("page", "resize_to", str(page.resize_to))
# a list with the album names in order, so we preserve it since the
# order of the sections could be lost
c.set("page", "album_names",
" ".join(a.shortname for a in page.albums))
for a in page.albums:
section = "$album " + a.shortname
c.set(section, "shortname", a.shortname)
c.set(section, "title", a.title.encode('utf8'))
c.set(section, "text", a.text.encode('utf8'))
for i in a.images:
section = "$img " + i.albumpath
c.set(section, "albumshortname", i.album.shortname)
c.set(section, "realpath", i.realpath)
c.set(section, "title", i.title.encode('utf8'))
c.set(section, "description", i.description.encode('utf8'))
c.set(section, "link", i.link)
c.write(open(path + '.tmp', 'w'))
os.rename(path + '.tmp', path)
def page_load(path):
c = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
c.readfp(codecs.open(path, encoding = "utf8"))
p = Page()
p.title = c.get("page", "title")
p.introduction = c.get("page", "introduction")
if c.has_option("page", "resize_to"):
p.resize_to = c.getint("page", "resize_to")
album_names = c.get("page", "album_names").split()
albums = {}
for section in c.sections():
if section.startswith("$album"):
shortname = c.get(section, "shortname")
a = albums.get(shortname, Album(shortname))
a.shortname = shortname
a.title = c.get(section, "title")
a.text = c.get(section, "text")
albums[a.shortname] = a
elif section.startswith("$img"):
# get the album, use a default if it not exists (note
# we don't store it in p, that will be done when the
# album section is processed)
albumshortname = c.get(section, "albumshortname")
a = albums.get(albumshortname, Album(albumshortname))
albums[a.shortname] = a
i = Image(a)
i.realpath = c.get(section, "realpath")
i.title = c.get(section, "title")
i.description = c.get(section, "description")
i.link = c.get(section, "link")
for name in album_names:
if name in albums:
return p