Python wrapper for git.
This module is a light Python API for interfacing with it. It calls the git
command line tool directly, so please be careful with using untrusted
import functools
import sys
import io
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
import email.utils
import datetime
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
from html import escape
from typing import Any, Dict, IO, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
# Path to the git binary.
GIT_BIN = "git"
def run_git(
repo_path: str, params, stdin: bytes = None, silent_stderr=False, raw=False
) -> Union[IO[str], IO[bytes]]:
"""Invokes git with the given parameters.
This function invokes git with the given parameters, and returns a
file-like object with the output (from a pipe).
params = [GIT_BIN, "--git-dir=%s" % repo_path] + list(params)
stderr = None
if silent_stderr:
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
if not stdin:
p = subprocess.Popen(
params, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr
p = subprocess.Popen(
assert p.stdin is not None
assert p.stdout is not None
if raw:
return p.stdout
return io.TextIOWrapper(
p.stdout, encoding="utf8", errors="backslashreplace"
class GitCommand(object):
"""Convenient way of invoking git."""
def __init__(self, path: str, cmd: str):
self._override = True
self._path = path
self._cmd = cmd
self._args: List[str] = []
self._kwargs: Dict[str, str] = {}
self._stdin_buf: Optional[bytes] = None
self._raw = False
self._override = False
def __setattr__(self, k, v):
if k == "_override" or self._override:
self.__dict__[k] = v
k = k.replace("_", "-")
self._kwargs[k] = v
def arg(self, a: str):
"""Adds an argument."""
def raw(self, b: bool):
"""Request raw rather than utf8-encoded command output."""
self._override = True
self._raw = b
self._override = False
def stdin(self, s: bytes):
"""Sets the contents we will send in stdin."""
self._override = True
self._stdin_buf = s
self._override = False
def run(self):
"""Runs the git command."""
params = [self._cmd]
for k, v in list(self._kwargs.items()):
dash = "--" if len(k) > 1 else "-"
if v is None:
params.append("%s%s" % (dash, k))
params.append("%s%s=%s" % (dash, k, str(v)))
return run_git(self._path, params, self._stdin_buf, raw=self._raw)
class SimpleNamespace(object):
"""An entirely flexible object, which provides a convenient namespace."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
class smstr:
"""A "smart" string, containing many representations for ease of use."""
raw: str # string, probably utf8-encoded, good enough to show.
url: str # escaped for safe embedding in URLs (not human-readable).
html: str # HTML-embeddable representation.
def __init__(self, s: str):
self.raw = s
self.url = urllib.request.pathname2url(s)
self.html = self._to_html()
# Note we don't define __repr__() or __str__() to prevent accidental
# misuse. It does mean that some uses become more annoying, so it's a
# tradeoff that may change in the future.
def from_url(url):
"""Returns an smstr() instance from an url-encoded string."""
return smstr(urllib.request.url2pathname(url))
def split(self, sep):
"""Like str.split()."""
return [smstr(s) for s in self.raw.split(sep)]
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, smstr):
other = other.raw
return smstr(self.raw + other)
def _to_html(self):
"""Returns an html representation of the unicode string."""
html = ""
for c in escape(self.raw):
if c in "\t\r\n\r\f\a\b\v\0":
esc_c = c.encode("unicode-escape").decode("utf8")
html += '<span class="ctrlchr">%s</span>' % esc_c
html += c
return html
def unquote(s: str):
"""Git can return quoted file names, unquote them. Always return a str."""
if not (s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"'):
# Unquoted strings are always safe, no need to mess with them
return s
# The string will be of the form `"<escaped>"`, where <escaped> is a
# backslash-escaped representation of the name of the file.
# Examples: "with\ttwo\ttabs" , "\303\261aca-utf8", "\361aca-latin1"
# Get rid of the quotes, we never want them in the output.
s = s[1:-1]
# Un-escape the backslashes.
# latin1 is ok to use here because in Python it just maps the code points
# 0-255 to the bytes 0x-0xff, which is what we expect.
s = s.encode("latin1").decode("unicode-escape")
# Convert to utf8.
s = s.encode("latin1").decode("utf8", errors="backslashreplace")
return s
class Repo:
"""A git repository."""
def __init__(self, path: str, name=None, info=None):
self.path = path
self.name = name
self.info: Any = info or SimpleNamespace()
def cmd(self, cmd):
"""Returns a GitCommand() on our path."""
return GitCommand(self.path, cmd)
def _for_each_ref(self, pattern=None, sort=None, count=None):
"""Returns a list of references."""
cmd = self.cmd("for-each-ref")
if sort:
cmd.sort = sort
if count:
cmd.count = count
if pattern:
refs = []
for l in cmd.run():
obj_id, obj_type, ref = l.split()
refs.append((obj_id, obj_type, ref))
return refs
def branch_names(self):
"""Get the names of the branches."""
refs = self._for_each_ref(pattern="refs/heads/", sort="-authordate")
return [ref[len("refs/heads/") :] for _, _, ref in refs]
def main_branch(self):
"""Get the name of the main branch."""
bs = self.branch_names()
for branch in ["master", "main"]:
if branch in bs:
return branch
if bs:
return bs[0]
return None
def tags(self, sort="-taggerdate"):
"""Get the (name, obj_id) of the tags."""
refs = self._for_each_ref(pattern="refs/tags/", sort=sort)
return [(ref[len("refs/tags/") :], obj_id) for obj_id, _, ref in refs]
def commit_ids(self, ref, limit=None):
"""Generate commit ids."""
cmd = self.cmd("rev-list")
if limit:
cmd.max_count = limit
return [l.rstrip("\n") for l in cmd.run()]
def commit(self, commit_id):
"""Return a single commit."""
cs = list(self.commits(commit_id, limit=1))
if len(cs) != 1:
return None
return cs[0]
def commits(self, ref, limit, offset=0):
"""Generate commit objects for the ref."""
cmd = self.cmd("rev-list")
cmd.max_count = limit + offset
cmd.header = None
info_buffer = ""
count = 0
commits = []
for l in cmd.run():
if "\0" in l:
pre, post = l.split("\0", 1)
info_buffer += pre
count += 1
if count > offset:
commits.append(Commit.from_str(self, info_buffer))
# Start over.
info_buffer = post
info_buffer += l
if info_buffer:
count += 1
if count > offset:
commits.append(Commit.from_str(self, info_buffer))
return commits
def diff(self, ref):
"""Return a Diff object for the ref."""
cmd = self.cmd("diff-tree")
cmd.patch = None
cmd.numstat = None
cmd.find_renames = None
if self.info.root_diff:
cmd.root = None
# Note we intentionally do not use -z, as the filename is just for
# reference, and it is safer to let git do the escaping.
return Diff.from_str(cmd.run())
def refs(self):
"""Return a dict of obj_id -> ref."""
cmd = self.cmd("show-ref")
cmd.dereference = None
r = defaultdict(list)
for l in cmd.run():
l = l.strip()
obj_id, ref = l.split(" ", 1)
return r
def tree(self, ref):
"""Returns a Tree instance for the given ref."""
return Tree(self, ref)
def blob(self, path, ref):
"""Returns a Blob instance for the given path."""
cmd = self.cmd("cat-file")
cmd.batch = "%(objectsize)"
# Format: <ref>:<path>
# Construct it in binary since the path might not be utf8.
cmd.stdin(ref.encode("utf8") + b":" + path)
out = cmd.run()
head = out.readline()
if not head or head.strip().endswith(b"missing"):
return None
return Blob(out.read()[: int(head)])
def last_commit_timestamp(self):
"""Return the timestamp of the last commit."""
refs = self._for_each_ref(
pattern="refs/heads/", sort="-committerdate", count=1
for obj_id, _, _ in refs:
commit = self.commit(obj_id)
return commit.committer_epoch
return -1
class Commit(object):
"""A git commit."""
def __init__(
self._repo = repo
self.id = commit_id
self.parents = parents
self.tree = tree
self.author = author
self.author_epoch = author_epoch
self.author_tz = author_tz
self.committer = committer
self.committer_epoch = committer_epoch
self.committer_tz = committer_tz
self.message = message
self.author_name, self.author_email = email.utils.parseaddr(
self.committer_name, self.committer_email = email.utils.parseaddr(
self.subject, self.body = self.message.split("\n", 1)
self.author_date = Date(self.author_epoch, self.author_tz)
self.committer_date = Date(self.committer_epoch, self.committer_tz)
# Only get this lazily when we need it; most of the time it's not
# required by the caller.
self._diff = None
def __repr__(self):
return "<C %s p:%s a:%s s:%r>" % (
",".join(p[:7] for p in self.parents),
def diff(self):
"""Return the diff for this commit, in unified format."""
if not self._diff:
self._diff = self._repo.diff(self.id)
return self._diff
def from_str(repo, buf):
"""Parses git rev-list output, returns a commit object."""
if "\n\n" in buf:
# Header, commit message
header, raw_message = buf.split("\n\n", 1)
# Header only, no commit message
header, raw_message = buf.rstrip(), " "
header_lines = header.split("\n")
commit_id = header_lines.pop(0)
header_dict = defaultdict(list)
for line in header_lines:
k, v = line.split(" ", 1)
tree = header_dict["tree"][0]
parents = set(header_dict["parent"])
authorhdr = header_dict["author"][0]
author, author_epoch, author_tz = authorhdr.rsplit(" ", 2)
committerhdr = header_dict["committer"][0]
committer, committer_epoch, committer_tz = committerhdr.rsplit(" ", 2)
# Remove the first four spaces from the message's lines.
message = ""
for line in raw_message.split("\n"):
message += line[4:] + "\n"
return Commit(
class Date:
"""Handy representation for a datetime from git."""
def __init__(self, epoch, tz):
self.epoch = int(epoch)
self.tz = tz
self.utc = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.epoch)
self.tz_sec_offset_min = int(tz[1:3]) * 60 + int(tz[4:])
if tz[0] == "-":
self.tz_sec_offset_min = -self.tz_sec_offset_min
self.local = self.utc + datetime.timedelta(
self.str = self.utc.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000 ")
self.str += "(%s %s)" % (self.local.strftime("%H:%M"), self.tz)
def __str__(self):
return self.str
class Diff:
"""A diff between two trees."""
def __init__(self, ref, changes, body):
- ref: reference id the diff refers to.
- changes: [ (added, deleted, filename), ... ]
- body: diff body, as text, verbatim.
self.ref = ref
self.changes = changes
self.body = body
def from_str(buf):
"""Parses git diff-tree output, returns a Diff object."""
lines = iter(buf)
ref_id = next(lines)
except StopIteration:
# No diff; this can happen in merges without conflicts.
return Diff(None, [], "")
# First, --numstat information.
changes = []
l = next(lines)
while l != "\n":
l = l.rstrip("\n")
added, deleted, fname = l.split("\t", 2)
added = added.replace("-", "0")
deleted = deleted.replace("-", "0")
fname = smstr(unquote(fname))
changes.append((int(added), int(deleted), fname))
l = next(lines)
# And now the diff body. We just store as-is, we don't really care for
# the contents.
body = "".join(lines)
return Diff(ref_id, changes, body)
class Tree:
"""A git tree."""
def __init__(self, repo: Repo, ref: str):
self.repo = repo
self.ref = ref
def ls(
self, path, recursive=False
) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, smstr, Optional[int]]]:
"""Generates (type, name, size) for each file in path."""
cmd = self.repo.cmd("ls-tree")
cmd.long = None
if recursive:
cmd.r = None
cmd.t = None
if not path:
files = []
for l in cmd.run():
_mode, otype, _oid, size, name = l.split(None, 4)
if size == "-":
size = None
size = int(size)
# Remove the quoting (if any); will always give us a str.
name = unquote(name.strip("\n"))
# Strip the leading path, the caller knows it and it's often
# easier to work with this way.
name = name[len(path) :]
# We use a smart string for the name, as it's often tricky to
# manipulate otherwise.
files.append((otype, smstr(name), size))
return files
class Blob:
"""A git blob."""
def __init__(self, raw_content: bytes):
self.raw_content = raw_content
self._utf8_content = None
def utf8_content(self):
if not self._utf8_content:
self._utf8_content = self.raw_content.decode("utf8", "replace")
return self._utf8_content