git » git-arr » commit 39cff29

Support main branches other than "master"

author Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-23 18:02:43 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-23 18:02:43 UTC
parent dff4ff6757333d379bc01ba3490be89555a2e38c

Support main branches other than "master"

This patch adds support for having the main branch be named different
than "master".

It will use "master" or "main" if available, and fall back to the first
branch name if they're both missing. +11 -0
views/summary.html +8 -6

diff --git a/ b/
index bf30e83..8402c8c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -223,6 +223,17 @@ class Repo:
         refs = self._for_each_ref(pattern="refs/heads/", sort="-authordate")
         return [ref[len("refs/heads/") :] for _, _, ref in refs]
+    @functools.cache
+    def main_branch(self):
+        """Get the name of the main branch."""
+        bs = self.branch_names()
+        for branch in ["master", "main"]:
+            if branch in bs:
+                return branch
+        if bs:
+            return bs[0]
+        return None
     def tags(self, sort="-taggerdate"):
         """Get the (name, obj_id) of the tags."""
diff --git a/views/summary.html b/views/summary.html
index d3388e6..9b180b8 100644
--- a/views/summary.html
+++ b/views/summary.html
@@ -35,20 +35,22 @@
 % end
-% if "master" in repo.branch_names():
+% if repo.main_branch():
 <div class="toggable-title" onclick="toggle('commits')">
-  <a href="b/master/">commits (master)</a>
+  <a href="b/{{repo.main_branch()}}/">commits ({{repo.main_branch()}})</a>
-%     kwargs = dict(repo = repo, start_ref = "refs/heads/master",
+%     kwargs = dict(repo = repo,
+%                   start_ref = "refs/heads/" + repo.main_branch(),
 %                   limit =,
 %                   shorten = shorten, repo_root = ".", offset = 0)
 %     include commit-list **kwargs
 <div class="toggable-title" onclick="toggle('ls')">
-  <a href="b/master/t/">tree (master)</a>
+  <a href="b/{{repo.main_branch()}}/t/">tree ({{repo.main_branch()}})</a>
-%     kwargs = dict(repo = repo, tree=repo.tree("master"),
-%                   treeroot="b/master/t", dirname=smstr.from_url(""))
+%     kwargs = dict(repo = repo, tree=repo.tree(repo.main_branch()),
+%                   treeroot="b/" + repo.main_branch() + "/t",
+%                   dirname=smstr.from_url(""))
 %     include tree-list **kwargs
 % end