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[unix-separados] / html / testdata / webkit / tests3.dat

Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected start tag (style) that can be in head. Moved.
| <html>
|   <head>
|     <style>
|   <body>

Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected start tag (script) that can be in head. Moved.
| <html>
|   <head>
|     <script>
|   <body>

<head></head><!-- --><style></style><!-- --><script></script>
Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
Line: 1 Col: 28 Unexpected start tag (style) that can be in head. Moved.
| <html>
|   <head>
|     <style>
|     <script>
|   <!--   -->
|   <!--   -->
|   <body>

<head></head><!-- -->x<style></style><!-- --><script></script>
Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (head). Expected DOCTYPE.
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <!--   -->
|   <body>
|     "x"
|     <style>
|     <!--   -->
|     <script>

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>
|       "foo"

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>

| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>
|       "

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>
|       "foo

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x</pre><span>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>
|       "x"
|     <span>
|       "

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>
|       "x

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x<div>
Line: 2 Col: 7 End tag (pre) seen too early. Expected other end tag.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>
|       "x"
|       <div>
|         "

<!DOCTYPE html><pre>&#x0a;&#x0a;A</pre>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <pre>
|       "

Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected start tag head in existing head. Ignored.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|     <meta>
|   <body>

<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><head></HEAD></HTML>
Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected start tag head in existing head. Ignored.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>

Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (textarea). Expected DOCTYPE.
Line: 1 Col: 35 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <textarea>
|       "foo<span>bar</span><i>baz"

Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (title). Expected DOCTYPE.
Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (title).
| <html>
|   <head>
|     <title>
|       "foo<span>bar</em><i>baz"
|   <body>

<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <textarea>

<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <textarea>
|       "foo"

<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>

| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <textarea>
|       "

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><ul><li><div><p><li></ul></body></html>
Line: 1 Col: 60 Missing end tag (div, li).
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <ul>
|       <li>
|         <div>
|           <p>
|       <li>

<!doctype html><nobr><nobr><nobr>
Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected start tag (nobr) implies end tag (nobr).
Line: 1 Col: 33 Unexpected start tag (nobr) implies end tag (nobr).
Line: 1 Col: 33 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <nobr>
|     <nobr>
|     <nobr>

<!doctype html><nobr><nobr></nobr><nobr>
Line: 1 Col: 27 Unexpected start tag (nobr) implies end tag (nobr).
Line: 1 Col: 40 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <nobr>
|     <nobr>
|     <nobr>

<!doctype html><html><body><p><table></table></body></html>
Not known
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <p>
|     <table>

Not known
| <html>
|   <head>
|   <body>
|     <p>
|       <table>