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2020-06-06 http: Remove X-Forwarded-For from incoming requests Alberto Bertogli
2020-06-06 Implement "set header" option Alberto Bertogli
2020-06-06 HTTP Authentication support Alberto Bertogli
2020-06-06 trace: Don't quote provided string Alberto Bertogli
2020-06-06 Support dir options Alberto Bertogli
2020-06-01 modules: Update to more recent versions Alberto Bertogli
2020-06-01 Rename proxy -> server Alberto Bertogli
2020-06-01 config: Move to YAML Alberto Bertogli
2020-05-05 test: Add end to end tests Alberto Bertogli
2020-05-06 http: Improve path join + adjust logic Alberto Bertogli
2020-05-05 http: Fix dir and file schemes when target is relative Alberto Bertogli
2020-05-04 http: Support CGI target scheme Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-29 trace: use a separate context key type to prevent collisi... Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-29 http: Don't mark common errors as such in traces Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-26 Use event tracing to log http server-level errors Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-26 http: Add server-side timeouts Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-26 Improve logging and tracing Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-25 http: Add target schemes: dir, static, redirect Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-25 Add systemd configuration examples Alberto Bertogli
2020-04-25 Add Go module information Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-26 proxy: Add benchmarks Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-21 Support systemd sockets Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-21 Use for logging Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-11 http: Log the requested host Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-11 util: Log time only when writing to a file Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-11 http: Implement domain-based routing Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-07 raw: Only log at connection close Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-07 config: Warn about undecoded keys Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-07 raw: Implement a raw proxy Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-07 config: Add tests Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-07 http: Fix how we join paths ending in "/" Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-06 http: Handle empty responses in loggingTransport Alberto Bertogli
2017-08-06 Initial commit Alberto Bertogli

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