package server
import (
func TestAllowedOnNonTCP(t *testing.T) {
// Use a rate limit with 0 requests per second to disable ratelimiting.
ratelimit.FromConfig("test-rl", config.RateLimit{
Rate: config.Rate{Requests: 0, Period: time.Second}})
rl := ratelimit.FromName("test-rl")
tcp := &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 1234}
if allowed(tcp, rl) {
t.Errorf("allowed(tcp %v) = true, expected false", tcp)
// Try a few different non-TCP addresses, to make sure we fail-open on
// them.
addrs := []net.Addr{
&net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1), Port: 1234},
&net.IPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1)},
for _, addr := range addrs {
if !allowed(addr, rl) {
t.Errorf("allowed(%v) = false, expected true", addr)