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[main] / doc / man / kxc-cryptsetup.1.pod

=head1 NAME

kxc-cryptsetup - Cryptsetup helper to kxc


B<kxc-cryptsetup> I<NAME>


L<kxc(1)> is a client for L<kxd(1)>, a key exchange daemon.

kxc-cryptsetup is a convenience wrapper for invoking kxc while taking the
options from the files in F</etc/kxc/>.

=head1 OPTIONS

Its only command-line argument is a descriptive name, which will be used to
find the configuration files.

=head1 FILES

For a given I<NAME> that is passed as the only command-line argument, the
following files are needed:

=over 8

=item F</etc/kxc/NAME.key.pem>

Private key to use.

=item F</etc/kxc/NAME.cert.pem>

Certificate to use. Must match the given key.

=item F</etc/kxc/NAME.server_cert.pem>

Server certificate, used to validate the server.

=item F</etc/kxc/NAME.url>

Contains the URL to the key; usually in the form of C<kxd://server/name>.


=head1 CONTACT

L<Main website|>.

If you have any questions, comments or patches please send them to

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<kxc(1)>, L<kxd(1)>, L<crypttab(5)>, L<cryptsetup(8)>.