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=head1 NAME

kxd - Key exchange daemon


B<kxd> [I<options>...]


kxd is a key exchange daemon, which serves blobs of data (keys) over https.

It can be used to get keys remotely instead of using local storage.
The main use case is to get keys to open dm-crypt devices automatically,
without having to store them on the local machine.

=head1 SETUP

The server configuration is stored in a root directory (F</etc/kxd/data/> by
default), and within there, with per-key directories (e.g.
F</etc/kxd/data/host1/key1/>), each containing the following files:

=over 8

=item F<key>

Contains the key to give to the client.

=item F<allowed_clients>

Contains one or more PEM-encoded client certificates that will be allowed to
request the key. If not present, then no clients will be allowed to access
this key.

=item F<allowed_hosts>

Contains one or more host names (one per line). If not present, then all hosts
will be allowed to access that key (as long as they are authorized with a
valid client certificate).

=item F<email_to>

Contains one or more email destinations to notify (one per line).  If not
present, then no notifications will be sent upon key accesses.


=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--key>=I<file>

Private key to use (in PAM format). Defaults to F</etc/kxd/key.pem>.

=item B<--cert>=I<file>

Certificate to use (in PAM format); must match the given key. Defaults to

=item B<--data_dir>=I<directory>

Data directory, where the key and configuration live (see the SETUP section
above). Defaults to F</etc/kxd/data>.

=item B<--ip_addr>=I<ip-address>

IP address to listen on. Defaults to all.

=item B<--logfile>=I<file>

File to write logs to, use "-" for stdout. By default, the daemon will log to

=item B<--port>=I<port>

Port to listen on. The default port is 19840.

=item B<--email_from>=I<email-address>

Email address to send email from.

=item B<--smtp_addr>=I<host:port>

Address of the SMTP server to use to send emails. If none is given, then
emails will not be sent.

=item B<--hook>=I<file>

Script to run before authorizing keys. Skipped if it doesn't exist. Defaults
to F</etc/kxd/hook>.


=head1 FILES

=over 8

=item F</etc/kxd/key.pem>

Private key to use (in PAM format).

=item F</etc/kxd/cert.pem>

Certificate to use (in PAM format); must match the given key.

=item F</etc/kxd/hook>

Script to run before authorizing keys. Skipped if it doesn't exist.

=item F</etc/kxd/data/>

Data directory, where the keys and their configuration live.


=head1 CONTACT

L<Main website|>.

If you have any questions, comments or patches please send them to

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<kxc(1)>, L<kxc-cryptsetup(1)>.