git » libjio » commit 691fd22

Update documentation to reflect changes.

author Alberto Bertogli
2004-07-15 02:22:37 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2007-07-15 13:16:22 UTC
parent 5f75224ba811ae25b550112cc6216a760feaf589

Update documentation to reflect changes.

Update documentation to reflect changes.

doc/guide.lyx +648 -0
doc/guide.txt +317 -0
doc/libjio.3 +3 -0
doc/libjio.lyx +20 -27

diff --git a/doc/guide.lyx b/doc/guide.lyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6adff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guide.lyx
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
+\lyxformat 221
+\textclass article
+\language english
+\inputencoding auto
+\fontscheme default
+\graphics default
+\paperfontsize default
+\papersize Default
+\paperpackage a4
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+\paperorientation portrait
+\secnumdepth 3
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+\defskip medskip
+\quotes_language english
+\quotes_times 2
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+\layout Title
+libjio Programmer's Guide
+\layout Author
+Alberto Bertogli (
+\layout Standard
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}
+\layout Section
+\layout Standard
+This small document attempts serve as a guide to the programmer who wants
+ to make use of the library.
+ It's not a replacement for the man page or reading the code; but it's a
+ good starting point for everyone who wants to get involved with it.
+\layout Standard
+The library is not complex to use at all, and the interfaces were designed
+ to be as intuitive as possible, so the text is structured as a guide to
+ present the reader all the common structures and functions the way they're
+ normally used.
+\layout Section
+\layout Standard
+This is a library which provides a journaled transaction-oriented I/O API.
+ You've probably read this a hundred times already in the documents, and
+ if you haven't wondered yet what on earth does this mean you should be
+ reading something else!
+\layout Standard
+We say this is a transaction-oriented API because we make transactions the
+ center of our operations, and journaled because we use a journal (which
+ takes the form of a directory with files on it) to guarantee coherency
+ even after a crash at any point.
+\layout Standard
+Here we think a transaction as a list of 
+\emph on 
+(buffer, length, offset)
+\emph default 
+ to be applied to a file.
+ That triple is called an 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+, so we can say that a transaction represent an ordered group of operations
+ on the same file
+\emph on 
+\layout Standard
+The act of 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+ a transaction means writing all the elements of the list; and 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+ means to undo a previous commit, and leave the data just as it was before
+ doing the commit.
+\begin_inset Foot
+collapsed false
+\layout Standard
+While all this definitions may seem obvious to some people, it requires
+ special attention because there are a lot of different definitions, and
+ it's not that common to see 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ applied to file I/O (it's a term used mostly on database stuff), so it's
+ important to clarify before continuing.
+\layout Standard
+It's important to note that the library not only provides a convenient and
+ easy API to perform this kind of operations, but provides a lot of guarantees
+ while doing this.
+ The most relevant and useful is that at any point of time, even if we crash
+ horribly, a transaction will be either fully applied or not applied at
+ all.
+ You should not ever see partial transactions or any kind of data corruption.
+\layout Standard
+To achieve this, the library uses what is called a 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+, a very vague (and fashionable) term we use to describe a set of auxiliary
+ files that get created to store temporary data at several stages.
+ The proper definition and how we use them is outside the scope of this
+ document, and you as a programmer shouldn't need to deal with it.
+ In case you're curious, it's described in a bit more detail in another
+ text which talks about how the library works internally.
+ Now let's get real.
+\layout Section
+The data types
+\layout Standard
+To understand any library, it's essential to be confident in the knowledge
+ of their data structures and how they relate each other.
+ In libjio we have two basic structures which have a very strong relationship,
+ and represent the essential objects we deal with.
+ Note that you normally don't manipulate them directly, because they have
+ their own initializer functions, but they are the building blocks for the
+ rest of the text, which, once this is understood, is obvious and self-evident.
+\layout Standard
+The first structure we face is 
+\family typewriter 
+struct\SpecialChar ~
+\family default 
+, called the 
+\emph on 
+file structure
+\emph default 
+, and it represents an open file, just like a regular file descriptor or
+ a 
+\family typewriter 
+FILE\SpecialChar ~
+\family default 
+\layout Standard
+Then you find 
+\family typewriter 
+struct\SpecialChar ~
+\family default 
+, called the 
+\emph on 
+transaction structure
+\emph default 
+, which represents a single transaction.
+ You can have as many transactions as you want, and operate on all of them
+ simultaneously without problems; the library is entirely thread safe so
+ there's no need to worry about that.
+\layout Section
+The basic functions
+\layout Standard
+Now that we've described our data types, let's see how we can really operate
+ with the library.
+\layout Standard
+First of all, as with regular I/O, you need to open your files.
+ This is done with 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, which looks a lot like 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ but takes a file structure instead of a file descriptor (this will be very
+ common among all the functions), and adds a new parameter 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+ that can be used to modify some subtle library behaviour we'll see later,
+ and it's normally not used.
+\layout Standard
+We have a happy file structure open now, and the next thing to do would
+ be to create a transaction.
+ This is what 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ is for: it takes a file structure and a transaction structure and initializes
+ the latter, leaving it ready to use.
+\layout Standard
+So we have our transaction, let's add a write operation to it; to do this
+ we use 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ We could keep on adding operations to the transaction by keep on calling
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ as many times as we want.
+\layout Standard
+Finally, we decide to apply our transaction to the file, that is, write
+ all the operations we've added.
+ And this is the easiest part: we call 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, and that's it!
+\layout Standard
+When we're done using the file, we call 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, just like we call 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\layout Standard
+Let's put it all together and code a nice 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+hello world
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ program (return values are ignored for simplicity):
+\layout LyX-Code
+char buf[] = "Hello world!";
+\layout LyX-Code
+struct jfs file;
+\layout LyX-Code
+struct jtrans trans;
+\layout LyX-Code
+jopen(&file, "filename", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600, 0);
+\layout LyX-Code
+jtrans_init(&file, &trans);
+\layout LyX-Code
+jtrans_add(&trans, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
+\layout LyX-Code
+\layout LyX-Code
+\layout Standard
+As we've seen, we open the file and initialize the structure with 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ (with the parameter 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+ being the last 0)and 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, then add an operation with 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ (the last 0 is the offset, in this case the beginning of the file), commit
+ the transaction with 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, and finally close the file with 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\layout Section
+Advanced functions
+\layout Subsection
+Interaction with reads
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{sub:Interaction-with-reads}
+\layout Standard
+So far we've seen how to use the library to perform writes, but what about
+ reads? The only and main issue with reads is that, because we provide transacti
+on atomicity, a read must never be able to 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ a transaction partially applied.
+ This is achieved internally by using fine-grained file locks; but you shouldn't
+ mind about it if you use the functions the library gives you because they
+ take care of all the locking.
+\layout Standard
+This set of functions are very similar to the UNIX ones (
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, etc.); and in fact are named after them: they're called 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ and 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+; and have the same parameters except for the first one, which instead of
+ a file descriptor is a file structure
+\begin_inset Foot
+collapsed false
+\layout Standard
+In fact, this set of functions is a part of what is called the 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+, which is described below.
+ Bear in mind that transactions are only visible by reads 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+ you commit them with 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+There is a very nice and important feature in transactions, that allow them
+ to be 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+, which means that you can undo a transaction and leave the file just as
+ it was the moment before applying it.
+ The action of undoing it is called to 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+, and the function is called 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, which takes the transaction as the only parameter.
+\layout Standard
+Be aware that rollbacking a transaction can be dangerous if you're not careful
+ and cause you a lot of troubles.
+ For instance, consider you have two transactions (let's call them 1 and
+ 2, and assume they were applied in that order) that modify the same offset,
+ and you rollback transaction 1; then 2 would be lost.
+ It is not an dangerous operation itself, but its use requires care and
+ thought.
+\layout Subsection
+Integrity checking and recovery
+\layout Standard
+An essential part of the library is taking care of recovering from crashes
+ and be able to assure a file is consistent.
+ When you're working with the file, this is taking care of; but what when
+ you first open it? To answer that question, the library provides you with
+ a function named 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, which checks the integrity of a file and makes sure that everything is
+ consistent.
+ It must be called 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+, that is when you are not actively committing and rollbacking; it is normally
+ done before calling 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ Another good practise is call jfsck_cleanup() after calling jfsck() to
+ make sure we're starting up with a fresh clean journal.
+ After both calls, it is safe to assume that the file is and ready to use.
+\layout Standard
+You can also do this manually with an utility named 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+, which can be used from the shell to perform the checking and cleanup.
+\layout Subsection
+Lingering transactions
+\layout Standard
+If you need to increase performance, you can use lingering transactions.
+ In this mode, transactions take up more disk space but allows you to do
+ the synchronous write only once, making commits much faster.
+ To use them, just add 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ to the jflags parameter in 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ It is very wise to call 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ frequently to avoid using up too much space.
+\layout Section
+Disk layout
+\layout Standard
+The library creates a single directory for each file opened, named after
+ it.
+ So if we open a file 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+, a directory named 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ will be created.
+ We call it the 
+\emph on 
+journal directory
+\emph default 
+, and it's used internally by the library to save temporary data; you shouldn't
+ modify any of the files that are inside it, or move it while it's in use.
+ It doesn't grow much (it only uses space for transactions that are in the
+ process of committing) and gets automatically cleaned while working with
+ it so you can (and should) ignore it.
+ Besides that, the file you work with has no special modification and is
+ just like any other file, all the internal stuff is kept isolated on the
+ journal directory.
+\layout Section
+Other APIs
+\layout Standard
+We're all used to do things our way, and when we learn something new it's
+ often better if it looks alike what we already know.
+ With this in mind, the library comes with two sets of APIs that look a
+ lot like traditional, well known ones.
+ Bear in mind that they are not as powerful as the transaction API that
+ is described above, and they can't provide the same functionality in a
+ lot of cases; however for a lot of common and simple use patterns they
+ are good enough.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+There is a set of functions that emulate the UNIX API (
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, and so on) which make each operation a transaction.
+ This can be useful if you don't need to have the full power of the transactions
+ but only to provide guarantees between the different functions.
+ They are a lot like the normal UNIX functions, but instead of getting a
+ file descriptor as their first parameter, they get a file structure.
+ You can check out the manual page to see the details, but they work just
+ like their UNIX version, only that they preserve atomicity and thread-safety
+\emph on 
+within each call
+\emph default 
+\layout Standard
+In particular, the group of functions related to reading (which was described
+ above in 
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{sub:Interaction-with-reads}
+) are extremely useful because they take care of the locking needed for
+ the library proper behaviour.
+ You should use them instead of the regular calls.
+\layout Standard
+The full function list is available on the man page and I won't reproduce
+ it here; however the naming is quite simple: just prepend a 'j' to all
+ the names: 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, etc.
+\layout Subsection
+\layout Standard
+Besides the UNIX API you can find an ANSI C API, which emulates the traditional
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, etc.
+ They're still in development and has not been tested carefully, so I won't
+ spend time documenting them.
+ Let me know if you need them.
+\layout Section
+Where to go from here
+\layout Standard
+If you're still interested in learning more, you can find some small and
+ clean samples are in the 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ directory (full.c is a simple and complete one), other more advanced examples
+ can be found in the web page, as well as modifications to well known software
+ to make use of the library.
+ For more information about the inner workings of the library, you can read
+ the 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ document, and the source code.
diff --git a/doc/guide.txt b/doc/guide.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc0b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guide.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+libjio Programmer's Guide
+Alberto Bertogli (
+Table of Contents
+1 Introduction
+2 Definitions
+3 The data types
+4 The basic functions
+5 Advanced functions
+    5.1 Interaction with reads
+    5.2 Rollback
+    5.3 Integrity checking and recovery
+    5.4 Lingering transactions
+6 Disk layout
+7 Other APIs
+    7.1 UNIX API
+    7.2 ANSI C API
+8 Where to go from here
+1 Introduction
+This small document attempts serve as a guide to the 
+programmer who wants to make use of the library. It's 
+not a replacement for the man page or reading the code; 
+but it's a good starting point for everyone who wants 
+to get involved with it.
+The library is not complex to use at all, and the 
+interfaces were designed to be as intuitive as 
+possible, so the text is structured as a guide to 
+present the reader all the common structures and 
+functions the way they're normally used.
+2 Definitions
+This is a library which provides a journaled 
+transaction-oriented I/O API. You've probably read this 
+a hundred times already in the documents, and if you 
+haven't wondered yet what on earth does this mean you 
+should be reading something else!
+We say this is a transaction-oriented API because we 
+make transactions the center of our operations, and 
+journaled because we use a journal (which takes the 
+form of a directory with files on it) to guarantee 
+coherency even after a crash at any point.
+Here we think a transaction as a list of (buffer, 
+length, offset) to be applied to a file. That triple is 
+called an operation, so we can say that a transaction 
+represent an ordered group of operations on the same file.
+The act of committing a transaction means writing all 
+the elements of the list; and rollbacking means to undo 
+a previous commit, and leave the data just as it was 
+before doing the commit.While all this definitions may seem obvious to some 
+people, it requires special attention because there are 
+a lot of different definitions, and it's not that 
+common to see "transaction" applied to file I/O (it's a 
+term used mostly on database stuff), so it's important 
+to clarify before continuing.
+It's important to note that the library not only 
+provides a convenient and easy API to perform this kind 
+of operations, but provides a lot of guarantees while 
+doing this. The most relevant and useful is that at any 
+point of time, even if we crash horribly, a transaction 
+will be either fully applied or not applied at all. You 
+should not ever see partial transactions or any kind of 
+data corruption.
+To achieve this, the library uses what is called a 
+journal, a very vague (and fashionable) term we use to 
+describe a set of auxiliary files that get created to 
+store temporary data at several stages. The proper 
+definition and how we use them is outside the scope of 
+this document, and you as a programmer shouldn't need 
+to deal with it. In case you're curious, it's described 
+in a bit more detail in another text which talks about 
+how the library works internally. Now let's get real.
+3 The data types
+To understand any library, it's essential to be 
+confident in the knowledge of their data structures and 
+how they relate each other. In libjio we have two basic 
+structures which have a very strong relationship, and 
+represent the essential objects we deal with. Note that 
+you normally don't manipulate them directly, because 
+they have their own initializer functions, but they are 
+the building blocks for the rest of the text, which, 
+once this is understood, is obvious and self-evident.
+The first structure we face is struct jfs, called the 
+file structure, and it represents an open file, just 
+like a regular file descriptor or a FILE *.
+Then you find struct jtrans, called the transaction 
+structure, which represents a single transaction. You 
+can have as many transactions as you want, and operate 
+on all of them simultaneously without problems; the 
+library is entirely thread safe so there's no need to 
+worry about that.
+4 The basic functions
+Now that we've described our data types, let's see how 
+we can really operate with the library. 
+First of all, as with regular I/O, you need to open 
+your files. This is done with jopen(), which looks a 
+lot like open() but takes a file structure instead of a 
+file descriptor (this will be very common among all the 
+functions), and adds a new parameter jflags that can be 
+used to modify some subtle library behaviour we'll see 
+later, and it's normally not used.
+We have a happy file structure open now, and the next 
+thing to do would be to create a transaction. This is 
+what jtrans_init() is for: it takes a file structure 
+and a transaction structure and initializes the latter, 
+leaving it ready to use.
+So we have our transaction, let's add a write operation 
+to it; to do this we use jtrans_add(). We could keep on 
+adding operations to the transaction by keep on calling 
+jtrans_add() as many times as we want.
+Finally, we decide to apply our transaction to the 
+file, that is, write all the operations we've added. 
+And this is the easiest part: we call jtrans_commit(), 
+and that's it!
+When we're done using the file, we call jclose(), just 
+like we call close().
+Let's put it all together and code a nice "hello world" 
+program (return values are ignored for simplicity):
+char buf[] = "Hello world!";
+struct jfs file;
+struct jtrans trans;
+jopen(&file, "filename", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600, 0);
+jtrans_init(&file, &trans);
+jtrans_add(&trans, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
+As we've seen, we open the file and initialize the 
+structure with jopen() (with the parameter jflags being 
+the last 0)and jtrans_init(), then add an operation 
+with jtrans_add() (the last 0 is the offset, in this 
+case the beginning of the file), commit the transaction 
+with jtrans_commit(), and finally close the file with jclose().
+5 Advanced functions
+5.1 Interaction with reads<sub:Interaction-with-reads>
+So far we've seen how to use the library to perform 
+writes, but what about reads? The only and main issue 
+with reads is that, because we provide transaction 
+atomicity, a read must never be able to "see" a 
+transaction partially applied. This is achieved 
+internally by using fine-grained file locks; but you 
+shouldn't mind about it if you use the functions the 
+library gives you because they take care of all the locking.
+This set of functions are very similar to the UNIX ones 
+(read(), readv(), etc.); and in fact are named after 
+them: they're called jread(), jreadv() and jpread(); 
+and have the same parameters except for the first one, 
+which instead of a file descriptor is a file structureIn fact, this set of functions is a part of what is 
+called the "UNIX API", which is described below.
+. Bear in mind that transactions are only visible by 
+reads after you commit them with jtrans_commit().
+5.2 Rollback
+There is a very nice and important feature in 
+transactions, that allow them to be "undone", which means 
+that you can undo a transaction and leave the file just 
+as it was the moment before applying it. The action of 
+undoing it is called to rollback, and the function is 
+called jtrans_rollback(), which takes the transaction 
+as the only parameter.
+Be aware that rollbacking a transaction can be 
+dangerous if you're not careful and cause you a lot of 
+troubles. For instance, consider you have two 
+transactions (let's call them 1 and 2, and assume they 
+were applied in that order) that modify the same 
+offset, and you rollback transaction 1; then 2 would be 
+lost. It is not an dangerous operation itself, but its 
+use requires care and thought.
+5.3 Integrity checking and recovery
+An essential part of the library is taking care of 
+recovering from crashes and be able to assure a file is 
+consistent. When you're working with the file, this is 
+taking care of; but what when you first open it? To 
+answer that question, the library provides you with a 
+function named jfsck(), which checks the integrity of a 
+file and makes sure that everything is consistent. It 
+must be called "offline", that is when you are not 
+actively committing and rollbacking; it is normally 
+done before calling jopen(). Another good practise is 
+call jfsck_cleanup() after calling jfsck() to make sure 
+we're starting up with a fresh clean journal. After 
+both calls, it is safe to assume that the file is and 
+ready to use.
+You can also do this manually with an utility named 
+jiofsck, which can be used from the shell to perform 
+the checking and cleanup.
+5.4 Lingering transactions
+If you need to increase performance, you can use 
+lingering transactions. In this mode, transactions take 
+up more disk space but allows you to do the synchronous 
+write only once, making commits much faster. To use 
+them, just add J_LINGER to the jflags parameter in 
+jopen(). It is very wise to call jsync() frequently to 
+avoid using up too much space.
+6 Disk layout
+The library creates a single directory for each file 
+opened, named after it. So if we open a file "output", a 
+directory named "" will be created. We call it 
+the journal directory, and it's used internally by the 
+library to save temporary data; you shouldn't modify 
+any of the files that are inside it, or move it while 
+it's in use. It doesn't grow much (it only uses space 
+for transactions that are in the process of committing) 
+and gets automatically cleaned while working with it so 
+you can (and should) ignore it. Besides that, the file 
+you work with has no special modification and is just 
+like any other file, all the internal stuff is kept 
+isolated on the journal directory.
+7 Other APIs
+We're all used to do things our way, and when we learn 
+something new it's often better if it looks alike what 
+we already know. With this in mind, the library comes 
+with two sets of APIs that look a lot like traditional, 
+well known ones. Bear in mind that they are not as 
+powerful as the transaction API that is described 
+above, and they can't provide the same functionality in 
+a lot of cases; however for a lot of common and simple 
+use patterns they are good enough.
+There is a set of functions that emulate the UNIX API 
+(read(), write(), and so on) which make each operation 
+a transaction. This can be useful if you don't need to 
+have the full power of the transactions but only to 
+provide guarantees between the different functions. 
+They are a lot like the normal UNIX functions, but 
+instead of getting a file descriptor as their first 
+parameter, they get a file structure. You can check out 
+the manual page to see the details, but they work just 
+like their UNIX version, only that they preserve 
+atomicity and thread-safety within each call.
+In particular, the group of functions related to 
+reading (which was described above in [sub:Interaction-with-reads]) are extremely 
+useful because they take care of the locking needed for 
+the library proper behaviour. You should use them 
+instead of the regular calls.
+The full function list is available on the man page and 
+I won't reproduce it here; however the naming is quite 
+simple: just prepend a 'j' to all the names: jread(), 
+jwrite(), etc.
+Besides the UNIX API you can find an ANSI C API, which 
+emulates the traditional fread(), fwrite(), etc. 
+They're still in development and has not been tested 
+carefully, so I won't spend time documenting them. Let 
+me know if you need them.
+8 Where to go from here
+If you're still interested in learning more, you can 
+find some small and clean samples are in the "samples" 
+directory (full.c is a simple and complete one), other 
+more advanced examples can be found in the web page, as 
+well as modifications to well known software to make 
+use of the library. For more information about the 
+inner workings of the library, you can read the "libjio" 
+document, and the source code.
diff --git a/doc/libjio.3 b/doc/libjio.3
index 99036bb..6965444 100644
--- a/doc/libjio.3
+++ b/doc/libjio.3
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ libjio - A library for Journaled I/O
 .BI "int jtruncate(struct jfs *" fs ", off_t " lenght " );
+.BI "int jsync(struct jfs *" fs " );
 .BI "int jclose(struct jfs *" fs " );
 .BI "void jtrans_init(struct jfs *" fs " , struct jtrans *" ts " );
@@ -185,4 +187,5 @@
 .BR pread (2),
 .BR pwrite (2),
 .BR ftruncate (2),
+.BR fsync (2),
 .BR close (2)
diff --git a/doc/libjio.lyx b/doc/libjio.lyx
index 0503ecd..8c4081e 100644
--- a/doc/libjio.lyx
+++ b/doc/libjio.lyx
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ This document explains the design of the library, how it works internally
  ways, it provides (or at least tries to =) an insight view on how the library
  performs its job, which can be very valuable knowledge when working with
+ It assumes that there is some basic knowledge about how the library is
+ used, which can be found in the manpage or in the programmer's guide.
 \layout Standard
 To the user, libjio provides two groups of functions, one UNIX-alike that
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ write()
 The following sections describe different concepts and procedures that the
  library bases its work on.
  It's not intended to be a replace to reading the source code: please do
- so if you have any doubts, it's not big at all (less than 800 lines, including
+ so if you have any doubts, it's not big at all (less than 1500 lines, including
  comments) and I hope it's readable enough.
  If you think that's not the case, please let me know and I'll try to give
  you a hand.
@@ -131,18 +133,12 @@ The transaction file is composed of two main parts: the header and the payload.
 \layout Standard
 The header holds basic information about the transaction itself, including
- the ID, some flags, the offset to commit to and the lenght of the data.
- The payload holds the data, in three parts: user-defined data, previous
- data, and real data.
-\layout Standard
-User-defined data is not used by the library itself, but it's a space where
- the user can save private data that can be useful later.
- Previous data is saved by the library prior applying the commit, so transaction
-s can be rollbacked.
- Real data is just the data to save to the disk, and it is saved because
- if a crash occurs when while we are applying the transaction we can recover
- gracefuly.
+ the ID, some flags, and the amount of operations it includes.
+ Then the payload has all the operations one after the other, divided in
+ two parts: the first one includes static information about the operation
+ (the lenght of the data, the offset of the file where it should be applied,
+ etc.) and the data itself, which is saved by the library prior applying
+ the commit, so transactions can be rollbacked.
 \layout Section
 The commit procedure
@@ -165,7 +161,7 @@ safely
 \emph default 
 , means that after a commit has been done we can assume the data will not
  get lost and can be retrieved, unless of course some major event happens
- (like a hardware failure).
+ (like a physical hard disk crash).
  For us, this means that the data was effectively written to the disk and
  if a crash occurs after the commit operation has returned, the operation
  will be complete and data will be available from the file.
@@ -175,7 +171,7 @@ The latter,
 \emph on 
 \emph default 
-, warantees that the operation is either completely done, or not done at
+, guarantees that the operation is either completely done, or not done at
  This is a really common word, specially if you have worked with multiprocessing
 , and should be quite familiar.
@@ -193,7 +189,7 @@ jtrans_commit()
 \layout Itemize
-Lock the section where the commit takes place
+Lock the file offsets where the commit takes place
 \layout Itemize
 Open the transaction file
@@ -202,10 +198,7 @@ Open the transaction file
 Write the header
 \layout Itemize
-Write the user data (if any)
-\layout Itemize
-Read the previous data from the file
+Read all the previous data from the file
 \layout Itemize
 Write the previous data in the transaction
@@ -220,7 +213,7 @@ Mark the transaction as commited by setting a flag in the header
 Unlink the transaction file
 \layout Itemize
-Unlock the section where the commit takes place
+Unlock the offsets where the commit takes place
 \layout Standard
 This may look as a lot of steps, but they're not as much as it looks like
@@ -245,8 +238,8 @@ undo
  and straightforward.
 \layout Standard
-In the previous section we said that each transaction held, besides the
- data to commit to the disk, the data that was on it before commiting.
+In the previous section we said that each transaction held the data that
+ was on it before commiting.
  That data is saved precisely to be able to rollback.
  So, to rollback a transaction all that has to be done is recover that 
 \begin_inset Quotes eld
@@ -332,15 +325,15 @@ In any case, after making the recovery you can simply remove the journal
  transaction atomicity was preserved.
 \layout Section
-High-level functions
 \layout Standard
 We call 
 \emph on 
-high-level functions
 \emph default 
- to the ones provided by the library that emulate the good old unix file
- manipulation calls.
+ to the functions provided by the library that emulate the good old UNIX
+ file manipulation calls.
  Most of them are just wrappers around commits, and implement proper locking
  when operating in order to allow simultaneous operations (either across
  threads or processes).