git » libjio » commit 9740757

There's no point in having doc/libjio.html in the distribution because it has the same contents as the txt; it's the same case as the ps and pdf versions of the document, which are available only on the website.

author Alberto Bertogli
2004-05-30 15:47:56 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2007-07-15 12:49:42 UTC
parent 0d6147432920e05db5bff24f08bd63f755c0ccab

There's no point in having doc/libjio.html in the distribution because it has the same contents as the txt; it's the same case as the ps and pdf versions of the document, which are available only on the website.

There's no point in having doc/libjio.html in the distribution because it has
the same contents as the txt; it's the same case as the ps and pdf versions of
the document, which are available only on the website.

So this patch just removes it.

doc/libjio.html +444 -0

diff --git a/doc/libjio.html b/doc/libjio.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1f99d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/libjio.html
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+<!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2002-2-1 (1.70)
+original version by:  Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
+* revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
+* with significant contributions from:
+  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
+<TITLE>libjio - A library for journaled I/O </TITLE>
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+<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">libjio - A library for journaled I/O </H1>
+<P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>Alberto Bertogli ( </STRONG></P>
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00010000000000000000">
+<!--Table of Contents-->
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html12"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00020000000000000000">1 Introduction</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html13"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00030000000000000000">2 General on-disk data organization</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html14"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00031000000000000000">2.1 The transaction file</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html15"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00040000000000000000">3 The commit procedure</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html16"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00050000000000000000">4 The rollback procedure</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html17"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00060000000000000000">5 The recovery procedure</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html18"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00070000000000000000">6 High-level functions</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html19"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00080000000000000000">7 ACID (or How does libjio fit into theory)</A>
+<LI><A NAME="tex2html20"
+  HREF="libjio.html#SECTION00090000000000000000">8 Working from outside</A>
+<!--End of Table of Contents-->
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00020000000000000000">
+1 Introduction</A>
+<I>libjio</I> is a library for doing journaled transaction-oriented
+I/O, providing atomicity warantees and a simple to use but powerful
+This document explains the design of the library, how it works internally
+and why it works that way. You should read it even if you don't plan
+to do use the library in strange ways, it provides (or at least tries
+to =) an insight view on how the library performs its job, which can
+be very valuable knowledge when working with it.
+To the user, libjio provides two groups of functions, one UNIX-alike
+that implements the journaled versions of the classic functions (<I>open()</I>,
+<I>read()</I>, <I>write()</I> and friends); and a lower-level one
+that center on transactions and allows the user to manipulate them
+directly by providing means of commiting and rollbacking. The former,
+as expected, are based on the latter and interact safely with them.
+Besides, it's designed in a way that allows efficient and safe interaction
+with I/O performed from outside the library in case you want to.
+The following sections describe different concepts and procedures
+that the library bases its work on. It's not intended to be a replace
+to reading the source code: please do so if you have any doubts, it's
+not big at all (less than 800 lines, including comments) and I hope
+it's readable enough. If you think that's not the case, please let
+me know and I'll try to give you a hand.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00030000000000000000">
+2 General on-disk data organization</A>
+On the disk, the file you are working on will look exactly as you
+expect and hasn't got a single bit different that what you would get
+using the regular API. But, besides the working file, you will find
+a directory named after it where the journaling information lives. 
+Inside, there are two kind of files: the lock file and transaction
+files. The first one is used as a general lock and holds the next
+transaction ID to assign, and there is only one; the second one holds
+one transaction, which is composed by a header of fixed size and a
+variable-size payload, and can be as many as in-flight transactions. 
+This impose some restrictions to the kind of operations you can perform
+over a file while it's currently being used: you can't move it (because
+the journal directory name depends on the filename) and you can't
+unlink it (for similar reasons). 
+This warnings are no different from a normal simultaneous use under
+classic UNIX environments, but they are here to remind you that even
+tho the library warantees a lot and eases many things from its user
+(specially from complex cases, like multiple threads using the file
+at the same time), you should still be careful when doing strange
+things with files while working on them. 
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00031000000000000000">
+2.1 The transaction file</A>
+The transaction file is composed of two main parts: the header and
+the payload.
+The header holds basic information about the transaction itself, including
+the ID, some flags, the offset to commit to and the lenght of the
+data. The payload holds the data, in three parts: user-defined data,
+previous data, and real data.
+User-defined data is not used by the library itself, but it's a space
+where the user can save private data that can be useful later. Previous
+data is saved by the library prior applying the commit, so transactions
+can be rollbacked. Real data is just the data to save to the disk,
+and it is saved because if a crash occurs when while we are applying
+the transaction we can recover gracefuly.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00040000000000000000">
+3 The commit procedure</A>
+We call &#34;commit&#34; to the action of <I>safely</I>
+and <I>atomically</I> write some given data to the disk.
+The former, <I>safely</I>, means that after a commit has been done
+we can assume the data will not get lost and can be retrieved, unless
+of course some major event happens (like a hardware failure). For
+us, this means that the data was effectively written to the disk and
+if a crash occurs after the commit operation has returned, the operation
+will be complete and data will be available from the file.
+The latter, <I>atomically</I>, warantees that the operation is either
+completely done, or not done at all. This is a really common word,
+specially if you have worked with multiprocessing, and should be quite
+familiar. We implement atomicity by combining fine-grained locks and
+journaling, which can assure us both to be able to recover from crashes,
+and to have exclusive access to a portion of the file without having
+any other transaction overlap it.
+Well, so much for talking, now let's get real; libjio applies commits
+in a very simple and straightforward way, inside <I>jtrans_commit()</I>:
+<LI>Lock the section where the commit takes place
+<LI>Open the transaction file
+<LI>Write the header
+<LI>Write the user data (if any)
+<LI>Read the previous data from the file
+<LI>Write the previous data in the transaction
+<LI>Write the data to the file
+<LI>Mark the transaction as commited by setting a flag in the header
+<LI>Unlink the transaction file
+<LI>Unlock the section where the commit takes place
+This may look as a lot of steps, but they're not as much as it looks
+like inside the code, and allows a recovery from interruptions in
+every step of the way (or even in the middle of a step).
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00050000000000000000">
+4 The rollback procedure</A>
+First of all, rollbacking is like ``undo'' a commit: return the
+data to the state it had exactly before a given commit was applied.
+Due to the way we handle commits, doing this operation becomes quite
+simple and straightforward.
+In the previous section we said that each transaction held, besides
+the data to commit to the disk, the data that was on it before commiting.
+That data is saved precisely to be able to rollback. So, to rollback
+a transaction all that has to be done is recover that ``previous
+data'' from the transaction we want to rollback, and save it to the
+disk. In the end, this ends up being a new transaction with the previous
+data as the new one, so we do that: create a new transaction structure,
+fill in the data from the transaction we want to rollback, and commit
+it. All this is performed by <I>jtrans_rollback()</I>.
+By doing this we can provide the same warranties a commit has, it's
+really fast, eases the recovery, and the code is simple and clean.
+What a deal.
+But be aware that rollbacking is dangerous. And I really mean it:
+you should <B><I>only</I></B> do it if you're really sure it's ok.
+Consider, for instance, that you commit transaction A, then B, and
+then you rollback A. If A and B happen to touch the same portion of
+the file, the rollback will, of course, not return the state previous
+to B, but previous to A. If it's not done safely, this can lead to
+major corruption. Now, if you add to this transactions that extend
+the file (and thus rollbacking truncates it back), you not only have
+corruption but data loss. So, again, be aware, I can't stress this
+enough, <B><I>rollback only if you really really know what
+you are doing</I></B>.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00060000000000000000">
+5 The recovery procedure</A>
+Recovering from crashes is done by the <I>jfsck()</I> call (or the
+program <I>jiofsck</I> which is just a simple invocation to that function),
+which opens the file and goes through all transactions in the journal
+(remember that transactions are removed from the journal directory
+after they're applied), loading and rollbacking them if necessary.
+There are several steps where it can fail: there could be no journal,
+a given transaction file might be corrupted, incomplete, and so on;
+but in the end, there are two cases regarding each transaction: either
+it's complete and can be rollbacked, or not.
+In the case the transaction is not complete, there is no possibility
+that it has been partially applied to the disk, remember that, from
+the commit procedure, we only apply the transaction <I>after</I> saving
+it in the journal, so there is really nothing left to be done. So
+if the transaction is complete, we only need to rollback.
+In any case, after making the recovery you can simply remove the journal
+entirely and let the library create a new one, and you can be sure
+that transaction atomicity was preserved.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00070000000000000000">
+6 High-level functions</A>
+We call <I>high-level functions</I> to the ones provided by the library
+that emulate the good old unix file manipulation calls. Most of them
+are just wrappers around commits, and implement proper locking when
+operating in order to allow simultaneous operations (either across
+threads or processes). They are described in detail in the manual
+pages, we'll only list them here for completion:
+<LI>jread(), jpread(), jreadv()
+<LI>jwrite(), jpwrite(), jwritev()
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00080000000000000000">
+7 ACID (or How does libjio fit into theory)</A>
+I haven't read much theory about this, and the library was implemented
+basically by common sense and not theorethical study. 
+However, I'm aware that database people like ACID (well, that's not
+news for anybody ;), which they say mean &#34;Atomicity, Consistency,
+Isolation, Durability&#34; (yeah, right!). 
+So, even libjio is not a purely database thing, it can be used to
+achieve those attributes in a simple and efficient way. 
+Let's take a look one by one:
+<LI>Atomicity: In a transaction involving two or more discrete pieces
+of information, either all of the pieces are committed or none are.
+This has been talked before and we've seen how the library achieves
+this point, mostly based on locks and relying on a commit procedure.
+<LI>Consistency: A transaction either creates a new and valid state of
+data, or, if any failure occurs, returns all data to its state before
+the transaction was started. This, like atomicity, has been discussed
+before, specially in the recovery section, when we saw how in case
+of a crash we end up with a fully applied transaction, or no transaction
+applied at all.
+<LI>Isolation: A transaction in process and not yet committed must remain
+isolated from any other transaction. This comes as a side effect of
+doing proper locking on the sections each transaction affect, and
+guarantees that there can't be two transactions working on the same
+section at the same time.
+<LI>Durability: Committed data is saved by the system such that, even
+in the event of a failure and system restart, the data is available
+in its correct state. For this point we rely on the disk as a method
+of permanent storage, and expect that when we do syncronous I/O, data
+is safely written and can be recovered after a crash.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION00090000000000000000">
+8 Working from outside</A>
+If you want, and are careful enough, you can safely do I/O without
+using the library. Here I'll give you some general guidelines that
+you need to follow in order to prevent corruption. Of course you can
+bend or break them according to your use, this is just a general overview
+on how to interact from outside. 
+<LI>Lock the sections you want to use: the library, as we have already
+exposed, relies on fcntl locking; so, if you intend to operate on
+parts on the file while using it, you should lock them. 
+<LI>Don't tuncate, unlink or rename: these operations have serious implications
+when they're done while using the library, because the library itself
+assumes that names don't change, and files don't dissapear beneath
+it. It could potentially lead to corruption, although most of the
+time you would just get errors from every call.
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION000100000000000000000">
+About this document ...</A>
+ <STRONG>libjio - A library for journaled I/O </STRONG><P>
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+Copyright &#169; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
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+Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
+Copyright &#169; 1997, 1998, 1999,
+<A HREF="">Ross Moore</A>, 
+Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
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