git » msnlib » commit 46e513d

Implement show on real nick changes.

author Alberto Bertogli
2005-05-12 18:35:54 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2005-05-12 18:35:54 UTC
parent 7e69be7887b0944fd49e0dc7a884755d3c7f66c0

Implement show on real nick changes.
This patch implements detection, showing and logging of real nicks changes,
enabled optionally with the "show nick changes" msnrc option. Based on
Sebastián Santisi's work.

msn +46 -7
msnrc.sample +3 -0
utils/msnlog.vim +3 -1

diff --git a/msn b/msn
index 308f670..d6cd056 100644
--- a/msn
+++ b/msn
@@ -494,6 +494,8 @@ def log_msg(email, type, msg, mtime = 0, users = []):
 		out += '*** ' + msg + '\n'
 	elif type == 'multi':
 		out += '+++ ' + msg + '\n'
+	elif type == 'realnick':
+		out += '--- ' + msg + '\n'
 	fd = open(file, 'a')
@@ -1248,13 +1250,21 @@ def cb_iln(md, type, tid, params):
 	t = params.split(' ')
 	status = msnlib.reverse_status[t[0]]
 	email = t[1]
+	rnick = urllib.unquote(t[2])
 	nick = md.users[email].nick
 	ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now())
 	printl('\r%s ' % ctime,
 	printl(nick,, 1)
-	printl(' changed status to ', c.magenta)
-	printl('%s\n' % status, c.magenta, 1)
+	printl(' is ', c.magenta)
+	printl('%s' % status, c.magenta, 1)
 	log_msg(email, 'status', status)
+	if config["show nick changes"]:
+		printl(' with realnick ', c.magenta)
+		printl('%s' % rnick, c.magenta, 1)
+		log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick)
+	printl('\n')
 	msncb.cb_iln(md, type, tid, params)
 m.cb.iln = cb_iln
@@ -1262,13 +1272,36 @@ def cb_nln(md, type, tid, params):
 	status = msnlib.reverse_status[tid]
 	t = params.split(' ')
 	email = t[0]
+	if len(params) > 1:
+		rnick = urllib.unquote(t[1])
+	else:
+		rnick = ''
 	nick = md.users[email].nick
+	realnick = md.users[email].realnick
 	ctime = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S%p', now())
-	printl('\r%s ' % ctime,
-	printl(nick,, 1)
-	printl(' changed status to ', c.magenta)
-	printl('%s\n' % status, c.magenta, 1)
-	log_msg(email, 'status', status)
+	if tid != md.users[email].status:
+		printl('\r%s ' % ctime,
+		printl(nick,, 1)
+		printl(' changed status to ', c.magenta)
+		printl('%s' % status, c.magenta, 1)
+		log_msg(email, 'status', status)
+		# if we don't know the realnick yet, include it in the same line
+		if not realnick and config["show nick changes"]:
+			printl(' with realnick ', c.magenta)
+			printl('%s' % rnick, c.magenta, 1)
+			log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick)
+		printl("\n")
+	if realnick and rnick and realnick != rnick \
+			and config["show nick changes"]:
+		printl("\r%s " % ctime,
+		printl(nick,, 1)
+		printl(' changed the realnick to ', c.magenta)
+		printl('%s\n' % rnick, c.magenta, 1)
+		log_msg(email, 'realnick', rnick)
 	msncb.cb_nln(md, type, tid, params)
 m.cb.nln = cb_nln
@@ -1642,6 +1675,12 @@ elif config['log history'] != 'yes':
 if not config.has_key('history directory'):
 	config['history directory'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.msn/history'
+# show nick changes
+if not config.has_key('show nick changes'):
+	config['show nick changes'] = 0
+elif config['show nick changes'] != 'yes':
+	config['show nick changes'] = 0
 # auto away time
 if not config.has_key('auto away'):
 	config['auto away'] = 0
diff --git a/msnrc.sample b/msnrc.sample
index ccb32ca..f606fc8 100644
--- a/msnrc.sample
+++ b/msnrc.sample
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ log history = yes
 # defaults to $HOME/.msn/history
 history directory = /home/myself/.msn/history
+# show changes in real nicks
+show nick changes = no
 # number of seconds after, if no command was received, we set automatically
 # away. defaults to 0, which disables it.
 auto away = 0
diff --git a/utils/msnlog.vim b/utils/msnlog.vim
index 800ec75..a5ac399 100644
--- a/utils/msnlog.vim
+++ b/utils/msnlog.vim
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ syntax case ignore
 syntax match	mlogMultiStr	"^\t.*$"
 syntax match	mlogIMsg	"<<< .*$"
 syntax match	mlogOMsg	">>> .*$"
-syntax match	mlogStatus	".*\*\*\* .*$"
+syntax match	mlogStatus	"\*\*\* .*$"
 syntax match	mlogMchat	"+++ .*$"
+syntax match	mlogRnick	"--- .*$"
 syntax match	mlogDate	"^../.../.... ..:..:.."
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ hi mlogIMsg		ctermfg=green
 hi mlogOMsg		ctermfg=cyan
 hi mlogStatus		ctermfg=yellow
 hi mlogMchat		ctermfg=yellow
+hi mlogRnick		ctermfg=yellow
 hi mlogMultiStr		ctermfg=magenta