Each sub-project in nmdb source tree has an independant license, and can be
treated as independant projects from a licensing point of view.
Licenses are always in a file named "LICENSE" in the top directory of each
sub-project, and apply to ALL the source code files in that directory tree
(that is, including subdirectories).
As a brief resume, here's how each sub-project is licensed:
* nmdb: BOLA (Public domain)
* libnmdb: BOLA (Public domain)
* bindings/bigloo: BOLA (Public domain)
* bindings/d: BOLA (Public domain)
* bindings/haskell: BOLA (Public domain)
* bindings/newlisp: BOLA (Public domain)
* bindings/python: BOLA (Public domain)
* bindings/ruby: BOLA (Public domain)