git » nmdb » commit fc10f93

Add the user guide.

author Alberto Bertogli
2007-01-09 02:50:30 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2007-01-09 02:50:30 UTC
parent 17865b5ffa24fba22db6ceca63b99decedb01498

Add the user guide.

doc/guide.rst +408 -0

diff --git a/doc/guide.rst b/doc/guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0de916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+nmdb User Guide
+:Author: Alberto Bertogli (
+nmdb_ is a simple and fast cache and database for TIPC_ clusters. It allows
+applications in the cluster to use a centralized, shared cache and database in
+a very easy way. It stores *(key, value)* pairs, with each key having only one
+associated value.
+This document explains how to setup nmdb and a simple guide to writing
+clients. It also includes a "quick start" section for the anxious.
+Installing nmdb
+If you installed nmdb using your Linux distribution package system, you can
+skip this section entirely.
+Before you install nmdb, you will need the following software:
+- libevent_, a library for fast event handling.
+- `Linux kernel`_ 2.6.16 or newer, compiled with TIPC_ support.
+- QDBM_, for the database backend.
+Compiling and installing
+There are three components of the nmdb tarball: the server in the *nmdb/*
+directory, the C library in *libnmdb/*, and the Python module in *python/*.
+- To install the server, run ``cd nmdb; make install``.
+- To install the C library, run ``cd libnmdb; make install; ldconfig``.
+- To install the Python module, run ``cd python; python install``.
+Quick start
+For a very quick start, using a single host, you can do the following::
+  # dpmgr create /tmp/nmdb-db   # create the backend database
+  # nmdb -d /tmp/nmdb-db        # start the server
+At this point you have created a database and started the server. An easy and
+simple way to test it is to use the python module, like this::
+  # python
+  Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 21 2006, 20:38:23)
+  [GCC 4.1.1 (Gentoo 4.1.1)] on linux2
+  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
+  >>> import nmdb               # import the module
+  >>> db = nmdb.DB()            # connect to the server
+  >>> db['x'] = 1               # store some data
+  >>> db[(1, 2)] = (2, 6)
+  >>> print db['x'], db[(1, 2)] # retreive the values
+  1 (3, 5)
+  >>> del db['x']               # delete from the database
+Everything should have worked as shown, and you are now ready to use some
+nmdb application, or develop your own.
+If you want to use this with several machines, read the next section to find
+out how to setup a simple TIPC cluster.
+TIPC setup
+If you want to use the server and the clients in different machines, you need
+to setup your TIPC network. If you just want to run everything in one machine,
+or you already have a TIPC network set up, you can skip this section.
+Before we begin, all the machines should already be connected in an Ethernet
+LAN, and have the tipc-config application that should come with your Linux
+distribution with a package named "tipcutils" or similar (if it doesn't, you
+can find it at
+The only thing you will need to do is assign each machine a TIPC address and
+specify which interface to use for the network connection. You do it like
+  # tipc-config -a=1.1.10 -be=eth:eth0
+The *-a* parameter specifies the address, and *-be* the type and name of the
+interface to use.
+Addresses are composed of three integers. They represent the zone number, the
+cluster number, and the node number respectively. The zone number and cluster
+number should be the same for all nodes in your network, so you should change
+the last one for each machine. Each machine can have only one address.
+That should be enough to get you started for a small network. If you have a
+very big network, or want to use some of the advanced TIPC features like link
+redundancy, you should read TIPC's docs.
+If you have five machines, you can assign each one their address like this::
+  box1# tipc-config -a=1.1.1 -be=eth:eth0
+  box2# tipc-config -a=1.1.2 -be=eth:eth0
+  box3# tipc-config -a=1.1.3 -be=eth:eth0
+  box4# tipc-config -a=1.1.4 -be=eth:eth0
+  box5# tipc-config -a=1.1.5 -be=eth:eth0
+Starting the server
+Before starting the server, there are some things you need to know about it:
+Port numbers
+  Each server instance in your network (even the ones running in the same
+  machine) should get a **unique** port to listen to requests. Ports identify
+  an application instance inside the whole network, not just the machine as in
+  TCP/IP.
+  The port space is very very large, and it's private to nmdb, so you can
+  choose numbers without fear of colliding with other TIPC applications. The
+  default port is 10.
+  So, if you are going to start more than one nmdb server, **be careful**. If
+  you assign two active servers the same port you will get no error, but
+  everything will act weird.
+Cache size
+  nmdb's cache is a main component of the server. In fact you can use it
+  exclusively for caching purposes, like memcached_. So the size becomes an
+  important issue if you have performance requirements.
+  It is only possible to limit the cache size by the maximum number of objects
+  in the cache.
+Backend database
+  You will need to create a backend database using QDBM_'s utilities. This is
+  quite simple, just run ``dpmgr create /path/to/the/database`` and you're
+  done.
+  If for some reason (hardware failure, for instance) the database becomes
+  corrupt, you should use QDBM's utilities to fix it. It shouldn't happen, so
+  it's a good idea to report it if it does.
+  QDBM databases are not meant to be shared among processes, so avoid having
+  other processes using them.
+Database redundancy
+  If you want to have redundancy over the database, you can start a "passive
+  server" along a normal one using the same port number. It will listen to
+  database requests and act upon them, but it will not reply anything.
+  It is only useful to keep a live mirror of the database. Note that it does
+  not do replication or failure detection, it's just a mirror.
+  This is the only case where you want to start two servers with the same port.
+Distributed queries
+  If you have more than one server in the network, the library can distribute
+  the queries among them. This is entirely done on the client side and the
+  server doesn't know about it.
+Now that you know all that, starting a server should be quite simple: first
+create the database as explained above, and then run the daemon with
+``nmdb -d /path/to/the/database``.
+To change the port, use ``-l port``, to change the cache size, use ``-c nobj``
+(where *nobj* is the number of objects in thousands), to make the server
+passive, use ``-p``. Of course you won't remember all that (I know I don't),
+that's why ``-h`` is your friend.
+Nothing prevents you from starting more than one server in the same machine,
+so be careful to select different ports and databases for each one.
+Following the previous example, if you want to start three servers you can do
+it like this::
+  box1# ndbm -d /var/lib/nmdb/db-1 -l 11
+  box2# ndbm -d /var/lib/nmdb/db-2 -l 12
+  box3# ndbm -d /var/lib/nmdb/db-3 -l 13
+Writing clients
+At the moment you can write clients in C (documented in the *libnmdb*'s
+manpage) and in Python (documented using Python docstrings). In this guide we
+will give some examples of common use as an introduction, you should consult
+the appropriate documentation when doing serious development.
+Before we begin, you should know about the following things:
+Thread safety
+  While the library itself is thread safe, neither the C library connections
+  nor the Python objects are. So don't share *nmdb_t* variables (C) or
+  *nmdb.** objects (Python) among threads; instead, create one for each thread
+  that needs it.
+Available operations
+  You can request the server to do three operations: *set* a value to a key,
+  *get* the value associated with the given key, and *delete* a given key
+  (with its associated value).
+Request modes
+  For each operation, you will have three different modes available:
+  - A *normal mode*, which makes the operation impact on the database
+    asynchronously (ie.  the functions return right after the operation was
+    queued, there is no completion notification).
+  - A *synchronous mode* similar to the previous one, but when the functions
+    return, the operation has hit the disk.
+  - A *cache-only mode* where the operations do not impact the database, only
+    the cache, and can be used to implement distributed caching in a similar
+    way to memcached_.
+  Be careful with the last one, because mixing cache-only with database
+  operations is a recipe for disaster.
+Atomicity and coherence
+  All operations are atomic, and synchronous and asynchronous operations are
+  fully coherent.
+Distributed queries
+  You can distribute your queries among several servers, and this is entirely
+  done on the client side. To do this, you should add each server (identified
+  by their port numbers) to the connection **before beginning to interact with
+  them**.
+For all examples we will assume that you have three servers running in your
+network, in ports 11, 12 and 13.
+The Python module
+The Python module it's quite easy to use, because its interface is very
+similar to a dictionary. It has similar limitations regarding the key (it must
+be an object you can use as a key in a dictionary), and the values must be
+pickable objects (see the *pickle* module documentation for more information).
+In short, you should only use number, strings or tuples as keys, and simple
+objects as values, unless you know what you are doing.
+To start a connection to the servers, you must first decide which mode you are
+going to use: the normal database-backed mode, database-backed with
+synchronous access, or cache only. Let's say you want to use the normal mode
+and connect to the server at port 11, and then add the other two servers::
+  import nmdb
+  db = nmdb.DB(11)
+  db.add_server(12)
+  db.add_server(13)
+Now you're ready to use it. Let's suppose you want to write a recursive
+function to calculate the factorial of a number. But before doing the
+calculation, you can check if the previous factorial already is in the
+database to avoid recalculating it::
+  def fact(n):
+      if n == 1:
+          return 1
+      if db.has_key(n):
+          return db[n]
+      result = n * fact(n - 1)
+      db[n] = result
+      return result
+That was easy, wasn't it? You can use the same trick for SQL queries, complex
+distributed calculations, geographical data processing, whatever you want.
+Now let's have some fun and do something a little advanced: a decorator for a
+distributed function cache. If Python magic scares you, look away and skip to
+the next section.
+Some functions (usually the mathematical ones) have the property that the
+value they return depends only on the parameters, and not on the context.  So
+they can be cached, using the parameters as keys, with the function's result
+as their associated values. Applying this technique is commonly known as
+*memoization*, and when we apply it to a function we say we're *memoizing* it.
+We can use a local dictionary to cache the data, but that would mean we would
+have to write some cache management code to avoid using too much memory, and,
+worse of all, each instance of the code running in the network would have its
+own private cache and can't reuse calculations performed by other instances.
+Instead, we can use nmdb to make a cache that is shared among the network.
+The functions are usually restricted to using simple types as input, like
+numbers, strings, tuples or dictionaries. We will take advantage of this by
+using as a key to the cache the string ``<function module>-<function
+name>-<string representation of the arguments>``. So to cache an invocation
+like ``mod.f(1, (2, 6))`` that returns ``26``, we want to have the following
+association in the database: ``mod-f-(1, (2, 6)) = 26``.
+We will use nmdb in cache-only mode, where the things we store are not saved
+permanently to a database, but live in the server's memory. This is very
+similar to what we did before, and has the advantage of not having to write
+our own cache management routines::
+  import nmdb
+  db = nmdb.Cache(11)
+  db.add_server(12)
+  db.add_server(13)
+Let's write the decorator::
+  def shared_memoize(f):
+      def newf(*args, **kwargs):
+          key = '%s-%s-%s-%s' % (f.__module__, f.__name__,
+                                 repr(args), repr(kwargs))
+          if key in db:
+              return db[key]
+          r = f(*args, **kwargs)
+          db[key] = r
+          return r
+      return newf
+Now we can use it with a normal implementation of the recursive factorial
+function like we did before, and a function that calculates tetrations_::
+  @shared_memoize
+  def fact(n):
+      if n == 1:
+          return 1
+      return n * fact(n - 1)
+  @shared_memoize
+  def tetration(a, b):
+      if b == 1:
+          return a
+      return pow(a, tetration(a, b - 1))
+As you can see, the module is very easy to use, but you can do useful things
+with it. For more information you can read the module's built-in
+The C library
+The C library is in essence similar to the Python module, so we won't make a
+very long example here, only a brief display of the available functions.
+Let's begin by creating a "nmdb descriptor" which is of type *nmdb_t*, and
+connecting it to your three servers::
+  unsigned char *key, *val;
+  size_t ksize, vsize;
+  nmdb_t *db;
+  db = nmdb_connect(11);
+  nmdb_add_server(db, 12);
+  nmdb_add_server(db, 13);
+Now you can do some operations (allocations and checks are not shown for brevity)::
+  r = nmdb_set(db, key, ksize, val, vsize);
+  ...
+  r = nmdb_get(db, key, ksize, val, vsize);
+  ...
+  r = nmdb_del(db, key, ksize);
+And finally close and free the connection::
+  nmdb_free(db);
+The operation functions have variants for cache-only (*nmdb_cache_**) and synchronous
+operation (*nmdb_sync_**). For more information you should check the manpage.
+Where to go from here
+The best place to go from here is to your text editor, to start writing some
+simple clients to play with.
+If you are in doubt about something, you can consult the manpages or the
+documentation inside the *doc/* directory. And if you can't find an answer to
+your question there, you can ask me, Alberto Bertogli, at
+.. _nmdb:
+.. _libevent:
+.. _TIPC:
+.. _memcached:
+.. _QDBM:
+.. _`Linux kernel`:
+.. _tetrations: