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Installing remoteu2f

Building and installing the proxy

You will need a publicly available server, a valid SSL certificate, and two open ports (one for HTTP and another one for GRPC).

First, build and install the binary:

mkdir remoteu2f; cd remoteu2f
export GOPATH=$PWD

go get
sudo cp bin/remoteu2f-proxy /usr/local/bin/

Then, generate some random tokens that will be used to authorize clients:

( for i in `seq 1 10`; do
      head -c60 /dev/urandom | sha256sum -b | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ;
  done ) > /etc/remoteu2f-proxy/tokens

Use one token per user, or one token per (user, host). Never share tokens between different users, this is very insecure and will become even more so in the future. Tokens are arbitrary strings, prepending the name of the user can help you know who you gave them to.

Finally, launch the binary. You can use the provided upstart or systemd examples to help you with this, depending on your system.

Building and installing the sshd side

You will need and remoteu2f-cli:

mkdir remoteu2f; cd remoteu2f
export GOPATH=$PWD

go get
sudo cp bin/remoteu2f-cli /usr/local/bin/

cd src/
sudo cp /lib/security

Configuring sshd

Configure PAM for ssh (or sudo, or the service of your choice) by editing /etc/pam.d/sshd (or equivalent) and adding the following at the bottom:

auth required /usr/local/bin/remoteu2f-cli pam --nullok

sshd itself requires the following configuration settings to work properly. You can usually set them in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

UsePAM yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

Configuring a user

Once you have completed the server install above, each each user that wants to use remoteu2f has to configure their account.

Run remoteu2f-cli init and follow the instructions.

Take note of the backup codes so you can access without your security key in an emergency.

Then use remoteu2f-cli register to register your security key. You can register as many keys as you want.

Use remoteu2f-cli auth to verify that it works.