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libjio - A library for journaled I/O

Alberto Bertogli (


1 Introduction

libjio is a library for doing journaled transaction-oriented I/O, providing atomicity warantees and a simple to use but powerful API.

This document explains the design of the library, how it works internally and why it works that way. You should read it even if you don't plan to do use the library in strange ways, it provides (or at least tries to =) an insight view on how the library performs its job, which can be very valuable knowledge when working with it.

To the user, libjio provides two groups of functions, one UNIX-alike that implements the journaled versions of the classic functions (open(), read(), write() and friends); and a lower-level one that center on transactions and allows the user to manipulate them directly by providing means of commiting and rollbacking. The former, as expected, are based on the latter and interact safely with them. Besides, it's designed in a way that allows efficient and safe interaction with I/O performed from outside the library in case you want to.

The following sections describe different concepts and procedures that the library bases its work on. It's not intended to be a replace to reading the source code: please do so if you have any doubts, it's not big at all (less than 800 lines, including comments) and I hope it's readable enough. If you think that's not the case, please let me know and I'll try to give you a hand.

2 General on-disk data organization

On the disk, the file you are working on will look exactly as you expect and hasn't got a single bit different that what you would get using the regular API. But, besides the working file, you will find a directory named after it where the journaling information lives.

Inside, there are two kind of files: the lock file and transaction files. The first one is used as a general lock and holds the next transaction ID to assign, and there is only one; the second one holds one transaction, which is composed by a header of fixed size and a variable-size payload, and can be as many as in-flight transactions.

This impose some restrictions to the kind of operations you can perform over a file while it's currently being used: you can't move it (because the journal directory name depends on the filename) and you can't unlink it (for similar reasons).

This warnings are no different from a normal simultaneous use under classic UNIX environments, but they are here to remind you that even tho the library warantees a lot and eases many things from its user (specially from complex cases, like multiple threads using the file at the same time), you should still be careful when doing strange things with files while working on them.

2.1 The transaction file

The transaction file is composed of two main parts: the header and the payload.

The header holds basic information about the transaction itself, including the ID, some flags, the offset to commit to and the lenght of the data. The payload holds the data, in three parts: user-defined data, previous data, and real data.

User-defined data is not used by the library itself, but it's a space where the user can save private data that can be useful later. Previous data is saved by the library prior applying the commit, so transactions can be rollbacked. Real data is just the data to save to the disk, and it is saved because if a crash occurs when while we are applying the transaction we can recover gracefuly.

3 The commit procedure

We call "commit" to the action of safely and atomically write some given data to the disk.

The former, safely, means that after a commit has been done we can assume the data will not get lost and can be retrieved, unless of course some major event happens (like a hardware failure). For us, this means that the data was effectively written to the disk and if a crash occurs after the commit operation has returned, the operation will be complete and data will be available from the file.

The latter, atomically, warantees that the operation is either completely done, or not done at all. This is a really common word, specially if you have worked with multiprocessing, and should be quite familiar. We implement atomicity by combining fine-grained locks and journaling, which can assure us both to be able to recover from crashes, and to have exclusive access to a portion of the file without having any other transaction overlap it.

Well, so much for talking, now let's get real; libjio applies commits in a very simple and straightforward way, inside jtrans_commit():

This may look as a lot of steps, but they're not as much as it looks like inside the code, and allows a recovery from interruptions in every step of the way (or even in the middle of a step).

4 The rollback procedure

First of all, rollbacking is like ``undo'' a commit: return the data to the state it had exactly before a given commit was applied. Due to the way we handle commits, doing this operation becomes quite simple and straightforward.

In the previous section we said that each transaction held, besides the data to commit to the disk, the data that was on it before commiting. That data is saved precisely to be able to rollback. So, to rollback a transaction all that has to be done is recover that ``previous data'' from the transaction we want to rollback, and save it to the disk. In the end, this ends up being a new transaction with the previous data as the new one, so we do that: create a new transaction structure, fill in the data from the transaction we want to rollback, and commit it. All this is performed by jtrans_rollback().

By doing this we can provide the same warranties a commit has, it's really fast, eases the recovery, and the code is simple and clean. What a deal.

But be aware that rollbacking is dangerous. And I really mean it: you should only do it if you're really sure it's ok. Consider, for instance, that you commit transaction A, then B, and then you rollback A. If A and B happen to touch the same portion of the file, the rollback will, of course, not return the state previous to B, but previous to A. If it's not done safely, this can lead to major corruption. Now, if you add to this transactions that extend the file (and thus rollbacking truncates it back), you not only have corruption but data loss. So, again, be aware, I can't stress this enough, rollback only if you really really know what you are doing.

5 The recovery procedure

Recovering from crashes is done by the jfsck() call (or the program jiofsck which is just a simple invocation to that function), which opens the file and goes through all transactions in the journal (remember that transactions are removed from the journal directory after they're applied), loading and rollbacking them if necessary. There are several steps where it can fail: there could be no journal, a given transaction file might be corrupted, incomplete, and so on; but in the end, there are two cases regarding each transaction: either it's complete and can be rollbacked, or not.

In the case the transaction is not complete, there is no possibility that it has been partially applied to the disk, remember that, from the commit procedure, we only apply the transaction after saving it in the journal, so there is really nothing left to be done. So if the transaction is complete, we only need to rollback.

In any case, after making the recovery you can simply remove the journal entirely and let the library create a new one, and you can be sure that transaction atomicity was preserved.

6 High-level functions

We call high-level functions to the ones provided by the library that emulate the good old unix file manipulation calls. Most of them are just wrappers around commits, and implement proper locking when operating in order to allow simultaneous operations (either across threads or processes). They are described in detail in the manual pages, we'll only list them here for completion:

7 ACID (or How does libjio fit into theory)

I haven't read much theory about this, and the library was implemented basically by common sense and not theorethical study.

However, I'm aware that database people like ACID (well, that's not news for anybody ;), which they say mean "Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability" (yeah, right!).

So, even libjio is not a purely database thing, it can be used to achieve those attributes in a simple and efficient way.

Let's take a look one by one:

8 Working from outside

If you want, and are careful enough, you can safely do I/O without using the library. Here I'll give you some general guidelines that you need to follow in order to prevent corruption. Of course you can bend or break them according to your use, this is just a general overview on how to interact from outside.

About this document ...

libjio - A library for journaled I/O

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