git » apparmor

AppArmor profiles

git clone

commits (master)
2024-05-19 irssi: Allow access to terminfo data Alberto Bertogli master
2015-01-10 rtorrent: Allow use of openssl files Alberto Bertogli
2014-11-15 Add a reduced profile for lynx Alberto Bertogli
2014-11-15 Add leafnode Alberto Bertogli
2014-11-15 firefox: Allow access to /run/user/ Alberto Bertogli
2014-11-10 irssi: Allow reading the global config Alberto Bertogli
2014-07-28 Firefox/Iceweasel plugin container needs openssl.cnf Alberto Bertogli
2014-06-28 Firefox/Iceweasel 30.0 moved the plugin container binary Alberto Bertogli
2014-04-09 Add bogofilter Alberto Bertogli
2014-04-09 Add iceweasel, irssi and rtorrent Alberto Bertogli

tree (master)
usr.bin.bogofilter 404
usr.bin.iceweasel 3687
usr.bin.irssi 463
usr.bin.lynx 236
usr.bin.rtorrent 441
usr.sbin.leafnode 281
