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2008-09-06 Only handle comments when they are enabled Alberto Bertogli unstable
2008-09-06 Use the vars' version when building the comment link Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-06 sanitize() must only be called on strings Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-06 Create the comments directory for an article if it doesn'... Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-06 Fix valid_link() to avoid scheme repetition Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-06 Fix links to articles in the list view Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-05 Simplify captcha configuration Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-05 Use decorator syntax Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-01 Make the cached() decorator take into account all arguments Alberto Bertogli
2008-09-01 Improve cache_path option comments Alberto Bertogli
2008-08-31 Fix 80 chars column limit Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-31 Add basic caching support to restructured text rendering Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-31 Add the total render time as a comment when handling CGI Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-25 Add post preview Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-12 Disable unsecure rst directives for online commenting Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-12 Be aware of rst parsing errors with no line information Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-12 Remove \r (use unix style end of lines) from comments body Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-13 Store the sanitized form data when commenting online Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-10 Add (customizable) captcha support Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-10 Validate link form field when adding a comment online Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-09 Add form error reporting to online comments Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-10 Make the comment author a link only if the comment has a ... Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-09 Search for the right template name when rendering the com... Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-07 Add online commenting support Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-07 Add a configuration option to enable the comments support Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Show comments when displaying a single article Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Add basic comments support Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Don't store leading slashes for paths in the article's DB Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Use os.path.join() to build filenames Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Rename DB to ArticleDB Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Properly translate HTML entities in user inputs when rend... Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Strip article's haders values Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-06 Add created and updated as optional parameters to Article... Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-05 Remove dead code Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-05 Move docutils rendering bits to a helper function Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-04 Avoid code repetition by adding a helper function Templat... Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-05 Avoid code repetition by adding Article.to_vars() method Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-08 Make default template Use XHTML 1.0 Strict Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-08 Remove <br/>s to make the default template more XHTML 1.0... Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-08 Use text/css as Content-type when rendering the style sheet Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-07 Use a fixed width in the default style sheet Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-04 Apply os.path.realpath() to *_path config variables to su... Leandro Lucarella
2008-08-04 Make blitiri.cgi work as a symlink Leandro Lucarella
2008-03-11 Add a "list" view to list all articles. Alberto Bertogli
2007-05-22 Relax config import to make it usable. Alberto Bertogli
2007-05-22 Be more verbose with article path errors. Alberto Bertogli
2007-05-22 Add coding:utf8 to the sample config file. Alberto Bertogli
2007-05-22 Initial commit. Alberto Bertogli

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