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2023-02-19 ci: Always check for latest Go version in govulncheck Alberto Bertogli master next
2023-02-19 modules: Update to latest versions Alberto Bertogli
2023-01-28 test: Update coverage tests to Go 1.20 Alberto Bertogli
2023-01-28 test: Add tests for bad configuration files Alberto Bertogli
2023-01-28 config: Simplify String conversion Alberto Bertogli
2023-01-22 Update dependencies Alberto Bertogli
2022-12-28 debug: Get build info from Go's runtime/debug package Alberto Bertogli
2022-12-06 modules: Update dependencies to the latest versions Alberto Bertogli
2022-11-13 nettrace: Tidy up templates, and include all links Alberto Bertogli
2022-11-13 nettrace: Fix up the test server Alberto Bertogli
2022-11-13 nettrace: Improve documentation Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-15 server: Add test for raw connections to TLS backends Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-15 autocert: Add test for requests to an unknown domain Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-15 server: Add test cases for initialization errors Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-15 config: Extend tests for invalid data Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-14 Reduce log.Fatalf calls to make code easier to test Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-13 modules: Update to latest versions Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-13 doc: Add missing ')' Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-13 debug: Dark mode on the home page Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-13 debug: Remove unused link Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-08 Add a `make install` target and update instructions Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-08 doc: Add configuration examples Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-08 Move reference config from etc/ to config/ Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-08 etc: Simplify systemd example config Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-07 test: Add GitHub Actions configuration Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-07 test: Add missing authdb.yaml file Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-06 fileserver: Simplify path cleanup logic Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-06 reqlog: Remove obsolete TODO Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-06 reqlog: Add tests for corner cases of the helper functions Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-06 fileserver: Add tests for helper functions Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-05 debug: Test debug server's home page Alberto Bertogli
2022-10-05 config: Add tests to cover error cases Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-29 http: Implement automatic SSL certificates (ACME) support Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-29 test: Move utilities to their own directories Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-27 README: Update install instructions Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-25 nettrace: Add benchmarks for New/Finish, and Printf Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-25 trace: Only call log.Log if it's going to be useful Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-25 trace: Remove obsolete Trace.Debugf function Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-25 test/perf: Write text content instead of \0s Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-25 test/perf: Adjust parameters for more consistent results Alberto Bertogli
2022-09-24 etc: Update cue schema to the newer syntax Alberto Bertogli
2022-08-28 test: Use our own generate_cert helper Alberto Bertogli
2022-08-27 test: Fix -configprint comparison Alberto Bertogli
2022-08-27 modules: Update dependencies to the latest versions Alberto Bertogli
2022-08-27 debug: Minor tweaks to the debugging home page Alberto Bertogli
2022-03-20 trace: Replace x/net/trace with our own tracing library Alberto Bertogli
2022-03-20 test: Remove IDNA support from generate_cert.go Alberto Bertogli
2021-12-22 modules: Update to more recent versions Alberto Bertogli
2021-04-07 http: Extend default timeout to 60s Alberto Bertogli
2021-04-07 http proxy: Support the Flusher interface Alberto Bertogli

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