git » libjio » commit 23da72a

libjio.h: Add J_EIO to jfsck()'s documentation

author Alberto Bertogli
2009-08-02 00:59:16 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2009-08-02 08:00:19 UTC
parent e1bf1a6012134f673f137745c0d3cbd7f5169b40

libjio.h: Add J_EIO to jfsck()'s documentation

Signed-off-by: Alberto Bertogli <>

libjio/libjio.h +1 -1

diff --git a/libjio/libjio.h b/libjio/libjio.h
index 0f2e4a3..f1dc65d 100644
--- a/libjio/libjio.h
+++ b/libjio/libjio.h
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ int jfs_autosync_stop(jfs_t *fs);
  * 	values from enum jfsck_return: J_ENOENT if there was no such file with
  * 	the given name, J_ENOJOURNAL if there was no journal at the given
  * 	jdir, J_ENOMEM if memory could not be allocated, J_ECLEANUP if there
- * 	was an error cleaning the journal.
+ * 	was an error cleaning the journal, J_EIO if there was an I/O error.
  * @ingroup check
 enum jfsck_return jfsck(const char *name, const char *jdir,