git » pygen » master

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2023-08-23 Update samples to python3, and fix print statement Alberto Bertogli master
2023-08-23 Adjust isinstance(..., file) to Python 3 Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-23 Use python3 as the interpreter Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-23 Auto-format code with `black -l 78` Alberto Bertogli
2023-08-23 Convert to Python 3 Alberto Bertogli
2011-05-15 Fix is_newer_than() when the destination does not exist Alberto Bertogli
2011-03-28 Do not break with sub-second resolution timestamps Alberto Bertogli
2008-12-23 Fix pygen invocation in the "samples" directory. Alberto Bertogli
2007-09-01 Make pygen executable. Alberto Bertogli
2007-09-01 Implement exclusion lists. Alberto Bertogli
2006-07-31 Remove symlinks before creating them. Alberto Bertogli darcs_import
2006-03-07 Add src_mtime to the execution environment. Alberto Bertogli
2006-03-07 Improve directory mtime preservation. Alberto Bertogli
2006-03-07 Preserve generated files' mtime. Alberto Bertogli
2006-03-07 Preserve directories' modification time. Alberto Bertogli
2006-03-07 Initial import. Alberto Bertogli

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