git » pyweave » master

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2010-04-07 Improve debug() and add some messages (not shown by defau... Alberto Bertogli master
2010-04-07 Fix fromform() when no parameters are passed Alberto Bertogli
2010-02-01 Do not output debug information by default Alberto Bertogli
2009-11-11 Add the README file Alberto Bertogli
2009-11-11 Support the 1.0 protocol version Alberto Bertogli
2009-09-29 Wrap the main code in "if __name__ == '__main__'" Alberto Bertogli
2009-09-29 Split handle_cgi() into per-method functions Alberto Bertogli
2009-09-29 Implement user locking Alberto Bertogli
2009-09-29 Use network byte order for the whoisi responses Alberto Bertogli
2009-09-28 Add sort parameter to the delete command Alberto Bertogli
2009-09-28 Remove unused imports, and import only known variables fr... Alberto Bertogli
2009-09-28 Initial commit Alberto Bertogli

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